CHAPTER 13 - game

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4 days later

i open the door after school after hearing a knock on it, seeing my dad wearing sunglasses. "hey kiddo." he says, walking in. "hey dad, you know you have the keys, right?" i ask. "yeah, i know. i can't be bothered to get it from my bag though. too much effort." he says and i chuckle. "i actually have a volleyball game now, so i'm leaving soon." i say, walking beside him. "you still play that?" he asks. "yeah, i've been playing for years." i reply. "alright, have fun. but you better win!" he yells as i walk up the stairs. "you know it!" i yell back, walking into my room. i walk into my closet, taking out my volleyball jersey numbered '3' and wearing it over my sports bra, bringing spare clothes in my bag, wearing my kneepads but not pulling them up, leaving them at my ankles. 

"see ya dad! i'll be back later!" i yell as i open the garage door. "bye!" he yells back. i smile, getting into my car. 




hey you're still coming right?

of course :))

cool i'll come pick you up now

be there in 10 !


10 minutes later, kate comes out of her house, getting in my car. "nice jersey." kate says, smiling. "thanks, nice outfit." i reply, reversing out. we reach the volleyball courts and we head inside, seeing basically everyone already here. "took your time, y/n!" liz says, walking up to me. "you said be here by 4! it's 3:52." i respond, liz rolling her eyes jokingly. "hey kate!" liz says, moving her gaze to kate beside me. "hey, liz!" kate replies.

"quite the crowd, huh?" i say to liz, looking around seeing a few hundred come to the game. "yeah, definitely builds the tension." she replies. i smile at kate and peter in the crowd and kate smiles back, waving slightly, peter smiling. 

"push-ups starting in 3,2,1." the announcer says and i lay down next to liz and we do push-ups in sync. liz stops at 22, while i keep going. "we get it, y/n!" liz says, laying on the floor. i laugh, shaking my head.

kate's pov

i watch y/n as she effortlessly does push-ups, accidentally listening to a conversation behind me. "number 3 fit as fuck bro," a guy says, referring to y/n. "yeah, she's hot as well! whaddya think of number 3, william?" another guy says next to the other one. "yeah, she's really pretty. she's actually in my english class, her name's y/n." the guy i'm assuming william says, avoiding saying the word 'hot'. "you go to her school?" "yeah, i'm pretty sure she has no idea who i am though." william replies. i watch y/n as she stands up, stretching as she talks to a few other girls on her team. peter looks at me, giving me 'the look' as his eyes look behind me. i give 'the look' back, silently telling him i heard what they said. "looks like you've got competition." peter whispers as he whispers in my ear. i roll my eyes, smiling. 

y/n's pov

my body is a few centimetres from the net, waiting for the opposing team to serve. the girl runs up to the line, serving overhand. i turn around, seeing julie receive the ball to me. i face to the side, jumping as i set it behind me to liz. upside down, i see that liz spikes the ball down, satisfyingly smacking the ball inside the court lines. the crowd cheers and i smile, high-fiving liz. "good one, liz." i say, returning back to my position. i wait for beca to serve the ball, and i turn my head to find kate in the crowd. we meet eye contact and i smile at her, turning to the front again.

kate's pov

i smile back at y/n while she waits for beca to serve, the guys behind me talking. "dude, she totally smiled at us!" one of them says. "it was probably to me, jack." the other says. "the hell adam? it was totally to me." jack says. "nah man, i'm more attractive! i swear, we made eye contact!" adam says. i smile to myself, knowing she was smiling at me. i see beca serves nicely, the other team receiving it. the opposing girl sets the ball to the middle, another girl running towards the ball. i look at y/n as she runs towards, swinging her arms back as she jumps. she puts her hands up to block the spike, and the ball hits against her hands, dropping to the floor. "WOOO!" i yell among the others as y/n's team cheers.

"MIDTOWN HIGH WINS!" the ref yells, and there are massive cheering. i stand up and cheer, clapping my hands. y/n's team and the other team shake hands as they walk along opposite sides of the net, and y/n looks at me with a big smile on her face. after people start to leave, peter and i walk down to y/n. 

y/n's pov

i smile as i see peter and kate walk towards me, wiping sweat from my forehead. "congrats y/n!" kate says as she pulls me in for a i hug. i laugh, letting go as i hug peter. "you beat them by 19 points!" "thanks, guys!" i say, smiling. 

i walk to the change rooms after kate and i agreed that i'll meet her in the car park, peter going home. i get changed, spraying deodorant. i walk out back to the court, being stopped by 3 guys, around my age. "hey, that was a really good game, congrats." the one in front says, around 6'2, fluffy, brown hair. "thank you! i'm y/-" i say, getting cut off by him. "you're y/n, i'm pretty sure everyone knows that." he says, chuckling and i laugh lightly. "so uh, i was wondering if i could... have your number." he asks nervously. i raise my eyebrows, nodding after a few seconds of thinking. he smiles, taking out his phone from his pocket. i put in my phone number in his phone and he puts it away, awkwardly chuckling. "we should go now, will." his friend says behind him as both of them walk off slowly. "yeah- um, i should go now." he says, smiling at me. "okay, see you." i say, and he waves bye, running to catch up to his friends.


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