🧡 Chap. 16 💜

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Halloween had went by a few days ago, now Jenny was pestering Jimmy to put up a Christmas tree, but he would only say "It hasn't even been Thanksgiving yet." Seeing them argue over simple stuff like that has always given me a good laugh. Until, they involve me. "Y/N agrees, right, Y/N??" she asks turning her attention to me, along with Jimmy. I immediately stopped my laughter, "Uh.. That's between you two.." I told them, before I slipped out of the room only to hear Jenny whine and the both of them argue again.

That whole ordeal was a week ago, Jenny ended up winning the argument, so now we had a Christmas tree in our living room up. I was helping Jenny make dinner, "So, how are things with that Lolbit guy?" she suddenly asks, causing me to stop what I was doing and look at her, raising a brow. Jenny kept a smile on her face as she stared at me, awaiting my answer. "Haven't heard from him in awhile." I answered honestly, resuming what I was doing. I could feel Jenny's eyes still locked onto me. "Did you two have an argument?" she asks, sounding concerned, "No, no.. He just gets busy and does this sometimes." I explained, Jenny nodded understanding, that was the end of that conversation, but now I have the fox on my mind. I still wonder what he's up to that keeps him gone for awhile..

After dinner, I headed back into my room and hopped onto my computer at my desk. I skimmed through my emails for anything of importance, but clicked off, seeing there was nothing. I leaned back in my chair, it making a creaking noise as I did. "I should get some sleep, I have work tomorrow.." I mumbled, getting up from my chair just to slide back into the comfort of my bed. I got comfortable, slowly closing my eyes and letting sleep takeover.

I was sitting in the living room eating some cereal I made, so I would have something in me whenever I leave. I heard footsteps approaching from my left, turning my head I see it was Jenny.. She must have just gotten out of bed, she was still in her pajamas and her hair was a mess, she let out a yawn before she dropped next to me on the couch. "Morning.." she said, I nodded at her, "You look a bit rough, you okay?" I asked, "Mhm, just didn't sleep too well.." she explained, I nodded, I was about to keep talking with her, but I took notice of the time. I Quickly finished the cereal, while Jenny eyed me weirdly, I rushed to the kitchen to put everything away. Finally, I went to the door, saying a quick goodbye to Jenny as I did.

I stepped into the building, seeing that it was busy as always, I turned to my right now walking down a well lit hallway that was mainly just for employee's, except for the bathrooms. I stopped at a door, I swung it open, inside revealed a changing room, it had 3 separate stalls for employees to change in private. I snatched one of the waiter uniforms that was on the hanger, before going into one of the stalls. When I was changing, I heard slight noises, but I assumed it was another employee so I thought nothing of it. That was until I stepped out...

There, leaning on the wall was none other than Lolbit. I felt a wave of anxiety hit, as I felt sweat start to make itself known all over my body. The two of us just stared at each other, until he spoke, "So, how long were you planning on keeping this from me?" my eyes immediately shifted away from him, to the wall. "I'm not dumb you know.." he sighed, I just stayed silent, "Why are you working here? I thought we talked about this--" I finally spoke, "Because Lolbit.. You keep too many secrets! Hell, I don't even know where you run off to." Lolbit started to narrow his eyes at me, "And you expect me to just open up to you, after you've been working here to find out stuff about me I wasn't ready to share?" he snaps, causing me to stop, I was speechless.. He was right, I was about to speak, but I heard a voice at the door. "Y/N? You okay in there?" Abby was outside the door, "Uh.. Yeah, just-just on the phone.." I lied, I then heard Abby's footsteps start to fade down the hall. I turn my attention back to the fox, he still had the same gaze... Definitely not happy with me, "Listen, we'll talk later.. Okay?" I suggested, Lolbit kept staring at me, till he glitched away.

I stepped out of the room, letting a sigh escape my lips. How was I going to fix this? I don't want him to hate me, I just wanted to know more about him.. But then again, I never really tried to get to know him. I was just always mainly snappy at him. My thoughts continued, till a voice interrupted them. "Tough day, dear?" I turned my head to see Funtime Foxy, he was inside one of the various party rooms they had here, he looked like he was setting up for a birthday party. Hell, he wasn't even looking my way when he asked that question. I rose a brow at him, till he turned his head to me. "I have good ears, so I heard you arguing with your 'phone'." he confessed, "Oh.. Yeah, me and a friend of mine had a bit of a disagreement.." I explained, standing in the doorway of the party room, Foxy hummed in response as he finished setting the table, before he swiftly turned my way. "Well, dear, you can always talk to me." he offered, causing me to smile a bit, "That's kind of you, Foxy, but.. I think I'll be alright for right now." I told him, Foxy nodded understanding, the two of us said our goodbyes.. Now it was time for me to get to work.

As I was working I could only think of how I'm going to speak to Lolbit about this, obviously apologize, but also.. He did say he had 'zero clue' about this place, but showed up just to get upset at me for being here.. So many questions. Fine. I'll do what he saids, I'll be patient with him. Just what happened here? Did the other robots and employees know of him? Did they lie to me.. Ugh, all this is giving me a headache. We'll see.

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Why did this take me months to update??? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. I'm on kind of a hiatus right now for my mental health, but I'll update here and there.

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