chapter 5 {night out}

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your pov

you were sitting outside just playing your guitar when Sebastian came back, he looked really tired. "hey, how did it go?" you ask him. he collapses down in the chair next to you with a loud sigh. "it went well, but i'm wrecked" he says. "i can see" you say smiling at him. he shifts in his seat to sit up straighter and see his muscles hurt. "here let me" you say grabbing your chair and putting his feet on it. then you stand behind him and begin massaging his shoulders. he relaxes in your touch "ah that's so nice" he sighs out. "oh can you do me too?" Chris says smiling as he walks up to you 2. "no she's my massager for today, get your own" Sebastian jokes. "how come you don't look as wrecked as seb?" you ask him. "cuz i'm better at this as seb" Chris jokes, while Sebastian gives Chris a friendly death stare. "no he had a lot of physical stunts today, i just had my stunt double do most of the heavy work. so for me it was just a lot of running" he says. "what was the scene about?" you ask them. "oh it was really cool" Sebastian say enthusiastically. "it was on this bridge and they had it cleared out just for us, it was so cool" he says giving all the details, you could really hear he loved this work. which made you smile, you loved that he was so passionate about it.

"so what did you do today" Sebastian said throwing his head back to look at you. "worked on some new songs, and called someone for some new merch ideas" you tell him. "what's the song about?" Chris asked. "reconnecting with old friends" you say smiling to Sebastian, who smiled widely back at you. "so" you say stepping back from Sebastian "any plans for the evening?". "not me i'm gonna rest for the rest of the day" Sebastian said, making you and Chris laugh at how dramatic he was being. "i was actually thinking about going out tonight, care to join me?" Chris asked you. "yeah sure, that would be fun. you could take me up on that drink you promised me" you said teasingly. "that's exactly what i was thinking. you sure you don't want to join seb? " Chris asked him. "nah, you guys have fun" he said with a look you couldn't quite place but you were glad he wasn't coming.

you get ready to go out, you didn't really had clothes with you for clubbing, but this had to do. you and Chris took a cab to a club nearby and walked in. "let me take you up on that drink" Chris said dragging you with him to the bar. you order drinks and talk about all sort of things. after you had more than enough drinks he sticked his hand out and asked "care to join me on the dance floor?". you put your hand in his and follow him down to the middle of the dance floor and the 2 of you start dancing like idiots. you haven't had this much fun in a long while. you probably had one to many drinks because you lost your balance and tripped. lucky Chris catches you. "thanks" you say looking up to him. "you have really beautiful eyes" you say staring at them, making Chris smile. "thanks you have really beautiful eyes too, well i think you're really beautiful in general" he says, which made realize you were now really close to him now. he still had his arms wrapped around you. you close the space between you and kiss him softly, as you let go you blush. "come on let's get another drink" Chris says taking you over to the bar again.

Sebastian's pov

you were ready to get to bed when there was a knock on the door. you open it and find Chris with a clearly drunk y/n standing next to him. she could barely stand by herself. "i think she had a drink or 2 too many" he says smiling at you. you take y/n from him and lead her inside. "goodnight" you hear Chris say, clearly he had too much to drink too. you close the door without saying anything, actually being a little mad at Chris for letting y/n drink so much. you sit her down on the bed and hand her a glass of water. "here, drink" you tell her. "no i don't want it" she says giggling. "y/n come on, you're gonna thank me for this in the morning". she drinks the water and then stands up, walking towards the bathroom. "here let me help" you say wanting to grab her arm but she pushes it away. "i can do it myself" she says a little irritated now. she then speeds up and runs to the toilet. you follow her quickly and hold her hair back as she throws up.

"how much did you drink?" you ask her irritated as she stands up again. "i have no idea, what do you care" she says back, as she walks to the bedroom. "y/n how much did you have to drink?" you ask her now angry, but not so much at her, more at Chris for letting this happen. "can i just have a fun time, let me just live my life!" she now yells. this was not at all the y/n you got to know all those years ago. "what the fuck happened to you" you yell back at her, hating the way she changed. "you fucking left me!" she now yells angry. "y/n i" "NO you fucking left me, and you ask me what happened to me. the love of my life left me alone, by myself while he was living his dream! and you dare ask me what happened, that happened seb!" she yells as tears form in her eyes. "i'm so sorry y/n" you say walking up to her as she sits down on the bed.

"why didn't you try?" she asked you now more sad than angry. "why didn't i try what?" you asked confused. "why didn't you try to get me back" she says softly looking to the ground as you sit down next to her. "i thought you didn't want to" you say not looking at her. "of course i wanted to, I just wanted you to make some time for me, not much just 5 minutes out of your day to just tell me how you were doing" she says as tears stream down her face now. "i'm so sorry" you say to her as you lay down in your bed, wrapping her up in your arms as she cried. "i'm sorry, i didn't know. i thought, you didn't love me anymore" you say. "of course i still fucking loved you. i still do" she says as she looks up at you. your eyes grow big at her confession and you softly kiss her lips. "i love you y/n" you say before the both of you fall asleep in each other's arms. 

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