💜 Chap. 13 🧡

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I pulled into the parking lot of Baby's, ready to start my first day. I was glad I didn't see Lolbit when I had gotten home, I had zero clue how I was going to tell him. Still curious on where he goes though.

I shut my car door, walking towards the entrance, pulling one of the glass doors to let myself in. I had decided to be a waiter/waitress here, it seemed simple enough. It apparently already paid more than my job at the store. I get to learn more about Lolbit, hopefully, plus get more money. What could go wrong?

I went to the employee changing room, changing into the uniform I was given, once I was done I walked out. I scanned the room in search of someone who was also a waiter, so I would know where they would like me to start. My eyes landed on a girl with long platinum blonde hair that was put into a ponytail, she wore a similar uniform to me. I fast walked to her, catching her attention, she cocked a brow at me "Need something?" she questioned, "Um.. Yeah actually, today is my first day–" the girl interrupted me, "Ohh, Y/N, right?" I nodded, "I heard about you comin', follow me I'll help you get started." she told me with a friendly smile.

Abby, which I learned her name was, gave me the rundown of how things worked here. Shown me where the kitchen was, cleaning supplies, told me to always be respectful for the customers. 'The more they like us, bigger the tip' she told me. So far it was pretty tame, but today wasn't the busiest I've seen it.

I was cleaning up a table that was left a mess by a family that was here. Kids really are messy. I have no clue how they managed to get two slices of pizza on the floor. I hear clanks of metal go by me, making me turn my attention to it, it was Funtime Freddy with his puppet Bon Bon. It was strange to seem them walk by, but knowing someone like Lolbit really helps. I watched as the bear made his way to a table where a father with his two sons sat, I turned my attention back to the table to continue what I was doing, luckily I was almost done.

I let out a sigh, plopping down on a bench in the building. It was my break, I had just gotten done getting a table what they wanted. I rested my head back, closing my eyes, I almost passed out. But someone clearing their throat made my eyes open back up. I looked up to see a white and pink fox with amber eyes. "You're Y/N, yes?" he asked, I nodded, "Oh, good! I heard we were getting someone new, but I believe we have already met before." he spoke, "Yeah, we have. I was down here for the first time not too long ago." I told him, "Ah, yes.. I remember now. How are you liking it here?" he asks, "So far, yeah I think I do." I smiled, Foxy was about to speak again, only to be interrupted by someone calling for him. "Foxy! A kid wants to see you!" Abby called, "Seems like I'm needed.. Hope we can chat again, Y/N." he said, taking my hand and kissing it, before getting up and leaving. I felt my face heat up, "O–oh.. Okay.. Byeee.." I sighed, pulling out my phone to pass the time I had left on my break.

Me and Abby were getting the place ready to be closed for the night, I was fixing the chairs and tables, while she was mopping the floor. "What did you think of your first day?" she asks, "I liked it actually, way better than my last job." I told her, I saw a small smile appear on her lips, "Great.. It's nice to have someone new here." she tells me, I just return the smile and continue what I was doing. Eventually it was time for the two of us to say our goodbyes, after we did I got into my car and drove home for the day.

I opened the door, walking in, seeing Jimmy was on the couch. "Congratulations on your new job." he saids, "Thanks, where's Jenny?" I asked, "She went on a date, not sure when she'll be back." I nod, making my way to my room. I set my stuff beside my door, and start to raise my shirt up, only for a voice to startle me. "New job?" I snap my head to where I heard the voice, only to see Lolbit was sitting on my rolling chair. "Why the hell do you gotta scare me like that?!" I shouted, fighting the urge to smack him. "Whoops." he saids simply, "You could at least say sorry!" I say, folding my arms, "Yeah, yeah, what's this new job?" he questions, making me freeze. "Nothing big.. Just one that pays more than my last one did.." Tell him, as calmly as I could. "Which isss..?" he says, "I'm tired that's what.. I'll tell you more later.." I lied, he gave me a suspicious look, but ended up leaving anyways. "How am I going to do this.." I mumbled.

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