CHAPTER 12 - the video

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a/n - please remember to vote ! enjoy

i watch the tv screen, smiling at the video of peter, mj, ned and i that we made a few years back in the science lab. "god, you all look so tiny!" mj exclaims next to me. peter laughs, eyes on screen. "including you, mj!" i say, kate laughing beside me. the video shows peter carefully pouring a liquid into a science test tube, me, mj and ned standing beside him as the phone's propped against multiple science books. 

kate's pov

i can't help but keep my eyes mainly on y/n on the screen, watching as she's smiling at the anticipation of peter pouring the liquid in. a few seconds after, a foam like substance shoots out of the tube as y/n, peter ned and mj jump away of the test tube, covering their faces as they laugh. i laugh with everyone else, realising how funny it would've been to experience it with them. after a few seconds, y/n walks up to the camera, stopping it, the screen going black. "that was a pain in the ass to clean up after... took us hours!" ned says, making y/n giggle.

y/n's pov

the next video plays, revealing my dad holding me in his arms. i look about 2 years old, smiling as he softly bounces his hands up and down to make me laugh. "tony, i swear to god, if you drop her!" a voice i forgot says. my stomach drops, and i swallow, my smile slowly fading. "i won't, you have nothing to worry about, amanda," dad says, as he adjusts his hands under my armpits, "here, you hold her then." he says, and the camera moves around, showing the floor for a few seconds. everyone's silent, watching the tv. the camera lifts up, showing the person i haven't seen in years hold me. i clench my jaw a little, almost forcing myself to watch the tv. "say hi, y/n!" mom says in a baby voice as she looks at me with a smile. "c/mon, y/n. say hi!" dad says behind the camera, keeping it pointed at both of us. i look down from the tv, water forming from my eyes. i blink fast, trying to not let them out. don't cry, y/n.

kate's pov

i smile at the tv, realising y/n never talks about her mom. speaking of y/n, i look in the corner of my eye, seeing her look down, blinking quickly. my eyebrows furrow as i look at her, not paying attention to the tv anymore. i go to ask her what's wrong, but she stands up from the couch a second before i could.

y/n's pov

"i'll be back," i half whisper, walking rather quickly to the nearest bathroom. i shut the door behind me and lock it, letting my tears out. after a few minutes of crying, i stand in front of the sink, turning on the tap. i cup the water with my hands, splashing the cold water on my now red face.

kate's pov

i stand up, going to walk to the bathroom where y/n went. "where you going, kate?" peter asks. i turn around, speaking. "just gonna check on y/n." i say with a smile, walking to the bathroom. i knock on the door softly, leaning my ear against it. "y/n?" i call softly, waiting for a response. "y/n, i know you're in here." i say. "not right now, kate." she says back, in a tone that sounds like she's crying. "you can talk to me, y/n. i'll wait here for as long as you want." i reassure, moving back from the door a little. after a few minutes, the door handle moves down and i look up from the floor, seeing y/n with tears down her cheeks.

y/n's pov

kate and i meet eye contact as i leave my hand on the handle, and her eyes soften. she walks towards me, opening her arms as she wraps them around me, hugging me tight.i sink into the hug and hug her back, not saying a word. we hug for a minute and kate pulls back, closing the door then putting both hands on my shoulders. "y/n, do you wanna talk about it? was it the video?" she says, switching eye contact from each of my eyes. i nod slowly, gulping. kate's hands guide to mine and she softly pulls me down and we sit opposite each other on the bathroom floor.

kate waits for me as i fiddle with the rings on my fingers. "my mom... passed away." i say, not sugar coating it. i look up at kate and she's a taken back, but quickly regains back to herself. "i'm sorry, y/n." kate says, not taking her eyes off me. "it's cool... i dont want you to feel bad or sorry. god, i hate when people feel sorry for me." i say, slightly smiling. kate smiles seeing me smile and she sighs in relief. "we can talk more about i-" she says and i cut her off. "there's nothing really else to... say." i say, nodding a little. "if you say so, stark." kate says. 

we walk out of the bathroom beside each other. "you good, y/n?" mj says, looking away from the tv. "yeah, i'm good." i say, sitting down seeing the tv change to another video of one of my volleyball games from school. kate sits down next to me, watching the game. 

i smile as my team cheers on screen as the volleyball hits the floor on the opponents side. "you're really good at volleyball, stark!" kate says, looking at me. "thanks, you should come to our next game! it's pretty soon, actually." i say, making kate beam into a smile. 

we watch the rest of the game, and my team cheers as we win the game. "you guys smashed them!" ned exclaims and i chuckle. "yeah, it was one of our first games together, won by 14 points on the second set. ended up having celebrating by having mcdonald's after." i say, smiling.

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