🧡 Chap. 4 💜

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Okay, so.. You know when I said that he won't turn human. I've thought about that for a bit, and decided I might need him to turn human at points. Because he WILL need it later on. (Not for any weird reasons)


I didn't realize I had fallen asleep, until I heard the front door open and someone calling for me.

"Y/N, I'm back!"

A female voice called, which I automatically remembered was Jenny. I got up from my bed, I then walked to my door about to open it, but I then remembered earlier. 'What if whatever was out there is still there?' I questioned in my head, then my eyes widened. Jenny could be in danger.

I immediately opened my bedroom door, running to the front door. "Y/N!" she greeted happily, but her smile dropped when she realized how scared I looked. "Um, what's wrong?" she asked, "Jenny.. We have to be careful.. I think someone is in the house!" I told her, Jenny then returned the same panicked look I had. I then watched her go to the kitchen, I followed behind her. Jenny had walked up to the knife holder, and got a pretty good sized knife. "Whoever is in here, will not get to harm us.. I'll make sure of it." Jenny reassured.

The two of us then preceded to check every single room in the house to see if anyone was there, but found nothing. Jenny had even told Mira to do a full look through of the house to, since they had cameras. Nothing.

The two of us sat on the couch, Jenny looked relieved, while I looked scared still. "Y/N, we checked everywhere.. Nothing is there." Jenny told me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "But.. I swear I heard someone earlier.." I told her, "Maybe you're just getting used to the place.. It could have been Mira?" she reassured, I sighed, "Yeah.. Maybe.." I whispered.

Was it really just my imagination? Or even Mira? Maybe I was just paranoid.

I got up from the couch, "I'm going to go relax in my room.." I told her, Jenny nodded. I then proceeded to head back to my room, maybe watching some YouTube videos can help me calm down. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand, and laid down.

I had calmed down a little bit, but I was still on edge. I snapped my head over to my door, when I heard a knock on it. "Yes?" I asked, "It's Jimmy, I brought home some food." he told me, I told him I'd be out in a few minutes. I wanted to finish the last bit of this video. After it was done, I made my way towards the kitchen to eat with the other two.

I tossed and turned in my bed, trying my best to sleep, but I couldn't. I was still convinced someone was there, I know someone was there.

We never looked at the past footage of the cameras, maybe I could check...

I hopped up from my bed, and quietly walked out of my bedroom. I then made my way to the room that had the videos of the cameras. I sat down in the seat in front of the computer, I then went to the camera footage of today. Clicked on the one that was in the living room. Let's see...

I watched as it showed me getting frustrated at the TV, but I heard the same laugh that I did earlier from the clip, then I skipped to the part where I was about to hear the 'boo!' Only for there to be nothing behind me, but I still heard it, as I watched myself jump and run from the living. I stared at the screen confused, it caught nothing behind me, but it caught the sound? I stared, until a thought popped up in my mind. It couldn't be.. No.. There's no way this place could be...


I nervously laughed at myself, "Hah, good one me.." I told myself, I then got up from the chair, making my way back to my bedroom. I had no clue how I was going to sleep, but I needed to somehow. I laid back on my bed, and tried to get as comfortable as possible. I also tired not to think about this place being.. You know. It took awhile, but I had managed to drift off.

I woke up the next morning, still feeling really tired. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand, and checked the time, it was 12 pm. Good thing I didn't have to go to work today, but I did tomorrow. I sighed, I decided not to focus on that now and get something to eat.

I had made my way to the kitchen, deciding just to make a bowl of cereal for now. I quietly ate my cereal, only the sound of my spoon hitting the bowl, and my chewing was heard. This place was so quiet when no one was here.. It's a bit creepy–I then immediately slapped myself. No, Y/N! Stop freaking yourself out. Maybe a movie can calm some down, I started to walk out of the kitchen, but stopped when I heard that the TV was on.

"Oh god.. Not again.." I mumbled, I quickly made my way to the living room to turn off the TV from hell, but stop in my tracks when I see.. Something just sitting on the couch. I made my way towards it as quietly as I could, I snatched a vase from the table as I was walking towards the thing on the couch. I could only see it's backside, it was snow colored, with what looked like animal ears? Whatever it was, it was about to get knocked out... I slowly raise the vase up above my head once I was behind the couch, and swung it down.

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