🧡 Chap. 8 💜

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After I had finished making the food, I brought both the plates of food to the living room. One for me, one for Jenny.

The two of us were sitting, eating our food, "Wow, this is really good, Y/N.." Jenny complimented, a smile on her face. "Thanks.." Jenny's eyes were glued to the TV, she seemed to be watching a show. I personally wasn't paying much attention to it, but the same commercial from the other day came on, about that Circus Baby's Pizza World. I paid a bit more attention to this, taking notice that one of the animatronics looked like a certain orange and purple fox. Was he from there? If so, then why is he just living in Jimmy's house? So many questions, I'm gonna have to talk to that fox about this later.

Jenny and I decided that we would watch a movie to pass the time, but the movie ended up being pretty boring. The two of us ended up passing out only 10 minutes into the movie.

We were woken up by Jimmy, who was standing in front of the couch. "I take it you two had a good day?" he asked, "More like a boring day.." Jenny sighed, "It's boring just sitting on a couch all day.." Jimmy laughed a bit, "I'm sure you'll feel better in no time, but thanks,
Y/N.." he tells me, I nodded, I decided to head back to my room. I said I was going to rest, but really I wanted to talk to that damn fox.

I sat down on my bed patiently, hoping that he would magically show up like he always did, but I did not see him. I didn't know exactly HOW to get him here, but I guess I could just try calling for him.

"Lolbit..? Hellooooo.." I called, I tried to do it a little quiet, since I didn't want anyone to assume anything. Especially anyone to think I'm crazy. I waited for a few seconds, but nothing. I let out a sigh, he usually pops up at least once to irritate me.. I don't know why, but I was a little bummed I didn't see him, but why? I shrugged it off, I might as well get some more sleep. I don't have work tomorrow, so maybe I can check out that restaurant to get my answers. I lay back, and pull the blankets over myself, and slowly drift off to dreamland.

I woke up the next day, to the smell of something sweet.. I raise up out of my bed and walk out of my room, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out. I step into the kitchen to see Jenny getting freshly made muffins out of the oven. The brunette turned to me with a smile, "Someone is feeling better.." I told her, returning a smile, "It's all thanks to you and Jimmy for looking after me." I shook my head with a smile, "So, what are the muffins for?" I asked, curious, "They're for you and Jimmy, silly." I stared at her confused, she playfully rolled her eyes, "For taking care of me." I then nodded my head, and laughed quietly at myself.

After eating some delicious muffins, I decided it was time for me to try and talk to Lolbit again, since Jenny was going to be going for a walk. I was going to be alone. Once Jenny was out the door, I immediately started to walk around the house, calling the annoying fox's name.

"Lolbit!" I called, I searched in every room, but there was zero sign of him. Was he actually gone? Or was he just part of my imagination..? I guess it was a good thing, if he was truly gone, or whatever, but there was a small part of me that was bummed. Why? Maybe I did think it was a LITTLE cool to have a robotic fox around. I then flopped down on the couch, thinking, trying to figure out if I was going crazy, made the fox up, or he was real and he just said bye and left? My thoughts were interrupted when my phones started to go off, I pulled it up, checking the ID, seeing it was my work number. I sigh, before I answered with a 'hello', "Hey, Y/N, I know it's your day off, but Ash called in last minute.. Do you think you could–" my boss explained, but I cut them off, "I'll be there in a few minutes." I reassured them, my boss thanked me before hanging up. I really needed a new job, working at a small store is NOT what I wanted to do with my time.

The hours at work were boring as hell, nothing interesting happened. I was silently hoping in the back of my mind that Lolbit would pop up out of nowhere and pull some dumb prank or something. But even that didn't happen, though there was times I did mistake things for him.. That I shouldn't have. Let's just say a lot of my coworkers were confused. Once my shift was over, I said goodbye to everyone, before exiting. I got into my car, and started to drive back home, I glanced out the car occasionally. Nothing interesting, until a certain restaurant has caught my eye, I immediately pulled my car into the parking lot, I found a space and parked. I got out, and stared up at the sign.

'Circus Baby's Pizza World'

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