🧡 Chap. 14 💜

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I was currently helping Jenny setup stuff for Halloween, but I couldn't help but notice she was a bit down in the dumps. Even with her hiding it, I could clearly see it on her face.

"What's wrong, Jen?"

Jenny only froze, stopping herself from setting up, yet another decoration up in the widow. She turned to me, putting on a forced smile, I sigh softly, "I won't push it, but me and Jimmy are here for you.." Jenny just nodded, going back to setting up a very off putting doll in the window to scare anyone that passed by.

I frowned, picking up an inflatable that we were going to put outside, it wasn't blown up yet.. Just looks pretty sad right now. I decided I would give Jenny some space for a bit, so I will put this sad inflatable up. I set it up in the yard in front of our house, before I grabbed the device that blows air into it when I was going outside. I sat there waiting, for the sad dragon, to become a scary cool looking dragon. "Whatcha' up to~?" a voice whispered in my ear, causing me to jump away, only to realize it was Lolbit.. Shocker. The fox only let out a loud laugh in response, I rolled my eyes, but they widened once I noticed the two of us were outside. In a neighborhood, where everyone could see him. Lolbit must have noticed the panic on my face, since he now rolled his eyes, "Relax.. I checked around to make sure no one else was out." his reassurance didn't do much to calm my nerves though, "Why are you even out?" I asked, he only shrugged, I groaned slapping my hand onto my face. "You worry too much-one moment." he started, before disappearing when Jenny came to the window and opened it. "Y/N? Were you talking to someone?" she questioned, "No? Why do you ask?" I answered with a question, the puzzled girl just stared for a moment, then went back to what she was doing.

Something needed to be done, the more I talk to Lolbit, the more crazy I seem...

After I was finished with everything outside, I told Lolbit to talk to me in my room. He agreed, though he was confused. Now the said fox was jut spinning in my chair, "Lolbit, I didn't invite you in here so you could spin." I told him, which he stopped to look at me, "Well.. I don't know why exactly you did invite me in here so.." he shrugged, I only rolled my eyes again, "Well, I don't like looking crazy because of you." I told him, crossing my arms over my chest, "Didn't need my help with that.." he smirked, as he started to mess with stuff in my room. I glared daggers into his back, "But.. If it bothers you so much.. There is something we can do." he suggested, only turning his head slightly to me, so I got a good look at his glowing eye.

I rushed out of my room, grabbing a jacket, Jimmy was holding a plate of Halloween cookies that were freshly made. I had went by him, grabbing the handle of the front door, "Where are you off to?" he asked, I turned to him, "Oh, it was supposed to be a surprise, but.. I was going to meetup with a friend so you could meet them." I explained with a smile, "Okaaaay..?" he said, giving me a look, "Don't tell Jen!" I ordered, he only did the zipped mouth motion, before going on his way.

I was just a little bit from the house, I was awaiting the dumbass, so I could see this flawless solution he told me about. "Y/N.." a voice said, as they placed a hand on my shoulder, I turned sharply to see a man with white hair, that was in a messy braid down his neck. He had just a few lose hairs in the front, his eyes were black with white pupils, finally he had two ears poke up from his head. I just stared at the man silently, trying to figure out why they looked like I known them.. The man only smirked, "Wow, Y/N, can't recognize me? And I thought we were closer than that.." he told me, putting on an upset act, the it hit me. This man was Lolbit..


Lolbit only laughed at how shocked I was, "I did say I had a solution.. Didn't I?" he told me, "Y-yeah-but! I didn't know you meant this!" I softly yelled, gesturing to him, making him look down at himself, with one of his fox ears giving a small twitch as he did so. "I don't see the problem." he commented, causing me to groan out in annoyance, "Anyways, back home we go." he said, as he started walking back to the house like there wasn't a problem in the world. "W-wait!" I called, chasing after him.

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