💜 Chap. 1 🧡

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Jimmy had told me I could start packing for the move whenever I wanted to. I decided I should start when I got home, since I would rather get all of this over with. Jimmy had also offered to come over and lend me a hand, I did need help with furniture, so I agreed.

Once I had gotten home, I unlocked the door to my parents house. I walked in, I then made my way into the living room to tell them the news.

"Mothers of mine!" 

I called, catching both of their attentions, "What's up, Y/N?" one of my mom's asked, "Well, I'm going to be moving soon!" I announced, they both stared at each other, before staring at me, "Aww.. Sweetie, we're so happy for you.." my short haired mother told me, before she came over and hugged me. I smiled, hugging back, "Yes, but be careful." my other mother told me, "I will, plus I'm moving in with Jimmy for awhile." I explained, they both nodded.

After telling the news to them, I had dashed to my room, to began packing at least a little bit before bed.

I had apparently fallen asleep, since the next morning I had woken up with my head resting on the box. I sighed, before I got up to start packing again, I started with small things like clothes, collectables, and important things.

After a few days of getting things into boxes, it was time to move to furniture. First, my computer, luckily I kept the box it came it. I carefully started to unplug, the wires, before I had stored it all away safely from any harm. I smiled, as I stood up, but it stopped once I looked at everything else. My shelves. I was going to leave my bed here, since Jimmy told me there was already a bed in the extra room they had.

Maybe I could get a moving truck?

After two more days, it was time for me to get everything to Jimmy's home. Jimmy had came over to help me, he got some of my things like my boxes to put into the moving truck. I decided to keep my computer with me to be safe. What? It took me forever to be able to buy that computer. Then he had helped me get some of my furniture into the truck. Once we had finished, we decided to sit outside for a break, before we made our way to his home.

"Are you excited?" he asked, "Yeah, yeah I am actually.." I told him, "I'm sure you'll like it, I mean.. I'm happy I have someone besides my sister to talk to.." he joked, causing me to let out a laugh, "You ready to go?" he asked me, "Ready as I'll ever be.." I answered.

It was a 30 minute drive to Jimmy's place, I never went to see the place yet, since I wanted to surprise myself. I pulled into the driveway beside Jimmy, I got out of my car and glanced at the building, it seemed to have two floors. It was a gorgeous building.

Jimmy offered to show me around the place first, before we started to get my things in. I accepted of course, we walked up to the front door. I took notice of it having numbers on the side of it, I watched as he put in a 4 digit code into it, we heard a beep from the door, Jimmy then pulled open the door for me with a smile. I stepped into the home, and glanced around in amazement, this place looked so... Fancy? How was Jimmy able to afford a place like this?

"Mira, turn all the lights on please."

Jimmy ordered, I watched as the building lit up, "All lights have been turned on." a female voice told him, "Thanks, Mira, now.. Let's go." Jimmy said, turning to smile at me with the last part.

The first stop was a room on the left, it was the living room. It had some book shelves in it, a nice couch, a REALLY nice flatscreen TV, a table, and some family pictures on the walls. It was over all a nice room.

The next room was on the right from the front door. The kitchen. It was really nice, like the living room. It had beautiful counters, very expensive looking fridge, microwave, sink, stove, etc. Jimmy had told me most of the things in the home are voice activated.

Next was the dinning room that was right next to the kitchen. There wasn't much to it, it had a nice light over of the table, the table had six legs. It was next to a window that gave a nice view of the backyard, on the table was a candle holder that held three candles that were unlit.

Next was the bathrooms that were all really nice looking, but the only voice activated thing was the lights. Each of the bathrooms had both a shower, and a tub.

Jimmy showed me the rest of the rooms, until we arrived at my room. It was a pretty decent sized room, it had it's own bathroom. Jimmy had told me that there are just four bathrooms. Jenny's room did not have one, she decided that she didn't really need it.

Now, it was time to start getting my things inside.

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