Chapter 23

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Reflecting on his conversation with James over the following week, Regulus concluded that they were indeed in a relationship. The reality of that was slightly discomforting. It made everything they were keeping from Sirius feel that much more significant, something he knew weighed heavily on James' mind. Increasingly, he would bring up the possibility of Sirius finding out, or paint a pretty picture of the summer evenings they would be able to spend together when he did. The hazy image of the two of them drifting to sleep together in long grass, or wading into the lake James said lay behind his house was a small luxury when they were confined to the dark of shadows and night. July was fast approaching, and the students of Hogwarts were taking advantage of the first warm days out under the bright sun. Of course, Regulus couldn't enjoy that with James. The best he could manage was to close his eyes as he lay in the shade with the girls, pretending that the warm body next to his was James', or to watch from afar as James and his friends splashed about in the shallows of the lake. He was so carefree then, school trousers rolled up to his knees and almost dropping his glasses into the water more than once as he laughed raucously. Carmen teased him about it on more than one occasion, but he was too taken with James to care. If he couldn't share those moments with him, he should at least be able to admire from a distance. Then he would take what he could get in the cellar of Honeydukes, or watching the sun set in empty classrooms, once again admiring James as he was bathed in the pink and orange light.

One Friday, Regulus had agreed to meet with James in McGonagall's classroom after his Transfigurations lesson. After it, he had a study period which was supposed to be spent in the library or Great Hall, but it wasn't unusual for students to skive off. James claimed he was also free that period, and while Regulus doubted that was true, he wasn't about to protest. McGonagall's classroom would be free until James' class were in there after lunch, so by their calculations they would be quite alone.

His classmates poured out of the room as soon as they were freed, most to take advantage of their 'free' period in the nice weather and a few dutifully reporting to Slughorn in the Great Hall. Carmen wanted to get a start on her summer tan, but Willa pulled her by the hand in the direction of the library. Neither questioned Regulus' decision to stay in the classroom, probably at least suspecting his intentions. Regulus didn't know what Professor McGonagall did between lessons, but he had expected her to slink out of the classroom at the earliest opportunity. He wasn't worried when she didn't, though. James had his map, and would be able to see that the coast wasn't clear yet. Since showing Regulus the map, he hadn't been shy about pulling it out whenever they were together, sometimes to make sure they could speak freely and other times just to show off particularly impressive elements of the magic he and his friends had used on it. At the front of the classroom, McGonagall was writing something. She didn't seem to have noticed that Regulus had stayed behind, or else didn't care. She did briefly glance up when Germana swooped in through the open window to drop a letter onto Regulus' desk. He recognised the seal instantly, it was the one that Lucius and Narcissa used. Given her close association to Dumbledore, Regulus wasn't sure it was the best idea to open the letter in front of McGonagall, but the longer he stared at the envelope without an appearance from James, the less restraint he found himself possessing.

Giving in, Regulus carefully slid a thumb underneath the seal to open the letter, unfolding the letter and letting out a deep breath. It was as he had expected, summons to the next meeting Lucius and Bellatrix would be attending with the Dark Lord. In his previous letter, Lucius had told Regulus that the Dark Lord had been greatly impressed by him and was keen to speak to him again. Regulus didn't recall saying or doing anything that could be construed as greatly impressive, but he knew better than to question it. His parents were pleased with his new acquaintance, and in the back of his mind was the memory of meeting Voldemort. The way he had praised Regulus, and made such complicated ideas seem so simple. He wanted to meet with him again.

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