chapter 9 {the date}

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you look in the mirror, you wore a sundress and you wore your hair up in a messy bun. Chris was taking you out for a date and you were really exited what he had planned for you. you hear a knock on the door and you open it. "well hello" Chris said as you opened the door "you look beautiful". "you don't look so bad yourself " you say back smiling. "can you walk in those shoes?" he asked. "yes i can" you say grinning. "alright shall we go then?" he said putting his arm out for you. "yes let's go" you said smiling like crazy. you walked for a bit when you came on the top of the hill, where there was a blanket laying on the ground with a basket on it. "after you" he said smiling. you sat down and looked at the view. "it's beautiful isn't it?" he asked as he came sitting next to you, seeing you're lost in the beautiful view of LA. "yeah, i never noticed how beautiful it was here" you say, not taking your eyes off of the view.

Chris opens the basket and fills 2 glasses with wine and hands one to you. "so y/n tell me about yourself" he says. "where do i start" you say jokingly. "where did you grow up?" he asked. "i grew up in a small town in the Netherlands" you say "where did you grow up? ". "Boston" he told you "any siblings?" you asked him. "yeah i have 2 sisters and a brother" he told you. "big family" you say smiling to him. "yeah" he says "do you have any siblings?". "no i was an only child" you tell him. "wasn't that lonely growing up?" he asked. "well no, i never knew differently, so i have nothing to compare it to. i wished i had someone when my parents died tho" you say immediately regretting bringing it up. "how did they die, if you don't mind me asking. i heard Sebastian mention they were murdered" Chris says. shit, why did Sebastian had to tell him. "yeah, yeah they were murdered" you say looking down. Chris places his hand on yours, 'i'm sorry" he says. "it's happened a long time ago, but it's still hard sometimes" you tell him. "i can imagine" he says as he slowly rubs over your hand.

"did you and Sebastian talk stuff out" Chris asked after a moment of silence. "yeah we actually threw all the frustration out, that we still had" you tell him. "yeah he mentioned you didn't had a lot of contact for a while" he says. "yeah we used to be really close but things happened and you know, but i think we're good now, we had a good talk yesterday" you say smiling up at him. "good" Chris said smiling. "so how was your weekend in New York?" he asked. "exhausting to be honest" you say. "why?" he asked. "it's just. you know i moved there because i needed a fresh start. and well it was nice living there for a while but, it just doesn't really feel like home anymore. there is nothing keeping me there, you know" you never told anyone this and it scared the shit out of you. what if he wasn't that different from Sebastian, what if he leaves you too if he gets another job. or maybe this one would get even crazier and he doesn't have time for you either.

"what's going on in that head of yours, i see the wheels turning up there" he says smiling kindly to you. "oh nothing, i just haven't dated in a long time and you know, i'm not used to sharing personal stuff. i guess it just scares me a bit" you say honestly. "we'll take it slow if you want, we don't have to rush anything" he says. you smile at him "no that's not it, i just need to get used to this again" you say "besides i think people who take it slow don't kiss before they even been on a date". "good point" Chris said smiling "i just really like kissing you". "yeah, show me then" you say grinning. Chris grabs your chin and pulls you closer to him. but before he kisses you he whispers "i really like you y/n". his lips touch yours and at first the kiss is slow and passioned, but it soon becomes more hungry. he pushes you down slowly, so you're now laying down and he hovers over you kissing you deeply. you moan into his mouth and you feel him smile against your lips before he slips his tongue in. you feel his hand on your leg going higher and higher, and he slowly lifts your dress up, gabbing your ass tightly. you put your hand on his and slide it down a little "we can't do this here" you whisper as you let go to breath. "why not, there's no one here" he whisper back before his lips are on yours again.

the though actually exited you more than you would have thought. he kisses you and his hands find your ass again, making you moan at the touch. as he let's go he grins at you and takes his shirt off. you look over at him, he looked so fucking good, those muscles. "like what you see?" Chris asked confidently as he sees you're staring. "yes" you say as you bite your lip. Chris' lips are on yours again in a heated kiss. you feel his cock grow hard, pressing against your leg. then his hand leaves your ass as he grabs the band of your panties before he slowly removes them. you gasp as he rubs your clit slowly. "seems like this turns you on too" he whispers "already so wet for me". the words let another moan escape your lips. he starts to rub your clit a little faster and you whimper in delight as bursts of pleasure spark inside of you. he then slowly slides 2 fingers in you making you moan louder. Chris' lips meet yours in a feverish kiss, all tongue and teeth. you pull him closer to you as you moan into his mouth. "are you gonna come for me?" he whispers in your ear as he moves his finger faster. you throw your head back in pleasure, as he stars thrusting his fingers harder and faster into you. with a cry you fall over the edge "fuck, yes". ecstasy floods your body until you're left spent and breathless. you smile as you meet Chris' gaze.

Chris lays down next to you but you're not done with him. you unbuckle his belt and remove his jeans before you sit down on his lap. you pull him up to you and you kiss him hard, your tongues dancing around one another. you let go and slide his boxers down. "you're so beautiful" Chris breathes out. "you're so hot" you whisper back. Chris' hands disappear under your dress and finds your breast massaging them and pinching your nipples a little. you rock your hips back and forth, teasing him. "oh fuck y/n" Chris groans. you then grab his cock and lower yourself onto it making you moan out loud. "oh fuck" Chris curses, his hands grabbing your waist tightly guiding you down. after you get used to his size you slowly start to move. but as your need for more overtakes you, you start to thrust hard on top of his dick. Chris groans and digs his fingers deeper into your skin. "fuck, yes" you almost scream out. "yes baby, fuck" you hear him groan.

Chris moves you down, so you are the one laying down as he gets on top of you. he thrust into you harder and deeper groaning against your shoulder. pleasure bursts though you with each trust of his dick. "fuck, yes...i'm close" you breath out. Chris' hand finds your clit and he starts rubbing it while still thrusting hard and deep into you. the pressure builds in the pit of your stomach and both of you hungrily groan, eager to find release. your thighs spasm in response as Chris' cock throbs inside you. "Chris, yes" you scream out in pleasure. "come on, come for me" he groans. with one more thrust, delirious ecstasy floods your senses and you come with a loud cry " fuck yes!". your thighs shake and your muscles clench around his cock. Chris continues to thrust into you, making you whimper from pleasure. "oh, fuck, i-i'm" you breath out at the over stimulation. "fuck, i'm almost.." Chris breaths out before he comes too.

you both cling to each other, catching your breath and basking in the afterglow. after a minute or 2 he slowly pulls out of you. you meet his gaze and smile at him as he smiles back. "that was...amazing" you say, still a little out of breath. "yeah it was" he says as he puts a strand of hair away from your face. "you're so fucking beautiful" he says softly. you blush at his words. "thanks" you say whispering. Chris puts his boxers and pants back on while you pull your panties back on. Chris pulls you down to sit next to him as you just sit there wrapped in each other's arms, watching the sun set in LA.

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