💜 Chap. 17 🧡

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Hey, guys! Since I'm doing a lot better, I'll be going back to updating this fanfic occasionally. <3


The day had went by, dreadfully slow. I suppose it wasn't too bad, it just meant more time to mentally prepare to deal with Lolbit later.

I honestly wasn't exactly sure how I was going to deal with this. He's clearly pissed. But, it was more of a hurt kind of upset, sure he was angry, but... He seemed more sad over it. Looking at it now, he is right. I can't expect him to open up to me immediately, especially after I pulled this. Plus, where that robotic fox goes should be none of my business, so.. Why the hell was I so nosey?

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts for now. I was still at work anyways, I needed to focus. I was bringing out a pizza for a family, till I almost slipped, causing me to value the pizza over my own physical health. Sadly. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact...

But, it never came?

I opened my eyes, only to see pink ones staring at me. It was Ballora, even if she was an animatronic. She looked concerned. "Are you okay, dear?" she asked calmly, I only nodded, as I straightened myself up. "You really should be more careful, you could have gotten really hurt." Ballora lightly scolded, causing me to glance away in slight embarrassment. "Yeah.. Sorry." I muttered, Ballora let out a slight laugh, as she patted my head. "Just be careful." she told me, before she danced away to take care of her own duties. Since I started working here, I've gotten to get to know everyone, especially the animatronics. It was surprising to see how real they seemed, but after I've met Lolbit.. It shouldn't be that surprising anymore.

Every hour we got closer to closing, I felt my anxiety getting worse, I was starting to feel sick. I was helping Abby take care of the tables, we were cleaning them since it was almost closing time. I scrubbed the table down, but had to cover my mouth not even a second layer when I felt my anxiety making me ill once again. I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder, I looked over, seeing it was Abby. "I've been worried about you all day.. Are you okay? Seriously." she asked, as she stared at me with a serious expression on her face. "Yes.. I am, it's just.. I think the fumes are just making me sickly." I lied, gesturing to the cleaning supplies. Abby however looked unconvinced, but sighed, shaking her head. "You don't need to tell me, but I think you should head home for the night.. There's only an hour left anyhow." Abby told me, folding her arms over her chest now. "W–what–no–" I tried to say, only for her to shake her head, as she pointed towards the exit. I sighed, nodding my head, slowly leaving to get changed.

I waved goodbye to Abby a few minutes later, she hoped I felt better. It was a very nerve racking drive. What was I gonna do? What will he do? I thought, till I somehow managed to drive myself back home. "How–never mind that.." I mumbled, as I headed into the house. I listened for any sound of Jenny or Jimmy, but.. Nothing. They must not be home yet.

I stepped into the living room, plopping down on the couch. I stayed silent, as I slowly scanned the room. No sign of him yet, maybe he's not here? I let a relaxed sigh escape my mouth, only for it to be caught in my mouth, "It's about time." I heard an all familiar voice say, I turned around, seeing Lolbit there behind the couch. He was.. Too close. "L–Lolbit–hey!" I greeted nervously, he only stared at me, before glitching to where he was now sitting beside me on the couch. It was silent, neither of us said a word, I anxiously fiddled with my shirt. Was he waiting for me to speak? Probably, I should talk then.. "Lolbit–I.. I'm sorry for what I did. You're right, I shouldn't try to pry into your business, especially when it's your story to tell." I said quietly, Lolbit let out a sigh, "It's alright. I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'm.. Kinda in the wrong too. I was upset that you wouldn't tell me something as well.." He told me, laughing pathetically, I only rose a brow at him. "I just wanted to know where you were working at now.." he answered, "It's okay.. But, why?" I asked confused, "Just curious." he shrugged, clearly wanting to move on from the subject. "Okay.. Is it.. Okay if I keep working there, if I promise not to pry?" I asked, feeling myself already start to cringe at it. "Yeah, it's fine.. I just.. Be careful at that place, okay. I.. Don't want you hurt." Lolbit finished, as he stared at me, he had a very calm look to him. "Of course.." I agreed, I had questions, but I know it's not the right time for them. I then felt my face flush, he didn't want me hurt?? I then heard Lolbit raise up from his seat on the couch. "Uh.. Goodnight, Y/N." he nodded, before he started to leave, but I impulsively got up, hugging his cold form from behind. I felt the fox tense in my grip, but slowly relax. He slowly turned back towards me, I only kept my hold on him. I stared up at him quietly, he still had that calm look, but there was something I could tell he didn't seem completely calm. Lolbit sighed, as he slowly returned my embrace, holding me close to him. He was cold, but the hug still felt comforting. I felt him run his fingers through my hair slowly, not a word was spoken.

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