🧡 Chap. 6 💜

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I was shook awake, causing my eyes to open, revealing Jimmy.

"Hey, what are you doing sleeping on the couch?"

I stared at him confused, then scanned where I was. It took me a little bit, but I recalled why I was here exactly. I was waiting in the living room for Jimmy, or Jenny to get back. I must've fallen asleep while waiting. Wait, why was I waiting for them to come home again–oh!

That Halloween looking robot fox.

I felt myself get a little irritated as I remember what happened earlier. I quickly jumped up from the couch placed my hands on Jimmy's shoulders. The poor dude gave me a concerned stare, "Uhh, Y/N, you good?" he asked, "The camera room. Now." I ordered.

When the two of us got into the camera room, I immediately went and started to look through footage, until I found what I needed. But, I never found it. It's like what happened earlier didn't happen at all..? I stared at the screen confused, and angry. That prick did this. "Y/N, are you sure you've been feeling okay?" Jimmy asked again, more concern in his voice. "I just.. It–forget it.." I sighed, walking out of the room and to my own, crashing onto the soft surface of my bed.

I stared up at my ceiling, deep in my thoughts. Was today in my head? Am I going crazy? It could have also been a dream... More like a nightmare. I let out a sigh, I need to be getting some rest.. I have work tomorrow.

I had gotten up the next morning, completely forgetting the events of yesterday. I got dressed, and made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat before I hit the road. I saw that Jimmy and Jenny were still here. Jimmy was drinking some coffee, while Jenny was eating some cereal. "Morning you two." I smiled, watched as the two of them looked up at me, returning the smile. "Y/N! How did you sleep?" she asked, "I slept pretty alright.." I told her. We all continued to talk, until it was time for us to head to our jobs.

I was restocking things onto a shelf, since I was told to take care of that while I was here. I let out a sigh, I really did need a better job. I didn't want to be stuck in a dollar store all my life... Then that commercial of that pizza place came into mind, I paused what I was doing and thought. My train of thought was interrupted when someone called for me, "Y/N, you are needed up here!" I quickly finished what I was doing, and went back to the front to help with whatever they needed.

It was finally time for my break, so I decided to head to the back and relax for a bit. I plopped down on a chair we had, I pulled out my phone, scrolling through everything. I watched a few funny videos that popped up, then my phone started to lag, and freeze. "What the hell..?" I muttered, my phone never did this, I kept frustratingly messing with the phone. I tried everything to get it to work, until it eventually completely shut off. I groaned, "Guess I need a new phone–" then my phone lit up, it was my lockscreen, but it was all glitched out. I watched as suddenly a hand had somehow stuck out through my phone. I gasped, dropping the phone, letting it hit the floor. I took a few steps back, as the thing kept coming out of my phone, the thing looked familiar.. With the purple, orange, white colors, once the thing was completely out. It stared at me for a bit, until it started to burst out laughing...

This prick.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" I stared at the fox, unamused, I was starting to be fed up with him, so I grabbed the chair I was sitting on. I picked it up, and swung it at fox that was still laughing his robotic ass off. Lolbit groaned, and held his head, "What was that for???" he questioned, "Hmm.. I dunno, maybe because you're some kind of fox robot that just climbed out of my damn phone like the girl from Ring!" I told him, folding my arms above my chest, "Someone doesn't like pranks.." he muttered, I held up the chair again, "I'll do it again.." I threatened, which caused him to shield himself, "Okay, okay.. I get it." I then gently placed the chair back where it was, "Now, why are you here?" I asked, "No reason, just wanted to mess with someone." he answered, not even looking at me anymore since his attention was now on his nails–claws? "Well.. It seems you accomplished that. Now leave." I ordered, pointing down at my phone he came out of that was still on the cold floor. "What? I can't talk to ya?" he said, "Stop acting like we're friends or something.. You are literally some kind of.. Freaky.. Robot.. Thing.. THAT LIVES IN MY FRIEND'S HOUSE FOR SOME REASON."

"Y/N, are you all good in there?" I heard a coworker ask, causing me to go into panic mode. "You need to leave, or hide. Now." I whispered, he just stared at me amused, I groaned and pushed him into a closet and shut it. "Hey!" I heard him say, I then hear footsteps approaching, so I quickly sit in the chair and act like I was on my phone playing a game or something. "Y/N?" I glanced up to see a coworker, "Oh, hey.." I greeted, "Was someone else in here?" they asked, "Oh, no.. It was just a game I was playing." I explained, they nodded and walked out of the room. I let out a sigh of relief, I opened the closet door for Lolbit. "That was really rude, y'know?" he said, as he crossed his arms. I just rolled my eyes, holding my phone up to him.


I ordered, the fox rolled his eyes, "Fine, fine.. I'll go." I then watched as he got back into my phone. Just like that. He was gone. I plopped back down on the chair, and let out a sigh.

"What am I going to do with that fox?"


I hope you all are enjoying the story so far, I plan to update more when I'm able!

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