CHAPTER 27 - i think...

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the radio music plays in the car as i turn right to evan's school. "did your date go well?" he asks curiously in the back seat. "there was no date, actually." i admit, stopping at a red light. "what? why?" "she forgot it was our anniversary." "oh." evan says, disappointed. "you guys fine though, right? i really like kate. even though she sucks at football." he says, and the smallest smile forms on my lips. "i'm not sure," i confess, turning into the school carpark and i put the radio on mute. "anyways, here's your stop." i say, stopping the car as i unbuckle my seatbelt and open my door. i open evan's door and he jumps out, grabbing his bag. "have a good day," i say, crouching down. he hugs me and we let go, just as his bell rings. "don't be late to class, go!" i exclaim and he smiles while nodding. he runs up the schools stairs and i smile, getting into my car.

i walk into english as everyone sits down and i sit next to jenna, not daring to look at kate from across the room. "hey, y/n." she says, smiling. "morning, jenny." i say, sitting down. "how was your weekend?" she asks. "it was... definitely something. how was yours?" "it was good." she says.  halfway into the lesson, i pick up my pen, drawing a small dick on the corner of jenna's page.  "dickhead." she mutters, scribbling it out with her pen as i chuckle.

i successfully manage to somehow avoid kate, and i walk up to peter, ned and mj under the tree, kate nowhere to be seen yet. kate and i's engraved initials catch my eye on the tree and i look away, sitting down. i pull at the grass, and i feel a tap on my shoulder. i turn my upper body around, looking up. "can we talk?" kate says softly. no avoiding this now, y/n. i stand up, looking into kate's eyes, seeing them almost reflect in guilt. 

i follow kate to the side of a building as she leans against the brick wall. "i'm sorry." kate says, and i look down at my shoes. "it's fi-" "it's not fine, y/n. you're right, i should've remembered." kate says. "you should've..." i mumble, admitting. "but you didn't have to say that you were unimportant to me." she says. "it's true though, the second you get the slightest bit busy, you seem to forget about everything else around you, including me." i say, kate taken aback. "that's not true!" she says, getting slightly aggravated. "you just don't realize it, kate, because you're too busy with whatever's going on in your life." "and you have a dad who does everything for you! he's the reason you have your life all set out, there's not one possibility where you're unsuccessful. while i'm on the other hand, doing what i can to get some sort of future for myself! not everyone gets to sit on their ass all day like you, y/n." kate yells and my eyes widen, realizing how far she's gone. "you think i asked for this life? i didn't! but god, i'm doing my best here too. not everything's about you, kate!" i raise my voice, kate clenching her jaw. "i might not have as much things going on in my life right now, but at least i remembered our anniversary." "i don't wanna argue about something this pointless!" "you think this is pointless? there's a reason we're arguing!" "no i-" "i think... we should just break up." i say, kate closing her mouth. "if that's what you want." she responds, softening her voice in defeat.

kate's pov

i sit on my piano seat mentally exhausted, staring at the keys in front of me. why do break ups hurt so bad?  i place my hands on the keys, letting my feelings take over me. after about an hour, i come up with some sort of progress. (play the song and skip to 1:40!)  

"feels like i might have broke the best thing that i had," i start off, "i said too much to ever take it back... scared i'll never find something as good, but would i even know it if i could?" i sing, watching as my fingers move almost automatically to press the required chords. "from the other side of all i've had and lost... would it be enough, or would i still be wondering?" 

1 week later

i sit down on the bleachers, watching people train on the track. "y/n?" i hear a voice say. i look to my left, seeing jenna. i slightly wave to her and she jogs over to me, sitting next to me. "why're you here?" she asks. "what, can't i watch you and your team train?" "no, you can. but you're never here, always hanging out with your group." "i just like to come up here a few times a week, clear my head, reflect on life." i answer. and thinking about kate. "i see." jenna says. 

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