💜 Chap. 11 🧡

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Foxy had walked towards the main room of the restaurant, where his friends were waiting. As he approached, he could hear them chatting away, once he was next to them, he cleared his throat to gain their attention. The three snapped their heads to him, awaiting him to speak.

"We need to talk."

It had been a day or two since the ordeal with Lolbit, I haven't seen him in awhile. I was hoping he would show up the next day, so I could properly apologize, but he never did. I wish I knew where he goes, or how to contact him, but then again.. I still don't know too much about him. In the beginning I was terrified of him, but then I grew annoyed... Now I'm curious about the fox. Now I wanna apologize to him.

I was sitting at my desk, scrolling through emails. Still no luck with anything. I let out a sigh, and rested my hand on my palm. My mind started to think about him again, thinking how I could get him to come back and talk to me. My eyes widened when I thought of something, it was stupid, but could work?

I waited until everyone was in bed, before I stepped out of my room with a notebook and pen. I walked to the living room, sitting down on the couch, I flipped to a page. I stared at the blank page, thinking about what I could say, but I decided just to put a simple 'Can you please come back?' I then set it back on the table. I sigh, I hope this works. I then went back to my room to get some rest.

I woke up the next day, I stepped out of my room to see Jimmy and Jenny, but they seemed to already be gone. I remember that I put out the notebook, and made my way to where I left it. I pick it up off the table, to see I received a reply to it.

'You must really like me :)'

'But I dunno if I will'

I rolled my eyes, I grabbed the pen and wrote something else. 'I'll make you something if you do.' I set it back down, walking to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

After I made something, I went back to the living room to put something on, but seen that I have gotten yet another reply. 'Hm.. Make me a cake then maybe <3' I glared at the paper, this fox.. I sat down on the couch, deciding to make him the 'cake' after.

I finished eating a few minutes later, so I decided it was time to start on that stupid cake he wanted. I searched through the cabinets, looking for what I needed. It didn't take me too long to get started, so it wasn't to long before I had got it into the oven. Now I had to wait. I went to watch more TV while I waited, after a little while the oven went off. I jumped off the couch, and walked back to the kitchen to get the cake out so it could cool off a bit, before I put the icing on it. I wasn't sure what kind of cake he wanted, but I decided to go with a chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Can't go wrong with that, huh? I finally was able to add the icing on it. I smiled satisfied at how it looked, now it was time to call that fox here. "Lolbit! I know you can probably hear me, your cake is done!" I called, it took a few seconds until I saw the strange looking fox to appear. "Finally, you actually appear." I folded my arms, "No need to be so mad, Pumpkin." he told me, walking over to the cake.

I glare at him, "Stop calling me that." Lolbit continued to get a slice for himself, "Why? What's wrong with it?" he questioned. "It's weird. Especially coming from a robotic fox." I decided to get me a piece as well, "I don't see how it's weird, it's not like I'm meaning it in a certain way–unless that's how you're taking it." he smirked, I felt my face heat up a bit from embarrassment, "Of course not!" I told him, I then took my cake and sat down to start eating. Lolbit decided to take a seat across from me, after a few minutes I decided to break the silence and do what I called him for. "Hey.." I started, gaining his attention, "I'm.. Sorry.." Lolbit gave me a puzzled look, "Uh, about the other day.." I told him, he nodded, staying silent, a bit before speaking "It's okay.. I just.. Don't wanna talk about it." I nodded, understanding, then it was silent again. I tap my hand gently on the table, before deciding on what to say. "I.. Also, was wondering if we could.. Be friends?" I asked, he gave me a shocked expression. "You. Wanna be friends, with. Me?" He questioned, I only nodded, "I thought you disliked me?" he told me confused, "Well.. You're not as bad as I thought you were.. So, what do you say?" I smiled a bit, "Hm.. Alright."

An hour later of talking to him, he told me he had to go somewhere. I was curious, but I decided not to push it. I heard a knock on the door while I was relaxing on the couch, I got up to go check. I peeked out, only to see no one was there, opening the door to see if I could see anyone... I notice a letter that was on the ground.

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