Chapter 22

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"You better tell me where to find her or I'll fucking kill you!" Max held a weird man up against some wall.

I couldn't move nor could I speak. It was like I was directly in front of him yet I was directly behind him.

Max pulled out a gun from his pocket and I gasped with shock. He slammed the guy on the wall again.

"I'll give you one last chance. Where's Heather!?" He yelled.

"Somewhere you'll never find her," the man smirked and closed his eyes awaiting death.

I closed my eyes and waited for the shot of the gun..


I gasped softly and opened my eyes. In front of me lay myself on the ground. A hole in my stomach where the bullet hit and with blood all over the place.

Max dropped his gun, his hands covered in blood, he looked at me and smiled. Not in an innocent way, in a very evil way.

He walked closer and closer to me... I had to run. I had to get out of here. He was nearing me... I couldnt move... He started to strangle me as I screamed and screamed till no sound could come out of my mouth anymore.

It hurts.. It hurts so much, I couldn't breathe. I could see black dots appearing everywhere...

"Heather!" My brother shouted.

My eyes opened and I realized I was sweating and panting. I rubbed my neck trying to get rid of the pain that was still there.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He looked at me with wild worried eyes.

"Nightmare.. I'm okay," my breathing slowed down.

I needed to get to the cliff. I checked the time, it was 4 am in the morning. I had to get out of here..

"I'm going out. I'll be fine," I told my brother who sighed and went back to sleep.

I changed out of my sweaty home clothes and wiped myself down with a towel. After that I changed into a dry fit shirt and a pair of sports shorts. I wore my slippers and walked out.

My phone was safely inside my pocket in case something went wrong. I passed by Max's house on the way to the cliff. It was all dark inside.

My hand shot up to my neck again remembering the pain I went through. What did the dream mean... I shook my head and walked straight ahead.

It was dark in the forest but small lamps were placed for people who trekked at night. There were probably some people still in the forest but I didn't care.. I just want to clear my head from everything.

I sat quite a distance away from the edge and then lied down. I looked up at the sky staring at the bunch of stars and the bright shining moon.

Stars were sparkling here and there. I spotted the Orion's belt as it was literally the easiest to find.

Then I started looking for more stars until I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep. Right on the cliff. But I was far from the edge.

When the sun was starting to rise, I woke up with a jolt because of the suddenly bright light.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up and stared at the sunrise. Boy was that beautiful.

I decided to skip school today because I didn't want to.. face Max.

I went home to change into running shoes and started to run. I ran to school, ran home, then ran to the nearby mall. I went inside it and walked around to slow down my breathing.

I bought a energy drink then went out and continued to run. It felt good to run out all my stress and bad feelings. I ran back home and took a nice ice cold shower.

Max texted me..

You want food?

I thought about it for a long time and I didn't reply him till the actual timing for school ended so he wouldn't exactly suspect or something.

Yah sure.

That was all I replied him. I was a little worried on what he might reply me but well, I wanted food.

Okay. I'm coming over. Be ready in 5

That's when I threw my phone on my bed and quickly changed. My hair was like half wet but I didn't care. There might have been some curls that were dry and straight hair that wasn't and it looked messy but fuck that shit.

I changed into a rhomper, got my small sling bag and sat on the porch.

I kept my eyes on my phone pretending I didn't notice his footsteps approaching until he mumbled a "hi".

I looked up and smiled slightly, "hey."

"So... Let's go," he took my hand and helped me up.

"Where are we eating?" I asked.

"Don't know. Up to you," he said.

Wooow. You ask me to eat and then you have no idea where to bring me. I rolled my eyes.

"Choose for once."

"Junk food?" He asked.


"Okay junk food it is."

Yay.. Unhealthy food, my favorite.

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