Chapter 16

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May 18th, 1977


Enough of me deciding, if that's one of your rules. Name a time and a place and I'll be there.


May 18th, 1977


I thought we agreed not to talk about that again? If you're going to bring it up all the time, I'll just stop meeting you. Quidditch pitch tomorrow morning?


May 18th, 1977


I actually can't do tomorrow morning, pretty busy tonight and I know LR will make me catch up on homework in the morning. Pick another time and I'll be there, I swear.


May 18th, 1977


If you're busy, then why don't you just tell me a time and a place and I'll show up?


May 19th, 1977


Got detention tonight on account of last night. Picture me winking right about now.

Look, I don't want you to think you're at my beck and call or anything. Everybody's in Hogsmeade on Saturday, how about we meet somewhere then? Can be in the village or the castle.


May 19th, 1977


I don't have to picture you winking when you do it across the Great Hall, you know?

You've lived with BS's passive aggression long enough that you might think I'm lying when I say I can't do Saturday. Already said I'd meet somebody there.


May 19th, 1977


To anybody who has found these notes, winking across the Great Hall does not indicate direction. Nice try. To the intended, you smiled when I winked at you so wouldn't have assumed you were being pissy. What you said about BS is true though, ha.

If not Saturday, how about Sunday? Three days away but unless we're going to do tomorrow night, it's the best I can offer. Any time and place that day, I swear. The boys have no plans so I'm all yours.


P.S: Who are you meeting in Hogsmeade? One of your girlfriends? Keep coded, I'll figure it out.

May 19th, 1977


Stop addressing your imaginary audience, you sound like a prat.

Sunday works for me, I'll think about time and place and send another note.


P.S: You won't like the answer, so I won't tell you.

Between the Thursday and Sunday, Regulus didn't meet James at all. It wasn't something he was pleased about, although it did make things significantly easier on Saturday when he met with Malfoy. The distance made it harder for Regulus to imagine what James might say, how he would react to the things Lucius was saying. As he nodded along, it didn't occur to him that James would clench his jaw and his face would redden as Malfoy spoke so freely about blood purity. He didn't picture James pushing back his stool as he jumped to his feet, ready to defend the honour of thousands of witches and wizards he didn't even know. When Regulus agreed to the arrangements Lucius had made for June, he didn't consider telling James about it even though he had half-heartedly agreed to be more open with him the last time they were together.

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