🧡 Pro. 💜

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I let out a sigh, as I leaned back in my rolling chair. I had just sent another apply for a college I wanted, hopefully it goes better than the last one. I didn't make it in.

I probably could have already had my first year of college done, if I didn't take that year break. I just decided I needed a break from constantly keeping grades up, and it did help my mental health a lot. I do kinda regret it though.

I stretched when I leaned back, feeling the satisfying crack. I stared up at my ceiling, letting out a sigh. I needed to get ready for bed soon, I had work tomorrow. I also needed to keep saving to get out of my parents house, I know they didn't mind, but I hated being a freeloader basically. I had been looking for cheap apartments to move into, but they all seemed to sketchy. I glanced at the giant jar of money, that was not even half full. Not like I could afford it yet anyways.

I sighed once again, getting up from my chair. I placed my hand on my hair to feel it, I'm showering before bed. I walked out of my room, I walked down the old hallway, hearing the creaking of the floor under my feet. Once I had reached the bathroom, I swung open the door, walking in, immediately shutting it behind me. I started to strip every piece of clothing I had, before I turned on the water, hopping in. I grabbed my shampoo, scrubbing my hair good, before washing it out. I continued cleaning myself, before I finished and stepped out. I dried off, putting some comfortable pajamas on.

I yawned, as I was making my way back towards my bedroom, once in I shut my door back behind me quietly. I then laid down on my bed, getting comfortable under the blankets, I grabbed my phone that was charging on my stand just to make sure I had my alarm set. I did. I sighed in relief, placing it back I slowly slipped into dream land.

I awoke the next morning to an annoying noise, that kept going off. I groaned, raising up in my bed, I turned my attention to the noise only to see it was my alarm. I sighed, grabbing my phone to silence the horrible sound. I hopped up from my bed, I then started to get ready for my long day.

After I had finished, I walked out of my room, walking towards the front door with my keys in hand.

"Y/N, sweetie?"

A voice called from the living room, I stopped, leaning into the room to see it was just mom. "Yeah?" I asked, she got up from her spot on the couch making her way to me. "Have a good day." she told me, pulling me into a hug, I smiled hugging her back.

I told mom bye, before I exited the house, I pressed the button on my key to unlock the door to my chair, as I walked. It made an unlocking noise, once I made it I opened the door and got in.

It was a surprisingly slow day at the store I worked at, not much people strolled in. I had decided to pull out my phone, while I waited for more people.


I glanced up at the person that called my name, seeing it was Jimmy. Jimmy was an old friend from high school, me and him were pretty close, still hangout occasionally. I felt a smile appear on my lips, "Jimmy! How have you been?" I asked the brown haired boy, "Pretty well, I just moved into a house a few weeks ago. You?" he told me, "Me? Uhh.. Well, still trying to get into college, also trying to buy a house, or get an apartment." I explained to him, "Ohh.. Having trouble?" he asked, I nodded my head "Yeah, tried to get an apartment, but most of them are in some sketchy neighborhoods." I told him, "Hm..." he said to himself, seemed to be lost in thought, I was about to ask if he was fine, till he spoke "Got it, how about you move in with me and my sister? Jenny's staying there for a bit, since she.. Uh.. Broke up with her boyfriend.." he explained, "Oh gosh.. Jenny.. But, I don't know.. I wouldn't want to be a burden–" I told him, "Nonsense, since when were you ever a burden..?" he asked, I sighed, I looked to the side thinking, I tapped my fingers on the counter. It couldn't hurt, right?

"Alright, if you say so."

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