🧡 Chap. 12 💜

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I picked up the envelope, and went to the couch in the living room to take a seat. I carefully opened it, so I wouldn't rip it, and pulled the slip of paper out. I unfolded the slip of paper, and started reading.

"Dear Y/N,
We are pleased to tell you that you have been chosen to have a chance to work at our fine establishment. Of course you will be taking the role of being a waitress/waiter at first, but we assure you, the pay is well! We hope to see you soon at Circus Baby's!"

I gaze the letter a puzzled look. I don't remember applying here? Is this even normal? I guess I could go see for myself if this is for real... Would I even want to work there? Hmm. I could learn more about Lolbit, plus it does look kinda fun. I scanned the paper a few times to see if there was a certain date or time I needed to be there, but it didn't say anything about that. I must be able to come anytime. I'll go check it out tomorrow, it's closed by now. Jimmy and Jenny will be home soon, maybe the three of us could watch a movie.

I waited for about an hour, until I saw the twins walk in through the door. I smiled and tackled the two into a hug. Jenny happily accepted, but Jimmy was taken a little off guard at first, he hugged back of course though. "Finally! I thought we all could watch a movie." I told them, "Of course, Y/N, how about you Jim?" Jenny asked, "Uhh.. Alright."

I was in charge of finding a movie, while the other two were getting snacks prepared. I was crouched down on the floor, looking for one that looked interesting. It was fine, until I felt arms wrap themself around me, pulling me closer to whoever my capture was, I jumped and tried to move away, but they had a good grip. "Chill you scaredy cat.. It's me!" a familiar fox's voice reassured, which made me calm down a little. I only let out a sigh in response to him, "I got you good, huh?" he said, I could just hear that smirk he had. I rolled my eyes, trying to lean up to keep looking for a movie, only to realize he still had a grip on me. It made me realize how close I was to him, making my face heat up a little, "Uhh.." I started, "What is it?" he asked, is he serious? What. Is. It? "Could you let go of me..?" hearing this must've made him realize he had his arms around me, he immediately let go. "Next time you do that. I'm punching you." I threatened, my back to him, I heard the fox let out a quiet laugh, "Would you really~?" I turned to him, after I had got a movie I wanted. "Yes. I would." I said confidently. Lolbit only grinned, leaning closer to my face, making me a little nervous. "But.. What if I liked it, Y/N?" he asked, causing me to heat up. "YOU'RE SO WEIRD!" I yelled, lightly pushing him, since I didn't actually want to hurt him.. This caused "Y/N, you alright??" Jenny called from the kitchen, "Yes! Just fine!" I yelled back, I sent a glare to Lolbit, who just gave me a smile and disappeared.

Finally me, Jimmy, and Jenny was able to sit down and enjoy the movie. Me and Jenny were making fun of parts of the movie, which irritated Jimmy a bit. He told us he never wanted to watch a movie with us again, but we knew he didn't mean it. An hour and a few minutes later, the movie was over and we got ready for bed. Well, they wanted to stay up a little longer, I needed to get to bed.

Here I was standing outside of the restaurant, the letter in hand. I needed to know if this paper was serious or not. I swung open the door, stepping inside. The place was somehow already busy, even though it was pretty early, I guess this place really is popular. I glanced around, until my eyes landed on a worker, I walked over to them, "Excuse me.." I spoke, they turned to me, "What can I do for you?" they asked, I showed them the letter I had, they nodded understanding, and started to lead me to this office door.

I rose my hand up, knocking on the wooden door gently. "Come in." a man's voice told me. I opened the door slowly, there was a young man sitting in a chair at a desk in a suit and tie. He had black hair with a blue streak in it, he also had blue eyes along with some glasses. I sat down in one of the chairs, the office was actually pretty nice. The walls were wooden, there were shelves and stuff on the walls, the floor was carpet. "Why have you came to see me?" he asked, "I received this at my door yesterday.." I explained, sliding the paper to his side of the desk. The man took it, and scanned it, he then nodded, turning his attention back to me. "well? Are you interested?" he questioned, "It's serious??" I asked, shocked, the man just nodded to me. "So?" I got out of my chair, "Yes! I would love to work here!" I told the man. "Very well. I am Austin, welcome to Baby's." he told me, as he had also gotten out of his chair and shook my hand.

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