chapter 8 {the talk}

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you walk out of prison and drive back to your house. it was always nice to talk with your uncle, he really seemed to understand you, well with most things anyway. as you get home you grab some stuff and put it in your bag. to be honest this house felt really empty, it was quite big and everything you could ever wish for but it didn't feel like home yet. to be honest New York itself didn't feel like home anymore, you just saw the things you lost. you got ready to go fly back to LA. you lock your door when you hear a familiar voice say. "hey y/n, how are you?" you turn around and see Sebastian's mom stand on the sidewalk, she lived one block away from you. "hey miss Stan" you say smiling at her "i'm good how are you". you loved it that she always was so excited to see you even tho you and Sebastian split up. you talked to her for a bit, talking about how you got a role for the movie and how Sebastian was doing. "are you back together again?" she asked you out of nowhere "he still really likes you" his mom said which caught you a bit of guard. "oh, uhm" you said, at that moment your taxi rounds the corner. "i, have to go. have a nice day" you say to her as you step in. "you too" she said before she started to walk away.

the whole fight to LA you thought about what Sebastian's mom said, did he really still like you that way. you shook the thought of your mind, you were going on a date with Chris. Sebastian was in the past now, well at least you hoped so. you land a few hour later and take a cab back to set. you get to your trailer, it was nice that you had your own now. you put your stuff away and walked outside again, when you saw Chris walking by. "hi Chris" you said excitedly as you walk up to him. "hey you're back" he said hugging you. "how was New York?" he asked. "good" you say shortly. looking up at him before you pace a soft kiss on his lips. "missed that" he says as you let go. "so when's our date then, you had the whole weekend to think about it" you said grinning at him. "oh i think you'll like it. you're off tomorrow right?" he asked. "yes i think so" you said smiling being excited about it. "alright be ready at 4 tomorrow then" he said. "alright, so what are we gonna do now?" you ask him. "hmmm i have an idea" he says as he grabs your face and kisses you again.

"y/n!" you hear someone yell as Chris let's go of you. you look at Sebastian who looked angry. "we need to talk now" he said strictly. shit he seemed mad what could he be mad about. you looked at Chris, he kind of looked like he knew what this was about. "what's this about?" you ask him confused and a little anxious now. "i prefer talking to you in private" Sebastian said as he looked up to Chris. "can't we talk here?" you ask, now really nervous as you start to fidget with your hands. "no we can't" Sebastian said with a softer tone now, seeing he was making you nervous. "okay" you say softly as you walk with him to a nearby spot giving you some privacy.

"what did you do in New York?" he asked. "i needed to get some clothes from home" you answer him. "alright better question, who did you go to see?" he asked. "no one" you said acting dumb. "don't play fucking dumb with me y/n, did you go to see your FUCKING UNCLE ?" he asked. you've never seen him so mad before. "i, u uhm" you said not knowing what to say. "did you!" he now yells at you. which made you angry now to. "yes i fucking did, so what!" you now yell back. he looks at you with shocked eyes, not in a million years did he expect you to ever see your uncle again after what he did to you. "so what?! that man almost fucking killed you y/n, why the fuck did you go to see him?" he said still angry but more confused now. "because he, just" you said not getting out of your words.

"you fucking changed y/n i can't fucking believe it" he said looking away like he couldn't look at you anymore. "you've gone fucking insane" he said an angry look in his eyes, yet also a bit of hurt. "don't you fucking dare say that again, i changed because i had too, i fucking adapted my fucking life so it would be better for me. just because you don't like it doesn't mean you get to fucking judge me for it, you have no idea how hard it's been for me!" you now yell as you feel tears prickle in your eyes. "i just don't understand, why y/n, why do you spend time with a fucking murderer!?"he asks you again. it now made your eyes tear up. "because he's the only one i have left okay! i know what he did but i don't have anyone else!" you say now bursting out in tears.

"you have me" Sebastian said now in a soft and caring tone. "no i fucking hadn't, you left!" you yell back angrily yet sad as all the old memories come to the service. you see the answer hurt him. "what about Kayla?" he asked you. "her dad got a job in Spain so she moved there 2 weeks after you left" you tell him. you see his face change completely, only now realizing how hard it must have been for you. "omg y/n why didn't you tell me" he said now softly as he wraps you in his arms, as he holds you tightly to him for a moment. "would you have cared" you said as you pushes him away a little. "of course i would have y/n" he says hurt in his eyes. "yeah sure" you say not believing him. "i would have y/n" he says again. "yeah, then why didn't you just show up in court when i fucking needed you. you knew how hard that was for me and you didn't fucking show up!" you now yell at him as tears still roll over your cheeks. "y/n i, i" he says looking down "i still haven't forgiven myself for that eighter, so it would be unfair if i asked that of you. but you have to believe me y/n i was planning on coming but it just" he says. "but you were just too fucking busy" you say still hurt. "fuck i know i can't turn back time y/n but i'm so, so fucking sorry" he says as a tear rolls down his face. "i know" you say, seeing how it also hurt him, thinking about the past.

"can we just start over?" you ask him after a short moment of silence. Sebastian lifts his head up, the sight made you emotional as you see the regret in his eyes. "yes i would really like that" he says. you walk over to him and throw your hands tightly around him, planning on never letting him go again. he hugs you back tightly placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "i'm always gonna be here for you y/n i promise" he says as you both just hold each other.

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