💜 Chap. 7 🧡

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I'll be honest, this is probably going to be a long story, longer than any of my last ones. I have a lot planned for this book, for example a love triangle! ;) But that's not really coming into play, until a good few chapters later.


I put the code in, and pulled open the door, walking inside. I hear that the TV was on, so I look to my left to see that Jenny was wrapped up in a blanket laying on the couch. She looked miserable. I walked over to the couch, "Jen, you okay?" when I asked that, Jenny's eyes shifted from the TV to me, "Oh.. Yeah.. Sick–" she explained, but immediately had a coughing fit after. "Do you need anything? Water, food..?" I questioned, "Don't worry, Jimmy is coming home with things for me.." I stared at her, and sighed, "Okay, but tell me if you need anything."  Jenny only nodded, turning her attention back to the TV.

I walked out, and headed to the kitchen. I was feeling pretty hungry after the long day I had at work, especially since that asshole fox–I then stopped in my tracks, remembering that he popped up at work earlier...

That little–

I prepared a sandwich for myself, before I sat down and ate it. Now feeling irritated since I recalled him pissing me off earlier, I'll be sure to have a word with him later.

I hopped up from the chair, making my way out of the kitchen, just in time to see Jimmy walk through the door with bags in each hand. "Oh, Y/N, good. Can you give me a hand?" he asked, I nodded, quickly grasping one of the bags he hand in his hands and followed him back into the kitchen. Jimmy set the bag he had onto the counter, and I done the same. He then reached into a bag, getting some medicine, also cans of chicken noodle soup. "This for Jen?" I questioned, Jimmy nodded, "You need any help? At all?" Jimmy nodded, handing me a bottle of water and the medicine. "Give these to Jenny, and make sure she takes them." he told me, I nodded, making my way to the living room.

I walked in, seeing Jenny was still laying on the couch with a blanket on her. "Hey, Jimmy said I needed to give this to you." I explained, Jenny raised up from the couch. I got her medicine ready for her to take, and handed it to her, along with the cold water bottle. Jenny put the pill in her mouth, before drinking the water, and finally swallowing it. "Thanks Y/N.." she smiled, "Jimmy's making you something right now I think, if you're hungry." I told her, smiling back, "I'm sorry for.. Getting sick, and it's only been a few days of you living here.." she sighed, her smile disappearing, replaced with a frown. "Jenny, you have no reason to apologize, if it makes you feel better.. We can go somewhere once you're better?" I suggested, Jenny's smile comes back and she agrees.

I had went back to my room, after telling Jimmy and Jenny that they could call for me if I was needed. I sighed, before collapsing on my bed, it's been a long day, especially since I had to deal with that annoyance.

"So nice to everyone else, but not me? Favoritism at it's finest!"

Speak of the devil, fox? Whatever. I snap my head over to the robot fox that was sitting in my rolling chair, staring at me. "Well, I don't like you." I told him simply, "Ooh, ouch, so cold." he smirked, he was clearly trying to irritate me. "Do you have anything better to do, besides pissing me off?" I asked, irritation evident in my voice, "Hmm.. Not really." I felt my eye twitch, I stared daggers into him, while he just continued to smirk at me. "What do you want?" I questioned, "Nothin', just trying to entertain myself.. It's been awhile since I've talked to someone new, who doesn't.." he spoke, but paused, shaking his head a little. I just stared at him, now curious what he was going to say, but he stayed quiet. 'Huh, this is the quietest he's ever been so far..' I thought, still staring at him, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." he said, another smirk on his face. My glare quickly returned, "Can you get out? I was going to sleep, before you popped up like a creep." I told him, "Creep? I'm not a creep, that's just rude." he said, sounding a little offended, "Only a creep would just be in someone's room like this, ESPECIALLY, when they aren't friends or anything!" I explained, "Okay, okay, I'm going, sheesh." he told me, before he disappeared. I groaned, laying back onto my bed. "Finally.. I can get some well deserved rest.." I mumbled.

I woke up early the next morning, and got up to make some coffee, I glanced over to the living room to see Jenny was passed out on the couch. I hope she's feeling a little better. I step into the kitchen, I got a mug, and poured me some coffee. I then noticed a note that was left on the fridge, I grabbed it, and read it.

'Dear, Y/N

I don't mean to ask a lot of you, but can you please watch over Jen for me? Since, I know you'll be off today, I have to work late tonight. I'll really appreciate it!

– Jimmy'

I just rolled my eyes at this with a smile, did he even think for a second that I would say no to making sure my friend would be okay? I crumbled up the note, throwing it away. I might as well make some breakfast for me and Jenny. I got everything I needed, before I started to make some eggs and bacon.

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