Chapter 18

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I rapidly whipped out my phone and dialed Alaska's number.

Guess what. She didn't pick up. Goddammit, I was panicking. So badly that I actually walked into a pillar. Thank god not many people was around. I decided to skip math to go to the library to try to cool down.

I texted Alaska instead and hoped that she would reply as soon as possible.

Hey Alaska. Um I don't know how to put this but Eunjik was cheating on you. He was making out with a random girl in the hallways just now. I tried to call but you didn't pick up. Reply soon! Xoxo -Heather

Now I just had to wait for a response.

Walking into the library, I realized that there weren't any free seats. It was packed and full although it was really silent, considering the fact that it was a library.

I sat on the floor and started to take out my math exercise books and got to work.

People walked pass me looking at me weirdly since I was the only one sitting on the floor but I just ignored it, like where the hell do you expect me to sit?

I plugged in my headphones and listened to some music.

Suddenly, a person stopped in front of me, I looked up. Adam.

"What are you doing on the ground?" He asked.

"Um studying?" I muttered.

"You wanna sit with me?" He offered.

I sighed and thought about it. I really needed a table but I was kinda reluctant to share with Adam.

"Alright," I gathered my stuff, stood up and followed him to wear his bag and books were.

I sat directly opposite him and opened my book to continue doing my work. It was pretty uncomfortable but I got a table and I'm not complaining.

"So how's life these few days?" He asked out of the blue.

I took off my headphones and rested them on my neck, "alright I guess. Its been a little hard but alright. You?"

"Tough. Getting through it," he replied.

"I see."

I put my headphones back on and then continued with my work.

The awkward silence lasted until the next bell rang so I took my stuff and said my thanks and goodbye.

I headed to the canteen to reserve a seat for my buddies.

Alaska, Rosanna, Lilacia, Sylica and Max joined me right after their classes ended. Alaska made no reaction what so ever about the whole cheating thing. Either she hasn't seen the message yet or she didn't care..

"So Max did you ask?" Alaska grinned.

I looked up, "ask what?"

Ignoring me, Max replied, "nope..."


"What chicken?" My eyes round with wonder.

"He was meant to-" Ro shut Alaska's mouth.

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