💜 Chap. 15 🧡

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The two of us approached my.. Well, our house I guess. I was laying down some rules for the man, which of course he didn't take seriously. Needless to say I was dreading this, and wishing I didn't agree to this.

Lolbit went ahead of me, going to open the door, but I slid in front of the idiot, he rose a brow at me. "I am serious! Don't do anything stupid, OR embarrassing." I quietly yelled at him. Lolbit just rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands into his hoodie pocket, staring down at me. "Y/N, it will be just fine.. Plus, it's not like I can embarrass you more than you already do by talking to me." he told me, as he gently moved me to the side, and put in the code, opening the door. He gave me one last smirk, before entering, me falling behind him.

The two of us entered the kitchen to see Jimmy and Jenny munching o Halloween cookies, but it felt tense between them, since the two of them weren't talking. They noticed me, which seemed to lighten them up a bit, "Y/N, you're back--who's this?" Jenny asked, pointing to Lolbit beside me. Jimmy was wondering the same, they both stared at us with curious expressions. I let out a sigh, "This is my friend, Lolbit." I gestured to him, Lolbit only waved to them with a small smile, which I wasn't expecting.. "Uh.. Hello, Lol..Bit, interesting name you got there." Jimmy commented awkwardly, causing Jen to elbow his side, Lolbit only laughed softly "Yeah, I get that a lot, it's just a nickname my mother gave me.." he explained, I was shocked at how fast he was with these lies.. And how he made them believable. "Ohh, then what's your real name then?" Jenny asked, "It's Leon." he answered.

After a bit of talking, I decided I would give Jen a hand in the kitchen, while Lolbit 'got to know' Jimmy. I filled up a pot of water, before I set it onto the oven. Jenny was taking care of other stuff, it was quiet, until it was broken by Jenny, "What is he to you?" Jenny asked curiously, "What.. What do you mean?" I stared at her confused, Jenny rolled her eyes playfully at me, "That Lolbit dude.. What is he?" she asked again, "My friend that is visiting us.." I answered her, Jenny gave me a look, "Come onnnn.. You can tell me!" she told me, she moved to my side while I was working on food. "Tell you what??" I questioned, she looked at me in disbelief. "You are telling me he's only a friend??" I gave her a more confused look, "Yeah..? Why wouldn't he be?" Jenny leaned back onto a counter with a smirk. "Well, for starters.. He's attractive.. Andd.. He seems sweet." she told me. I turned to Jenny, "What? Do you like him or something?" I joked, but stopped when I seen 'that look', "I don't see how I couldn't.. I mean, if you aren't interested.." she started, "Oh, please.. Go for it." I told her, she smirked playfully, then the two of us went back to cooking.

Once the food was done, Jenny called everyone into the dinning room. I sat down, since all the food was already set up for everyone. Lolbit was going to sit next to me, but Jenny spoke up, "Hey, Lolbit.. How about yo sit next to me, I haven't gotten to properly talk to you yet." she suggested, patting the chair next to her. Lolbit stayed silent for a few seconds, before agreeing, "Uhh.. Sure." he then left my side, taking a seat next to her. Jimmy was the last to get to us, before he took a seat next to me. Dinner went pretty normal, just casually eating and chatting. I did, however take notice of how close Jenny was to Lolbit while she was talking to him, in fact the interior dinner she was mainly talking to him. There were times when Lolbit would attempt to say something to me, but the subject would get changed. I didn't mind too much, but I can't deny, her being close to him did bother me a bit.

After dinner, it was time for us to clean up. I told everyone I would take care of it all, but then Lolbit offered he would help. "I can help too then!" Jenny offered with a smile, "Don't worry about it.. Me and Y/N can handle it from here." he reassured her, as he was gently escorting her out. It took a bit to convince her, but she ended up giving in and leaving the room with Jenny. I heard Lolbit let out a relieved sigh, as I heard his footsteps approach me. I was too focused on washing the dishes, but I felt his eyes on me. "I don't know how you do it.." he told me, letting out a yawn after, "Do what? Deal with people?" I asked, smirking, I then felt weight on my shoulder, causing me to finch and turn my head to him. He had rested his head on my shoulder, observing what I was doing, I felt my face heat up a little, but continued cleaning. We stayed like that for awhile, until I heard some soft snores in my ear, causing me to smile, as I was finishing up the dishes.

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