CHAPTER 9 - sit ups

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a/n - please remember to vote !

i walk next to liz and jenna, talking beside the fruit punch table. "hey, do you wanna go now?" i ask, jenna looking at me with a smile. "yeah, okay." she says and i give a small smile back, looking at liz. "thanks for the party, i had a good time." i say, liz walking slightly up to me. she goes for a hug, which i return. "see you tomorrow?" she asks. "yeah, see you tomorrow."

we walk to my car, my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "it's cold tonight." jenna says, next to me. "yeah," is all i manage to say, unlocking my car. i follow the gps to jenna's house, jenna speaking up half way there. "i... saw what happened. with you and kate." she says softly. my mind replays the moments and i think of what to say. "yeah... she was drunk. i didn't want to take advantage of her, or even worse," i say, pausing, "want her to regret it when she's sober." i say, jenna humming.

"this one here." jenna says, pointing to the left. i stop at the curb, hesitant on whether or not to drive up to the driveway. making a decision, i reverse slightly, turning into her driveway. "thanks," jenna says, chuckling. i smile, stopping the car. jenna opens the door, bending down to talk to me. "i think you're fine standing up straight to talk to me, you're short enough." i tease, and jenna giggles, shaking her head. "funny," she says, sarcastically, "thanks for taking me back, see you tomorrow." she says. "yeah, of course. see you tomorrow." i say, and she closes the door gently, walking to her house.

mj, ned, peter and i walk into maths class, and mj and i agreed that i could sit next to peter today. "where even is kate today?" peter asks as i sit down. "not sure," i reply, getting my book out. twirling my pen around my finger, the door opens and i look up, seeing kate. "sorry i'm late, traffic today was bad." she says to the teacher as she walks in. kate's eyes meet mine and her small smile fades, and i look down, quietly sighing. i see her shoes walk past me as she walks to mj to sit in the empty seat beside her. 

i hear footsteps walking fast behind me, and i keep walking out of the gym locker rooms, kate walking next to me. "can we talk?" she says, slowing down once she gets to me. "aren't we already talking?" i reply. "listen... i'm sorry. i was drunk, i shouldn't have done that." she says, and we walk out to the gym. "it's cool." i reply, not knowing what else to say. "but seriously, i am sorry. i don't want this to ruin our friendship." she apologizes again. i take a few seconds to think about what to say, laying down on one of the mats on the floor. "uh, stand on my shoes, please." i say, and kate stands on the end of my shoes and i start doing sit ups, hands on my head. after a few sit ups, i decide to speak. "kate, i'm not the person someone would wanna love." i start off, kate looking confused. "what do you mean?" she asks. "like... i'm not someone you love, but not in a sad, depressing way. everyone likes the idea of dating me, but they're gonna be disappointed once they actually do, i guess part of it is because of the high expectations for me. that's kinda why i don't date from this school." i say, doing another sit up. kate thinks for a second, processing it all in as i do more sit ups. "yeah, i know what you're saying. i think that- if you do date, and they're 'disappointed', it's their loss. you're a good friend y/n, you cheer people up, you care for everyone, you have an amazing personality, and you're pretty as hell. what more could everyone want?" kate says, smiling. i smile back, the teacher walking past us. "good job, y/n," he says, "everyone, switch partners!" he yells, and i stand up, a little out of breath. kate lays down on the mat and i stand on her feet, kate starting doing sit ups.

after a few minutes, kate speaks up. "oh, by the way. i just got new car keys, so you don't need to drive me home anymore. but thank you for driving me everyday." she says, laying back down to start again. "cool, let me know if you need a ride." i say, looking around. after 5 minutes, flash walks up to me, wiping sweat from his forehead. "y/n, wanna be partners now?" he asks, standing beside kate. "uh, i'm kinda with kate right now." i say, looking at kate. kate stands up, wiping her clothes. "well, i was with liz. and liz doesn't mind going with kate. so do you wanna go with me?" he says and i look at kate and she gives me a reassuring smile. "sure." i say, as liz walks over. we give a quick hug, and i follow flash to his mat. "you can go first." he says, and i lay down, flash stepping on my foot harshly. "ow!" i yell, and he moves back quickly. "shit! sorry." he says, and i clear my throat, starting to do sit ups. i avoid eye contact with him, and i see jenna looking at me as she stands up from her mat, out of breath. i smile at her and she mouths a 'sorry' and looks at flash, making me chuckle. "something wrong?" he asks, looking at jenna then me. "nothing." i reply, doing another sit up. 

i walk towards peter, mj and ned, who's sitting under a big tree outside, kate beside me. "why here?!" i yell to them, kate giggling. "we need vitamin D!" mj shouts back, and i sit down opposite them, kate sitting next to me. "nice day today." ned says, staring out into the school. "yeah, it is." peter agrees, looking out too. "my back aches." i complain, placing my bag behind me, laying down, putting my head on it. "it's those sit ups, i bet." kate says, and i nod, closing my eyes.

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