CHAPTER 3 - soccer

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i lay in bed, turning on the flatscreen tv.

i lay in bed, turning on the flatscreen tv

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(low quality but you get the idea)

i decide to watch netflix, putting on The Hunger Games. the movie never gets old. BSST! my phone vibrates and i pick it up, tapping on the message. 


unknown number

hi y/n

who's this?

oh this is kate sorry

that must've sounded really weird

my bad

oh haha hi kate

how'd you get my number?

mj gave it to me, i asked for it

you could've asked me in school you know

it's 10:12pm rn, i don't think we have 


yeah true

why did you need my number?

no reason just to talk


watching the hunger games


honestly gonna go to bed

draining day

get used to it, it only gets worse :)

thanks for the support 🙄

i'm gonna gts

goodnight see you tomorrow

night, see you tomorrow


weird chat. i turn off my phone, realising i haven't been paying attention to the movie. i groan, rewinding back to the start to watch in full attention. half way, my eyes get heavy in tiredness. i close my eyes, turning off the tv.

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