CHAPTER 5 - home bar

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we walk out of the arcade, looking around. "it's already 6, should we have dinner?" ned suggests. "yeah, i'm feeling burgers right now." peter says, thinking. "dude, me too!" kate agrees. we start wandering around, mj having her phone out for google maps. "shit, wrong way. everyone turn around." mj says and peter groans, everyone turning around.

"this is it!" mj exclaims. i smile at the restaurant, looking at kate. kate looks at me and i smile, starting to walk in. "table for 5, please." i say to the waitress. we get lead over to a booth in the corner and i sit in first, kate on my right and mj next to her. peter sits opposite me, ned next to him. i get the menus and hand them to everyone, looking through it.

"what're you gonna get?" i say, leaning towards kate. "uh, maybe the classic." she says, pointing to it. i nod in reply, and the waitress comes over. we all order our burgers, waiting for them to come. "where to after?" ned says, and i lean my head on the wall to my left. everyone thinks for a second, me speaking up. "i mean, we can go back to my place for drinks if you guys want. beats a bars around here." "yeah, sure," everyone says, and the food arrives.

"how're you finding school so far, kate? you've been here for almost a month." peter asks, getting a chip. "it's really good, if i'm being honest. who knows where i'd be right now if it weren't for you guys, so thanks for letting me join your group." kate says, smile on her face. i smile, taking a chip from the middle of the table. "yeah, you fit right in!" ned says, smiling. i place the chip in my mouth, getting another one. i hold it in my hand, looking around the restaurant. "hey!" i say as kate quickly bits my chip in half. i look at her and she laughs, chewing on the chip. "you realise there's chips there, right?" i say, looking at the pile of chips. "oh, i didn't see that." she says, smiling. "have the rest." i say, pointing the half bitten chip at her. she laughs, biting the rest of the chip. 

we walk out of the car park elevator, seeing about 4 guys, about 18 as well. they laugh, stumbling back and forth. "nah bro, you don't do it like that!" one says. "they're drunk." kate whispers beside me. i hum in response, looking at them as we walk. "we just need to get past them." i say to her. we walk a little faster, the men laughing. 

kate's pov

i turn around, seeing peter, mj and ned following behind us. turning back around, i see one make eye contact with me and i quickly look down, my breath hitched. why are drunk people so scary?

y/n's pov

i see one of them look up, making eye contact with kate. my hand moves around to find kate's and interlock our hands, going left. "hey!" i hear a voice behind us say. i grip onto kate's hand tighter, but not too tight. we continue walking to the car, but another voice speaks. "hey guys! turn around!" another guy says. i turn around, giving a polite smile. "hi, guys." i say to them. "holy shi-" "did you need something?" i say, letting go of kate's hand, walking to them. "no... but what i need now..." one says, walking up to me. i look up to him, and he smirks. i tilt my head slightly, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "... is your number. what do you say?" he says, smirking. i lightly scoff, stepping back. "maybe next time, sorry." i say, stepping away from him. his face is slightly shocked, smirk disappearing. i turn around, heading back to kate as his friends quietly laugh. "dude, you totally blew that shit!" one of them whispers, but loud enough for me to hear it. 

"bold, y/n." kate says, smiling. i turn to see peter, mj and ned staring at me, blank faced. "let's go." i say, starting to walk to the car. i unlock the car, it making a beeping sound. getting in, i buckle my seatbelt, starting the car. once everyone's in, i reverse the car, going out of the carpark.

i open the garage door, revealing all of dad's cars. "what the fuck!" ned says, assuming he's talking about his cars. "yeah, a lot of cars." i say, driving in carefully. i park the car in an empty spot, locking it after. i open the garage door, letting everyone in. kate waits for me as i close the door, and i turn around to face her. "why do you always wait for me?" i ask, smiling. "are you complaining, stark?" she says, smiling back. i shake my head, and we head to the bar.

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