Part 1 - First Meet

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"Yibo, behave yourself today. I can't stay longer, I need to run", Fifi.

Fifi is Yibo's personal manager. Today is the first day of workshop for Unnamed Love, so she should accompany Yibo but she is busy today to arrange Yibo's works for the month.

"Hmm", Yibo.

"Try to make a friends and don't cause any trouble. Can you?", Fifi.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you stop nagging and just go?", Yibo.

Everyone know Yibo has a cold attitude and hard to approach. Yibo already be an actor for 3 years and he is so well known among teenagers. He is a former idol of korean group, UNIQ. After a couple of hours in workshop, they (actors and actresses) have a rest. Out of nowhere, suddenly Yibo being intrupt by someone when he is playing with his phone.

"Hello, why are you here alone? Can I join you?", Zhan.

With an angry face, Yibo look up to see that person but he can't be mad at him as soon as see that beautiful face. He was too stunned to talk, he become so speachless at that time.

Xiao Zhan ask again if he can sit there and Yibo let him.

"Is your name Wang Yibo? The girls want me to ask you if they can have a photo with you", Zhan.

"Are you asking for my name? Seriously?", Yibo said with a higher tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm not seeing any new drama or shows lately. So, I don't know you. I'm sorry", Zhan.

"Are you not using social media? I'm famous among youngsters, you know", Yibo.

"Ahhh, no wonder the girls so into you. Maybe my teammates know you, since they're still young", Zhan.

"Sounds like you're an old man with pretty face", Yibo.

"Yeah... wait, I'm not pretty and not old either", Zhan.

"I'm just kidding. You must be round my age, how old are you?", Yibo.

"I'm 26 this year", Zhan.

"26? You must be kidding me. You look so young", Yibo.

"Why would I lie to you? I really am 26. I born in 1991", Zhan.

"WOW, I thought you are only 20 years old like me", Yibo.

"You are kinda friendly, not like the others said", Zhan.

Yibo heard it but he just ignore it. "Should I call you, gege? What is your name?", Yibo.

"Xiao Zhan, you can call me zhanzhan like others. My teammates call me that too", Zhan.

"Zhanzhan, you can call me Bobo. Now that you mention that, what about this team that you talk about?", Yibo.

"I joined XFire Show last year and debuted as an idol in a boy group idol names XNine. I'm the vocalist and the oldest member", Zhan.

"XNine? Your group will be showing up in Day Day Up Show next month, right?", Yibo.

"I don't know. The manager didn't tell us anything yet. How do you know?", Zhan.

"Oh, I host that show with other three brothers", Yibo.

"Ah, I see", Zhan.

"You know what, before becoming an actor and TV host, I was an idol too but I was in Korean boy group named UNIQ", Yibo.

"Wow, you are so multi talented, Bobo", Zhan.

"NO, you are jus- ", Yibo.

Yibo can't finish his words when the director ask them to gather again. Yibo was angry with that fact and he is confused, why is so angry because of that. He never felt like that before.

"I already told you the plot and so on. So, I want to see the first scene of the brothers first. Someone who play as Lan Wuji and Lan Wuxian please come in front and act according to the script", director.

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan come up to the front. Yibo was suprise with that situation, he didn't expect that he will be the older one for someone that is older than him. But it's not like he is complaining, he just a little suprise because he lost focus during the briefing.

"You play as Lan Wuxian?", Yibo.

"Yes, why are you so suprise? Aren't I already introduced my character earlier?", Zhan.

"Hmmm, I'm not focusing during the briefing. Sorry", Yibo.

"Forget it, it's okay. Let's start", Zhan.


"Zhanzhan, how can you get Lan Wuxian role instead of Lan Wuji?", Yibo.

"Actually I auditioned for Lan Wuji, but I got Lan Wuxian instead. When I was auditioning, they asked me to try act as Wuxian for once. I did it and I got the role", Zhan.

"Well, you kinda suit the role. I don't know your personality yet but I think it suits you", Yibo.

"Really? What about you, brother (gege)?", Zhan.

"This role is a little similar to me. So, brother give it a try", Yibo.

"Okay", Zhan.

"By the way, how are you gonna get home?", Yibo.

"Why? Are you gonna give me a leave?", Zhan.

"Brother can send you home", Yibo said it casually.

Zhan laugh, "I'll back with my manager later. She's on the way".

Zhan thought Yibo was just kidding him, but Yibo is actually serious with his words. He really want to send Zhan back.

"Okay, tell me- Oh, let's exchange WeChat contact", Yibo.

"Okay, here", Zhan open his WeChat and give his phone to Yibo. So that Yibo can add him on WeChat.

Yibo scan the QR Code and add Zhan as his friend. He looks happy and decided to wait there until Zhan going home before going back home safely.

(I decided to change the character's name from Lan Wangji to Lan Wuji. So you will not remember Wangji character here. And also, to make them sounds more like a real brother who have almost a similar name)

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