🧡 Chap. 10 💜

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I had woken up the next morning, as I was getting up, I noticed that I felt absolutely awful. I had a busting headache. "Maybe I could just take some medicine–" I started, but slapped my hand onto my mouth, and dashed into my bathroom, proceeding to throw up into the toilet. I groaned, and flushed it down the toilet. "Guess I'm going to have to call in for the day.." I sighed, I grabbed my phone once I was back in my room to talk to my boss. Luckily I had a pretty understanding one.

I walked out of my room, and made my way to the kitchen to see Jimmy and Jenny were still home. Jenny was the first to notice me, her smile was replaced with worry when she saw how sickly I looked. "Y/N, are you sick?" she asked, I just nodded, "I can stay and help you if you'd like!" she told me, making her way to me. I shook my head, "No no.. I'll be fine, just need to take it easy today and take some medicine." I reassured her. It took a little bit for me to finally convince her I would be fine, Jimmy told her he would call in and check in at points. Then the two of them had to leave, and go to work. I weakly took some medicine, before heading to the living room and laying on the couch. I had set a timer on my phone to remind me when I needed to take my medicine  again, so I decided to put on a movie. I laid on the couch, feeling my tummy grumble at points. I wanted to eat, but I was scared I was just throw it back up, I still needed to though. I raised up only to plop back down, feeling a little lightheaded. I sigh, stare at nothing.

"Well someone looks PRETTY awful today.." I hear an all too familiar voice say. I turn my head to see Lolbit standing at the entrance of the living room. "Not now Lolbit.." I tell him, "What? You really feel that bad?" I glare at him a little, "If you're just gonna be annoying, you can go away." I huff, turning away. It was silent for a bit, but then I hear footsteps exit the room. I sigh in relief, finally having my silence back.

A feel minutes later, an amazing aroma fills my nostrils. I turn back to the entrance of the living room to see Lolbit holding a bowl and some water. Confused, I just stare at him. "I could hear your stomach ya know." he tells me, I feel my face warm up with embarrassment. "Why.. Why did you.." I question, Lolbit shrugs "The faster you're the better, the better, so I don't feel guilty for making you angry." I then glare at him again, but was replaced by surprise when Lolbit pulled me up, so I was now sitting up. He then put the bowl in my hand and placed the water on the table that was in front of the couch. I looked into the bowl, seeing it was some soup, it surprisingly looked pretty good.. And smelled delicious. I grabbed the spoon, scooping up some, slowly putting it in my mouth. Wow, it's actually pretty good too. I keep eating, but notice that Lolbit is just staring at me. "What?" I ask, "Nothing, just waiting for my thanks." he had his arms folded, as he was staring at me. I let out a sigh, "Thank you, Lolbit." I told him, Lolbit smirked, "You're welcome, pumpkin." I then shot him another glare.

After I was done eating, I set the bow down on the table. I then grabbed the water, drinking it. I laid back down on the couch, continuing to watch the movie I had put on. Lolbit stood there, also watching the movie, he was actually pretty quiet for the past 5 minutes. Maybe he WAS actually being nice, since I was sick. I guess I should too, huh? I lean back up, and pat a spot next to me on the couch. The fox gives me a confused look, "Get over here." I told him, another smirk appeared on his face, but he didn't say anything and sat down. The two of us sat in silence, until I remembered something. I had a question for him. "Lolbit, can I ask you something?" I asked, Lolbit turned his head to me, awaiting my question. "Are you from a place called Circus Baby's Pizza World?" Lolbit froze once he heard my question, "Lolbit?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of whatever was happening. "Nope! I don't even know a place called Circus Baby's Pizza World? I mean.. Who would even call a place that." he answers, not making much eye contact. "You sure? You're acting strange because of the quest–" I start, "I'm not okay?? So, can we–can we just move on?" he snaps, catching me off guard, upsetting me a bit. I nod, and move away a bit. Lolbit looked a bit upset after that, a bit guilty, "I.. I'm gonna go.." he sighs, getting up, "Hey, Lolbit.. I'm sorry for–" before I could finish, he was gone.

Meanwhile back at Circus Baby's Pizza world... Things were on Funtime Foxy's mind, that person that was there yesterday. They brought up Lolbit. Lolbit who he, nor the other Funtimes have seen in months. He and the others believed something must have happened to him.. Plus the Funtimes and few staff members only knew of his existence. So it was strange that human, whom seemed to have never been to the restaurant before had ANY knowledge of the fox. Foxy paced his room, trying to think of how they would even know about him. 'Is Lolbit still out there?' he wondered, he was definitely going to tell the others about this, and see what they think.

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