💜 Chap. 3 🧡

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I woke up the next morning in my room to silence. I didn't feel like getting up yet, so I laid there for a couple more minutes.

I let out a sigh, as I finally had lazily gotten out of bed, I then made my way to the bathroom inside my room. I used the bathroom, then I got my toothbrush and toothpaste to start brushing my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror, still tired, then suddenly the lights started to flicker a little. Confused, I paused for a second to glance up at the lights, until suddenly they stopped.

That was strange.

I glanced at the nice bathtub I had, I guess a small bath wouldn't hurt after I eat something. I didn't have anything to do anyways, I mean Jimmy and Jenny won't be home for a good few hours. I have the house to myself.

I had walked out of my bedroom, making my way towards the kitchen, before I entered I called.


"Yes, Y/N?"

"Turn on the lights in the kitchen.. Please?"

I watched as the lights in the kitchen immediately flicked on, "Kitchen lights on." the female voice told me, I smiled, thanking her. I walked into the kitchen, looking through all of the cabinets, before I started to look through the fridge. I decided on putting a pizza in the oven, I reached into the freezer grabbing ahold of the box with the pizza. After I placed it on the counter, I got out a pan from the closet, I then sprayed the pan, so the pizza wouldn't get stuck, and finally I placed it onto the pan. I gently placed it into the oven, and set the time on it.

I decided I would watch something on TV while I waited for my pizza to be done. I grabbed the TV remote, starting to lazily flip through channels. I didn't want to keep bothering Mira with this, even if she was just some voice tech thingy–I had finally found something to watch, I watched the show that was on, until a commercial came on for a restaurant, named 'Circus Baby's Pizza World'. I watched the commercial with curiosity, maybe I could check out that place one day.

My attention was stolen from the TV, when I heard a beeping coming from the kitchen. I got up, walking towards the kitchen. I grabbed two oven mitts that were hanging up on the side, I then opened the oven, and pulled the pizza out. Lastly, I got a pizza cutter, and started to cut the pizza into triangles. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet, and grabbed two slices.

After I had my delicious pizza, I then made my way back to my room and to my bathroom for a relaxing bath. I turned on the water, and watched as the tub slowly got filled, before I started to take my clothes off, I then climbed into the tub. I leaned back in it, letting out a relaxed sigh as I did so. I closed my eyes, just relaxing in the hot water. I haven't been able to properly relax in the last few weeks, with my job, trying to get into a college, finding my own place... So, it was nice just to be able to lay here to take it easy. Well, I was relaxing, until I heard a commotion from the living room. I quickly shot up from the tub, 'It's not time for them to be home yet, right?' I thought, I got out of the tub, drying off. I threw on a robe I had hanging on the wall, I needed to find out what that was about. I grabbed my phone from my bed, checking the time. It was nowhere NEAR time for them to be back, maybe they forgot something?

I slowly stepped out of my room, trying to be as quiet as possible. I cringed a bit, when the door creaked a bit, I stood still for a few seconds... I didn't hear anything, so I decided to keep moving towards the living room. As I was getting closer, I could make out what sounded like the TV being on. I nervously made it to the doorway of the room, the TV was in fact on... Didn't I turn it off? I know I did. I slowly walked towards the couch, but when I got to the front of it. No one was even sitting on it.

"What the hell?"

I whispered out loud, "Uh, Mira.. Turn off the TV please.." I ordered her, I stared at the screen turn off, I let out a sigh, turning around but immediately stopped when I heard the TV turn back on. Confusion was written all over my face, I grabbed the remote, pointing it towards the screen turning it off once again. I was about to place the remote back down, until it turned on again.

"What is your problem TV??" I questioned, maybe it's just bad wiring? I once again turned the TV off, only for it to turn back on again. "Oh.. COME ON.." I yelled, I was getting irritated I was about to turn it off again, but stopped in my tracks when I heard a glitch laugh behind me. It wasn't a very loud, it was pretty tame, I immediately turned around to catch whoever was in the house. Only to find.. Nothing?

'Am I going crazy?' I thought to myself, I looked around, I sighed, turning around to turn off the TV only to find it was already off. Am I imagining things? I relaxed for a second, but tensed up again once I heard footsteps behind me, I heard them until they were right behind me. I stood still shaking, unable to move. I closed my eyes tightly, awaiting whatever death was going to happen.

"B o o !"

The same voice yelled, causing me to scream and immediately run to my room and slam the door. I don't know who was behind me, and I don't want to know. I locked the door and backed up to my window, getting ready to open it if I needed a quick escape. I stayed on guard, until I calmed down a bit when nothing else happened, I leaned against the wall as I slowly slid down to the floor.

What the hell is going on?

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