Chapter 20

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I sat in beside Alaska and in front of Eunjik.

"Okay Alaska I want you to keep quiet while he speaks okay? Okay. Eunjik go," I smiled.

"Okay...," he took a deep breath, "the girl I was making out with, she pushed herself against me. I couldn't move whatsoever and she was pinning my hands on the lockers. I really wanted to push her away but I couldn't.. Please forgive me..."

Alaska started to tear up, "but.. Why didn't you just.... Use your body to push her away?"

"I didn't want to hurt her... She may be invading my personal space but I can't hurt a girl," he took her hand in his, "please forgive me, Alaska, I won't ever do it again."

She wiped the small droplets of tears that was slowly going with the flow of gravity off, "okay... Okay... I believe you."

Relief filled Eunjik's eyes as he got out of his seat and hugged Alaska tightly. I stood up to take my leave and said, "your welcome."

"Thank you!" Eunjik grinned happily.

I nodded and walked to my locker. I had Gym next period so I went to change and ran to the gym because I was already slightly late.

"Thank you for keeping us waiting now join the class and we can finally get started," the teacher said sarcastically.

I went to stand beside Rosanna, and stared at the teacher like everyone else.

Usually I would stand beside Max but today.. I don't know.. I don't even feel like looking at him. I understand to be honest but it hurt badly..

"Okay today we will be doing the 2 legged race. Everyone get in pairs now!"

I immediately went to Alaska because Ro went with Lilac and Eunjik is in a different class. And well, I'm not gonna partner Max.

I stole a glance at his expression, he was kind of shocked and he ended up partnering Camellia who was the exact girl who made out with Eunjik. I learned her name when the teacher called her out to do something during History.

Okay now I wished I partnered Max. Like that fucking slut was grabbing his arm like one desperate asshole and was literally pressing her boobs onto his arm.

"Heather.. Stop staring you're making it obvious," Alaska whispered to me.

I tore my head from Max's direction and stared ahead of me, "okay sorry..."

"What happened with both of you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine," I mumbled.

My hands were clenched into fists as we practiced walking and then we lined up, getting ready to start racing.

"My right, your left first okay?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Take it easy girl," she nodded.

My goal for this race: make sure both Max and Camellia trip and fall

Alaska and I were right beside Max and Camellia so maybe I could pretend to stumble, causing me to move a bit into their lane then causing Max to jump away from me and then boom they fall.

I replayed my whole game plan again and again in my head and I even whispered it to Alaska who agreed we should do what I planned.

"Ready.... 1.....2.......3.....," the teacher blew the whistle and off we went running. We were ahead of most people although we weren't the first. Max and Camellia was behind us and they were catching up.

I purposely "accidentally" swerved into their lane and then quickly back into our own lane. Mac and Camellia came crashing to the ground.

Camellia faceplanted and Max fell on his hands which helped as a support to his fall. He wasn't hurt but Camellia had a few scratches on her "beautiful" face.

I yelled a quick, "sorry!!!"

Although I wasn't really that sorry. I brofisted Alaska and we completed the race in second place.

"Heather, please bring Max to the mini clinic and Alaska, you bring Camellia to the staff office to get a few plasters."

I walked into the school with a helpless Max following like a lost puppy. None of us said a word and it was pretty awkward.

I dropped him off and waited for him outside.

"You done?" I asked as he came out.

"Yeah," he sighed, "are you mad at me?"

I ignored it and walked back to where the class was. I felt bad but well, he hurt me, why not hurt him back?

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