CHAPTER 1 - maths

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i rest my head on my palm, leaning on the table. picking up my pen, i twirl it around my fingers, peter looking at me. "that's distracting." he says, so i continue doing it. "hey, sorry i'm late to maths guys. just got told last minute that there would be a new student in our class, so it'd be greatly appreciated if you could respect her." miss miller says, slightly fixing her brown hair. i look up from my pen, leaning back on my chair. miss miller motions her hand at the door in a 'come' motion, and my eyes gaze to the door. a figure walks in the room, and they turn to the class, waving awkwardly. i slightly smile at the second hand embarrassment and the teacher speaks. "go on, introduce yourself." she says, standing beside the girl. i look her up and down, examining her. around 5'6, brown hair, blue eyes, the rest? undetermined under the black mask. "o-oh, i'm kate, kate bishop. hi everyone." she says, looking at everyone. we meet eye contact and i look down at my empty book. the class is silent, and miller clears her throat, before she's interrupted by loud, thudding footsteps.

"sorry i'm late! won't happen again." flash yells as he runs into the classroom out of breath. "this is the sixth time, mr thompson. next time will be a phone call home. and wear your mask on properly, it's no use under your chin!" miss says, the girl still standing there, stiff as a pencil. "of course, miss mi-" he cuts himself off, as he meets mine and peter's table. he leans one hand on my side of the table, dark brown hair slightly glistening with sweat. "morning, y/n." he smirks, and i mentally roll my eyes. "flash." i say, greeting him slightly. "hey, penis parker!" he says, snickering. peter doesn't say anything, and he looks back at me. "spare seat next to me if you wanna sit there some time." he says, walking to his seat. "kate, sit anywhere you'd like." miller says to her quietly, kate scanning the room. she picks an empty table, sitting down and placing her bag on the seat next to her. "who's kate?" flash asks. "she's new, if you were here earlier you would've known." mj says to him.

the bell rings and i place my books and belongings in my bag, standing up. "will flash ever stop talking in class?" peter says, annoyed as we both stand up. "obviously not." i reply, throwing my backpack over my shoulders. i look behind me, seeing mj talking to the new girl. "whaddya have now?" peter asks, pulling me out of daydream. "i- uh, have english." i say, and peter nods. "cool, i have science. see you later?" he says, and i smile. "yeah, see you recess." i say, and he smiles back, walking out of the classroom with ned.

"y/n, come over here!" mj says, and i turn around, walking to her. "this is kate. kate, meet y/n stark." mj introduces. i'm a few inches taller than kate, about 5'9, comes in handy for volleyball. "hey, nice to meet you." i say, as kate sticks her hand out. "uh... sure." i say, connecting our hands for a shake. how are her hands so soft? "what do you have now?" i ask. "i have english, how about you?" kate asks. "yeah, same. how about you mj?" i look at her. "um... do you know the way to english?" i ask kate. "no, not really." she admits. "alright, i'll show you." i say, walking out, kate and mj behind me

we walk into the halls, seeing people walk past us. "most of the science classes are down this way." i say, turning right, kate and mj on both sides of me. "hey y/n!" someone yells and i stop, looking around. "wanna come to a party tonight? there's gonna be mad drinks there." a guy says, smiling at me. "oh, i'm busy, sorry." i say, and he looks at me, walking around.

"so, mj tells me you're quite the popular girl." kate says. "quite? the most popular girl at this school. all the guys want her- and girls!" mj exclaims, making me roll my eyes. "mj makes it seem like i'm an A-list celebrity. plus, half the time they only like me because of my dad." i say to kate. "wait, your last name's stark, like as in the daughter of the tony stark?" kate asks, face shocked as if she already knew the answer. "yeah, she is. and everyone likes you because you're hot, y/n. in a friend way of course." mj says. "anyways, english class is right here." i say, walking into the classroom. mj and kate sit at a table and i glance around the room, looking for jenna.

 mj and kate sit at a table and i glance around the room, looking for jenna

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this is jenna ortega btw

"hey." she says as i sit down in the seat next to her, placing my bag beside me on the floor. "hey, jenny." i reply, getting my english book out. "stop calling me that, douche. it's jenna." she replies, slightly annoyed. "i'm joking, i know your name, we've been sitting next to each other for 5 weeks. jenny's more fun to say." i reply, smiling. "who's the new girl?" she asks, nodding her head to the right. "oh, that's kate bishop. she just came in maths." "have you talked to her?" "yup, she's quite... curious." i say, seeing at her talking to mj. "she's pretty- from what i see with the mask." jenna says, and i look back to the front. 

i look over at jenna's book, analysing her work. "that's the wrong answer." i say to her, and she looks up at me. "what do you mean?" she asks, looking back at her paper, reading back her work. "that's the wrong answer, i just said. my statement was pretty self explanatory." i say, showing jenna how to do the question.

the bell rings and i groan, packing my stuff up. "see you at chemistry, y/n." jenna says, putting her backpack on her. "see ya, jenny." i say, grinning. she rolls her eyes, smiling at she walks out of the classroom. i see 2 figures walking to me and i side eye them, placing my book in my bag. "hey, y/n!" betty says, waving. "hey, guys." i say, putting my bag on my back. "so... i was gonna have a party at my parents in a week or so, they're out of town later." liz says, smiling. "wanna come? you can bring whoever, i couldn't give two fucks." she continues, shrugging. oh, peter will love this. "yeah, sure, if i can. text me the details." i reply, and she nods, both of them walking away. 

"about time you finished talking to the popular group." mj says as we all walk out of english. 
i talked to them for 10 seconds, mj." i say, walking to the cafeteria. "y'know, i still don't get why you don't hang out with them but instead, us." mj questions. "you guys are cool. don't need to be popular to be cool, do you?" i say, opening the cafeteria doors. my eyes shift to peter and ned, flash standing in front of them. i quickly walk over there, mj and kate talking while walking slowly behind. "hey guys." i say, standing beside peter. "what're you doing here, flash?" i ask, looking at him. "nothing, y/n. just talking to parker here. you comin' to liz's party when she finds a date?" he says, smiling. "um, yeah. if i can." i reply. "speaking of dates..." he says, smirk coming upon his face. "prom, wanna go?" he asks. "prom isn't until the end of the year, flash. we've had 5 weeks at school calm down! and that's not even the right type of date you were talking about." i say, and he nods unconvincingly, walking away to his table, jenna looking at me. i smile, slightly waving. she smiles and waves back, before liz nudges beside her, talking to her.

i sit down next to ned, smiling at them. "guess what, guys." i say excitedly, and peter and ned look at each other confused. "what?" they say at the same time. "as you heard, liz is throwing a party in a week or so. and she says i can invite anyone, she doesn't care who." i say, and peters eyes open wide. "can we come? please!" he begs, making me laugh. "of course." i say, and kate and mj sit across us at the round table.

"oh, by the way ned. this is kate, kate bishop. kate, this is ned leeds." mj says, pointing to one another. "nice to meet you." ned says, putting his hand out across the table. they shake hands, letting go after. "what do you have next?" i ask kate, looking at her. "let me check..." she says, pulling out her phone. a few moments later, she looks up at me, her blue eyes connecting with mine. "i have chemistry, how about you?" she says. "i have chemistry too, do we have the same timetable?" i ask. she hands me her phone and i take mine out comparing them. "we do!" i say, smiling. kate laughs and i hand her phone back to her, putting mine in my pocket. "at least i won't get lost." she says, smiling back.

a/n - first chapter, please vote! decided to add jenna bc she's pretty lol, and btw there's no superheroes in this

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