Chapter 21

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Rain pounded down onto Regulus and Carmen's heads as they ran through the courtyard. She cried out hysterically at him, complaining as it lashed her bare legs, but Regulus held on tight to her wrist and pulled her along. He hadn't given much thought to his actions before he ducked out into the rain, only known that he wasn't ready to face James. Regulus had been successfully avoiding him since his run-in with Sirius for four days, and had no intention of giving in when he spotted him across the courtyard. Anger wasn't the best word to describe what he was feeling, but he couldn't find one closer to the truth, so it was the one he had settled for. James' meddling had irritated him more and more each time he thought about it, and after a long night of dwelling Regulus opted simply not to deal with it. He would take a leaf out of Sirius' book for once and ignore his problems.

"Reggie! I've just done my hair!" Carmen whined as he stopped still in the downpour. There was something he liked about the way the water froze through to his bones, dripping through his hair and into his eyes. Carmen clearly didn't share his fondness for the spring showers.

"You're always telling me to be more spontaneous." He reminded her, holding her close to him and stopping her attempts at escape.

"Yeah, well couldn't you have been spontaneous this morning when I looked a mess?"

"You never look a mess, Carm." Regulus pressed a wet kiss to her forehead, and Carmen shoved him away.

"Ugh, what is with you?" She asked, and looked around them to figure out what had caused Regulus to bolt like one of Hagrid's hippogriffs. Her eyes obviously landed on James, who was watching them with a frown from where he stood sheltered from the rain, because she turned back to Regulus with a quirked brow.

"Can we just go back to the common room? I'm not really in the mood for the library anymore." He tried, hoping she might not mention it.

"The library," Carmen mocked, wrapping her arms around Regulus' neck, the sleeves of her now-sodden cardigan pressed against his face, "is that what we're calling him these days?"

"Shut up, Carmen." He said, trying his best not to look James' way, but put his arms around her waist nonetheless.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" She reached up so that their faces were very close together. From where James was standing, it probably looked like they were kissing. Regulus wasn't sure he'd ever loved Carmen more than he did in that moment. He pressed their foreheads together, hoping that she could feel his appreciation.

"Maybe later. Once we're dry."

"Oh, finished being spontaneous, are we?" Carmen laughed loudly, and laced her fingers with Regulus' as she pulled him back into the nearest corridor and out of the rain.

"I don't think it really suits me." Regulus reached for his wand as they walked, casting a drying spell on both of their clothes. He wouldn't dare to try the same on Carmen's hair, knowing that she'd only complain about the result. He'd let her take care of that one in her own time.

"You're right about that. You know spontaneous isn't really my type." She said, and as if to prove her point, Willa turned the corner and joined them on their way to the common room. The lashing of the rain echoed through the walls as they reached the dungeons.

"What are you two talking about?" Willa asked when she saw the looks that Regulus and Carmen exchanged. Willa had always been a naturally suspicious girl. In their fourth year when they had decided to try out kissing in the greenhouse, Willa had known something was up almost immediately. Even without knowing about the detention from Slughorn, she had managed to wheedle it out of Carmen by the end of lunchtime.

"Reggie's decided not to be spontaneous anymore." Carmen told her, falling into step with the other girl and linking their arms together.

"I didn't know you'd started being spontaneous." Willa gave Regulus a look that reminded him of Professor McGonagall, looking over glasses that weren't there. He just shrugged in response. Sometimes, it was nice to just listen to the girls chat. They murmured things to each other in low voices, not seeming to mind that Regulus could hear everything they were saying. The three of them reached the common room, and finding it far more populated than usual, decided to go straight through to the dorms. Regulus didn't give any thought to what all of the commotion was about, only promising to fill Carmen in on everything that had happened later on and prepared to hide in the safety of his four-poster for the rest of the afternoon. But if he'd been expecting peace, he was in for a shock.

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