Chapter 12

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"Do you like Max?"


An hour later...

"Do you like Max?"


Another hour later...

"Do you like Max?"


Another hour later...

"Do you like Max?"


Yet another hour later...

"Do you like Max?"

"NO! Why the hell does everyone think I like Max?" I threw my hands up in frustration.

So many people has asked me today and its fucking annoying.

"Becauseeeee you 2 act like you guys are together! You know.. So close and all," Alaska smirked.

"We aren't alright?"

"Fine fine," she laughed.

Ro and Lilac approached us at the canteen and we started talking about stuff when...

"Hey Heather, do you like Max?" Ro asked.

I smacked my head on the table and Alaska burst out laughing like a maniac.

"Um.. I'll just take that as a no," she said slowly.

I lifted my head, "THANK YOU."

"But you 2 look like you're dating!" Lilac said.

Smacked my head on the table again.

"Aaaand I'll take that as a no as well," Lilac sighed.

I lifted my head and drank Alaska's slushie.

"Hey!" She protested.

I grinned, "that's revenge for asking me if I liked Max."

"What did you say??" Max sat down beside me and looked puzzled.

"Um nothing?"

"Hey why does everyone keep asking me if I liked Heather?" He directed the question to Rosanna.

Ro, Lilac and Alaska exchanged and glance and started laughing all at once. And once again, I smacked my head on the table, I did it several times.

"Are you okay?" Max laughed at me.

"No........." I groaned.

To be honest, I don't actually know if I like Max. I might be having a slight crush on him. But I don't know.. He's more of a really good friend to me.

Its just hard to suddenly like someone again after breaking up with someone..

More people asked me if I liked Max or if I was dating him blah blah blah. And of course my answer was no.

Alaska had also gotten closer to Max and she would also lean on his shoulder and for some reason it made me really jealous. I didn't show it. But on the inside... I was jealous.

In my mind I was like..

"Dude get away from him"


"Wtf Alaska"

But of course she's my good friend I wouldn't murder her for a boy. But yes, I was jealous. It was weird because I hardly get jealous, I'm not the jealous type and I've never been protective before.

I don't know what's happening to me. It was all so confusing. Like half of me knows I like him but the other half doesn't because its still lingering around the fact that I went through a break up.

I was at war with myself and it was fucking annoying.

I don't want to like him because it would be too sudden but then again I want to like him, and wanting to like him is the cause of my jealousy.

I facepalmed physically by accident.

"Miss Robins? Are you okay?" My math teacher, Mrs koorh asked.

"Um yes I'm okay," I answered back.

Everyone was staring at me, some looking concerned, some with amusement and some that doesn't really bother but looks at me for the fun of it because math is just too boring.

I stared at my textbook and started doodling and daydreaming.

I imagined Max coming towards me, then changing into a wolf and then pouncing on me like I was prey and then I magically became a wolf too and then we fought and I eventually won.

I also thought about how mermaids could be real. Only a small percentage of the ocean had been discovered who knows what other creatures there could be living in the depths of the sea.

Then I started to think about how everyone could have a hidden power inside of them that no one can ever discover unless they were strong enough to dig it out.

"Miss Robbins, what is the answer to question 69?" Mrs Koorh snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Ummm...." I did a quick mental calculation, "369."

"That's correct. Good to know you aren't only dreaming but listening as well."

A few minutes later, school ended and everyone dashed to their lockers to put their stuff. Most people went home but I stayed back to organize my poor messy locker.

The football boys went pass the hallway to the field, cheerleaders in their miniskirts giggled and ran to the gym and random people stood in the hallway chatting, making out or just using their phone.

When I finally finished putting everything in place, I shut my locker and got a shock from Max. He was just beside me and I didn't even realize.

Its like what Adam used to do....

Snap out of it, Heather. Adam is long gone, get a hold of yourself.

I grinned, "hello he who must not be named!"

"What I became Voldemort?"

"Voldie.." I laughed.

"Mortie," he finished.

"Voldie mortie!!!" I gasped.

"Oh no please don't tell me....."

"I shall call you voldiemortie and you shall be my voldiemortie," I giggled.

Holy shit. I rarely giggle. What is Max doing to me...

"Did Heather Robbins just giggle?" Max's mouth was dropped open.

I put a finger to his lips and said, "you tell no one or I'll make sure no one ever finds your body again."

He raised both his hands as if surrendering, "okay okay."

I sighed. What's wrong with me..

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