CHAPTER 20 - big hero six

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the door knocks and i jog to it, my bag hitting my back as i step. i open the door, seeing kate, mj, peter and ned standing there, their cars lined up. "hey guys." i say, stepping to the side to let them in.

we sit on the 'u' shaped couch, my legs stretched down the couch. i pick up the tv remote from the table, turning on the tv. kate's legs stretch next to mine, and i go to netflix. i skim through the movies, trying to find a movie. after a few minutes, i sigh, handing the remote to kate. "pick a movie." i say, and she shakes her head, giving the remote to mj next to her. "i suck at picking movies." she says to me. i smile, pulling out my phone. i go to snapchat, opening kate's snap she sent me in school. i tilt my phone towards her, taking a photo and i send it. kate's phone vibrates, but she doesn't take it out, looking at the phone choice. 

"why'd you give the remote to me?!" peter says, at the end of the line. i lightly chuckle, and i hear footsteps. i sit up slightly, seeing that it's evan, walking towards us. i stand up, going to introduce him. "y/n i-" he says, cutting himself off as he looks at all my friends. "sorry i didn't know you had friends over." he says, standing there awkwardly. kate takes her legs off me and i walk to him, smile on my face. "guys, this is evan." i say, standing beside him. "evan, this is my friends. kate, mj, ned, and peter on the right." i say, pointing to each one of them as i go across the row. "hi, guys." he says, everyone saying hi back.

i turn to him, and he looks at me. "what did you need help with?" i ask a little quiter. "i was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie, but you're with your friends, so it's okay." he says and i smile at an idea. "you can watch with us. we're having a heard time picking a movie, so you can watch with us." i say. "are you...sure?" he says, looking at everyone as they talk. "positive." i say, and we walk over to the couch. "come sit here, evan!" peter says, patting the spot next to him. i smile as evan goes so sit next to peter, and i sit back next to kate, laying my legs out as kate does the same. 

"how about this?" evan says, the remote hovering over 'Big Hero 6'. we all agree and i adjust my position, getting the pillow i was laying on and hugging it as the movie starts. i look at kate and her eyes are fixated on the screen, watching the movie. "i look out the window, seeing the sky black, lit with stars. i turn my gaze back to the tv, watching it.

big hero 6 spoilers!!

kate gasps as she realises hiro's brother died and i look at her, laughing. "you haven't seen the movie?" i whisper. "uh... no?" kate says, looking at me. i smile, and kate rests her head on my shoulder as we continue watching the movie. 

the credits start rolling and kate lifts her head off my shoulder, stretching. "that was a good movie." mj says, and peter quietly shushes her. "y/n, he's sleeping." peter whispers. i stand up, looking at evan, who's asleep, body stretched out on the couch. i smile, moving towards him as peter shuffles towards ned a little. i move my hands under his body, lifting him up carefully. "i'm gonna put him to bed, then i'll come back." i whisper, adjusting him so his body is upright as he leans against my body.

kate's pov

i smile at the sight of y/n and children, watching her as she places her hand on his back, walking away to put him in bed. i turn on my phone, seeing the time was 10:20pm. moments later, y/n comes down, sitting back on the couch. "are your parents not home?" i ask. y/n shakes her head no, speaking. "they're out somewhere." she says, and i nod understandingly. 

y/n's pov

i stare at kate's grey sweats tiredly as i zone out of the conversation everyone's having. now that i think of it, where did mom and dad go? 'out' my ass, since when does dad not tell me things like this?  i think, my heart beating faster as thoughts run through my head a thousand miles per hour. i mean, what's in the future? will we be a happy family? like we were before? or what i thought was a happy family?  i feel kate nudge my arm and i look up, eyebrows raised as if i'm waiting for her to ask me something. "hm?" i say. "you okay?" kate asks. "yeah..." i trail off. "i'm gonna head to bed now, i'm getting tired. there's still spare toothbrushes and stuff in the other room." i say, standing up as kate drops her legs off the couch in order for me to walk past.

i lay in bed after getting ready, staring out the big window. i control my breathing, inhaling through my nose and out of my mouth. after a few minutes, i fall asleep. after a while i'm guessing, i come to my senses as i hear someone open the door, but i don't have the energy to look. the foot steps walk to the bathroom, getting louder as they walk to me after a few minutes. "y/n?" kate's voice whispers, and i see her silhouette stand in front of the bed in front of me. i give a tired hum. "do you mind if i sleep here?" kate whispers. "lay down," i whisper back. kate pulls the blanket up and she lays in front of me, staring at the ceiling. 

"are you okay?" she whispers. i give another tired hum, closing my eyes. kate doesn't respond, but she turns her body towards me, sliding her hands under the blanket. a few seconds later, her hands reach my waist, and she pulls me closer my head being on her pillow now. i gently out my right leg over her lower stomach, and she pulls my waist even closer to her, and i put my arm over her waist. my nose touches her neck, and i smell her all familiar perfume. kate's hands hug tighter around my waist, turning her head to me. she gives me a short kiss on the cheek, making me smile as she moves her head back to the original position. "goodnight, stark." she whispers. "goodnight, bishop." i whisper back into her ear.

a/n - hoped you liked the chapter, please remember to vote !

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