💜 Chap. 5 🧡

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We are #10 in Lolbit already! I hope you all are enjoying, you'll be getting to actually meet Lolbit in this chapter. But before any of my Invader Zim readers comment about him saying human at first. I promise he's not like Zim, I just didn't know what to refer to the reader as besides that. Since the reader is non-binary! Anyways enjoy!


When I swung down, I closed my eyes tightly, until I heard a hard thud of me hitting something. I opened my eyes, only to see that I had hit the top of the couch. The figure that was seated was now gone?

"Why do you humans always gotta resort to vio-violence?"

A voice asked, by the sound of it, it was clearly a guy, but he had a robotic sound to it. The guy had sounded like he was behind me, so I hesitantly turned around. Only to be face to face with a orange and white chest with a speaker on it, I then took notice that the thing had it's arms folded. I slowly rose my head up, only to be met with some animal looking face... It had ears, a snout, and can't forget the razor sharp teeth. I then finally took notice of their eyes, they were an abyss, except for the glowing white dots in the middle. I noticed that it's eyes were narrowed a little, as if it was angry or something? I silently stood there staring at the thing, I felt my anxiety grow more as we just staring at each other.

"You just gonna stare, or are you gonna apologize for almost knocking me out with that vase of yours?" They asked, as they tapped it with their nails, I felt myself shrink down a little, "Sorry.." I murmured out, the robot thing just stared at me, seemingly unimpressed? "Good enough I guess.." they said, before they started to walk to another room. I stood there, still processing what was going on, until it finally set in that a tall robot was now wondering in my friend's house.


I called, going after the Halloween colored robot, it stopped in the doorway of the kitchen, turning back towards me. "Now, what? It's bad enough that I can't be in this place alone now." he complained, I just folded my arms glaring at him, "WHO are you, and why are you in my FRIEND'S home??" I questioned, the robot just stared at me, an amused grin forming on their face, "Well??" I said, "Listen, Pumpkin, I've been living here LONG before you strutted through that door." they told me, pointing towards the front door, "Well, if you were welcomed.. I'm sure they would let me know." I told him, still glaring daggers into them. "Of course they don't know! I'm something that would freak them out if they saw me–wait, how are you not freaking out?" he cut himself off, to ask that question, "At first I was, but I don't think I need to be scared of some Halloween colored robot animal." I said plainly, the robot looked offended, but smirked, "What even are you supposed to be??" I questioned, gesturing to him, "I'm a fox, names Lolbit." he told me, "Even your name is stupid.." I sighed, Lolbit's mouth dropped, looking even more offended. "Know what? Doesn't matter who you are.. You need to leave!" I ordered, before I made my way to the door and started to open it, "Yeahh, I don't think so, Pumpkin." he stated, now having his attention to his nails.

I felt myself get more, and more frustrated with this fox. He's acting like a stuck up asshole. "Wait," I started "Was that you yesterday?" I asked, "Hm, oh.. Scaring you? Yeah, yeah, should've seen the look on your face–Ow!" I cut him off, when I punched his shoulder, but flinched back at the growing pain on my knuckles. "Yeah, wasn't the best decision, huh?" he asked, a smirk on his face. "I'm going to tell Jimmy, and get you out of here!" I threatened, but the fox just seemed to not be phased, "Yeah? You sure he's going to believe you?" he asked, I was about to comeback, but realized he was right... Jimmy wouldn't believe me. "As much as I'm enjoying this chat, I gotta go." he told me, "HEY, hey, wait!" I called out, only for him to wave at me and disappeared, leaving a few glitching looking things as they slowly faded into nothing. I let out a frustrated groan, "Dick.." I mumbled, before I started to pace around, trying to figure out what I wanted to do about that robot.

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