CHAPTER 6 - hangover

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i open my eyes slowly, staring at the ceiling. i look to my left, seeing kate still facing me, asleep. i smile at the sight, seeing the blanket up to her waist. i lean over, pulling the blanket up to her shoulder. i half sit- half lay down, unplugging my phone from the charger, seeing kate's phone. i pick it up, plugging it in, placing it on the bedside table. i open my phone, scrolling on instagram. 

i look at the top of my phone, seeing a notification from jenna. i click on it, reading the message. 




morning !

go away !

wow salty today y/n !

just for you jenny !

okay but for real good morning

good morning

good sleep?

yeah, alright hbu?

same, not the best not the worst

what're you up to today?

literally nothing lol wbu

undetermined rn, mj, peter, ned and 

kate r at mine hungover lol

LMAO seriously?

yeah seriously, one's in my bed rn

my bets on kate

how'd you know?!?!

i can tell the future

did you two do it?


she literally just slept in my


nothing to it

yeahhhh, sure

gtg, talk to you later :)

bye :)


i turn my phone off, looking at kate still sleeping. getting out of bed, i head downstairs to the kitchen. i open multiple cupboards, finding the pancake mixture, shaking it up, i start making pancakes for everyone.

placing the last few pancakes stacked on a plate, i hear someone come down the stairs. i look up, seeing kate walk to the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "morning, how's the hang over?" i say, getting plates out. "shit, at least the sleep was good. slept like a baby" she mumbles, sitting on the stool, leaning on the counter. "i could tell." i say, smiling. "want some?" i say, sliding a plate to her. "yeah, please." she says, and i give her a fork, and she pokes at the pancakes, placing one on her plate. i get the syrup, passing it to her.

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