ending {sebastian}

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*read the previous chapter for Chris' ending*

you knock on his door. "hey" he said smiling when he opened the door. "hey, i made up my mind, i want to be with you" you say before you kiss him. Sebastian kisses you deeply. "i fucking love you" he says as he looks deep into your eyes. you feel butterflies in your stomach. "i love you too" you say before you pull him closer to kiss you again, this kiss is full of passion, you 2 were defiantly making up for lost time. He slowly pulls away looking at you with so much intensity and lust, you want him to take you here and now. "jump" he groans. You jump and he caught your legs, you wrap them around him as he walks in and closes the door behind him. he pushes you against the door, grinding into your core. You fingers tangle in his hair, tugging it a little making him let out a throaty groan. You moaned at the sound and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues fighting for dominance and he won. He pulls you of the wall and sits you down on the closes place he could find, the kitchen counter.

He lifts your shirt up, attaching his lips to your again as soon as it's off. You run your hands over his chest and then move down to his groin, palming him. He moaned and started rubbing your core thought your shorts. You remove his shirt as he starts kissing down your neck to your breast as you unbuckled his jeans. He unclasps your bra and starts sucking your breasts, moving up to your neck to leave a hickey there "now everyone will know your mine" he breathed out. He unzipped your pants and took them of with your panties. "so wet for me already" he breaths out hungrily before he licks your core. Your finger lace into his hair again as he works wonders with his tongue. "oh fuck" you moan out, and you feel him chuckle against your core, making you close to your release. "oh fuck seb.." you moan out. You gasp as you feel his fingers slide into you, while he sucks hard on your clit. "oh shit...yes!" you almost yell out.

Just as your about to come he stops. "seb" you whine at him. "I want to be inside you when you cum baby" he says smirking at you. He get's rid of his jeans and boxers, his hard erection sprang up and hit his stomach. You moan at the sight. "you want this baby" he asked teasingly as he sees you are dispirit for him. You nod "yes..please". "oh I'm gonna make you feel so god, you're not gonna be able to walk tomorrow" he says and without warning thrust into you hard. You moan as he kept trusting into you at a fast pace hitting your g-spot every time, he knew your body so well, even after almost 3 years. "fuck .. yes" you moan out.

His hand found your throat and he gently squeezes it "tell me who's making you moan baby, who makes you feel this good" he groans. You feel your orgasm rise up inside of you "y-you" you stutter out, not able to keep it in much longer. "who?" he asked mockingly, wanted to hear it again. "you, sebastian, you!" you yelled out as he hits that spot inside you again. "f-fuck" you moan as you're close. "you're gonna cum for me?" he asks whispering into your ear. You nod your head not able to speak, to lost in the overwhelming pleasure. "fucking say my name as you cum" he whispers as he speeds up. "f-fuck..yes, Sebastian!" you scream out as you come hard. A few seconds later you feel a hot liquid filling you up as Sebastian comes with a loud groan. "fuck y/n" he breaths out "I fucking love you". "I love you too seb, forever" you whisper to him before he kisses you deeply. "ready for round 2" he says grinning.

a year later

"you're doing great baby" Sebastian says as he kisses your forehead. "i love you" he says before the room fills with crying "it's a girl" the nurse says. your baby is places in your arms and you and seb look at your daughter lovingly. "she is so beautiful" Sebastian whispers. "yeah she is" you say feeling absolutely drained, but somehow, having your daughter in your arms makes everything better. "do you guys have a name for her?" the nurse asked. "yeah" Sebastian says "Mia". you smile at Sebastian, feeling truly happy in this moment.

a few days later you sit at home, when there is a knock on the door. "there are the happy parents" Chris says as he walks in. "hey Chris" you say smiling at him. "hey mommy" he says jokingly "how are you?". "i'm good, tired. but good" you say. "good" Chris says hugging you. you were great friends with Chris, it was a bit awkward in the beginning but you figured it out. then Sebastian walks in with Mia in his arms. "you wanna hold her?" he asked Chris. "yeah of course" Chris says happily. Sebastian places Mia in Chris' arms "oh look at you, you're so cute" Chris says holding her.

"so how is the wedding planning going?" he asked you. "oh we haven't started yet, were to busy with this little one here to think about the wedding" you tell him. "i can imagine" Chris says. Sebastian asked you to marry him shortly after you told him you were pregnant. it's been a busy year, but so amazing. "i'm really happy for you guys" Chris says with a genuine smile on his face. "thanks, that means a lot" you say smiling to him. 

a few months later you are ready to finally live your life as y/n Stan. you walk up to the alter where Sebastian stood in his suit, god you still couldn't believe this man was actually in love with you. you see a tear stream down his face as he sees you, which of course made you cry. the ceremony was beautiful and you couldn't believe it, but you really felt like you were the happiest girl in the world.

The end

*curious to the ending with Chris, read the previous chapter*

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