Part 5 - Let Me Cook

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"Do you want a drink?", Yibo asked after he closed the door.

"If it's not too troubling", Zhan.

"Not at all. You can take any kind of drink that you want. Follow me", Yibo walk to the kitchen right after saying those words.

Zhan following Yibo without saying a word.

After they arrived at the kitchen, Yibo open his fridge and let Zhan choose his drink. On the other hand, Zhan was too stunned to speak. He never met anyone who their fridge is only contain of drinks.

"Hello, baby... Are you here? Babe, baby, sweetheart, wifey", Yibo doesn't want to hit or shout at him, so keep calling him patiently.

"Huh? What?", Zhan is back to earth.

"What are you thinking of, honey. Take one drink that you like", Yibo.

"Oh, okay", Zhan take a peach soft drink and walk to back to the living room with Yibo.

After they arrived at the living room, they sat on a sofa together. Yibo switched on his television and open a romcom movie. But, Zhan seem out of focus, like he is thinking about something.

"Baby, what's wrong? Is this movie is not your liking? I can change to another movie", Yibo.

"No, I just been thinking. Why are you only have various kind of drinks in your fridge. Where's the food? Are you not eating here?", Zhan.

"Aww, my zhanzhan is so sweet. He is thinking about me. Of course I eat here, honey. I did stored a food in there. I have ice creams and chocolates too", Yibo.

"You have? Eh, that's not a problem here. I talk about a real food", Zhan.

"It's a real food, honey. Do you want some ice cream? Or chocolate?", Yibo.

"YESSS", Zhan answer the question excitedly.

Yibo walk to the fridge right away.

"Heyyy, answer my question first. Comeback! Yibo! Yibo! Gege!", Zhan.

"Do you miss me baby?", After few minutes, Yibo comeback with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and two chocolate sticks on top of it.

"Miss my ass. Just answer it", Zhan.

"Calm down, sweetie. What is the question again?", Yibo.

"Why is your fridge only have these three things? Where's the other groceries?", Zhan.

"Never have one. Wait, I have it when I first live alone but after that, I never buy it again since I don't use it", Yibo.

"Are you too busy to cook?", Zhan.

"I'm indeed a busy person, but the main reason is because I can't cook. I'm not like you, Mr XNine chef", Yibo.

"I'm not really good myself. I just knew how to cook a few of my region dish", Zhan.

"You're good, if you compare yourself with me. I can't even cook a simple dish", Yibo.

"Hmmm, that's true", Zhan.

"Lili said that you don't have any schedule for a week. Can you stay and cook for me, baby?", Yibo.

"But you don't have anything in your kitchen. How can I cook for you?", Zhan.

"I have an instant noodle packs, eggs and oil in the kitchen cabinet. You can make a breakfast with it right? We can go out shopping for the groceries later, after breakfast", Yibo.

"Sounds convincing. That will do, but what about my clothes? I don't bring any", Zhan.

"You can use mine. I have a lot of clothes", Yibo.

"Okay", Zhan.

After the movie finished, Yibo notice that Zhan is already sleeping. He take him up and hug him in princess style and walk to his spare room.

"He is lighter than I think. I can hold him with just one hand. His waist is slender and slim. He is like a girl", Yibo.

After Yibo put him onto the bed and pull the blanket to Zhan's chest. He kiss Zhan's forehead and wish him a goodnight to him and leave the room.

"Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dream. See you tomorrow", Yibo.

Zhan open his eyes a few seconds after he heard a voice of the door been closed. Zhan is already awake when Yibo open the door because of the movement but he pretend to be asleep. He thought it would be embarrassing if he is awake at that time.

"Why is he being so sweet just now? Is that his true personality? Everyone said that his personality is the otherwise, nothing similar to what I had seen myself. What should I do if he really like me? People said someone can't hide his personality too long, they will reveal themself after 4 months. (That's what my teacher said) Wait, does that means I need to be his fake boyfriend for 4 months?! OMG, this is killing me. Whatever, I need to sleep", Zhan.

Tomorrow morning, Zhan wake up early to cook their breakfast. Yibo's sleep has been disturb by the smell of instant noodles. He wash his face and brush his teeth before he went down to the kitchen. After he enter the kitchen, he can see Xiao Zhan is preparing their drinks. He went and hug him from the back, he always want to do that.

"Morning, baby", Yibo said while hugging Zhan.

"Argh... Yibo! You're shocking me", Zhan.

Yibo smile guiltily and give him a peck. "Sorry, you're too cute. When will you done?"

"Soon, it will be done if you help me", Zhan.

"What do you want me to do?", Yibo.

"Bring this tray to the table. Be careful, don't drop it", Zhan.

"Yes, I know mom", Yibo.

"Heyyy! I'm not your mom", Zhan.

"Okay, I'm sorry my wife", Yibo.

"I- I am- not", Zhan stuttered and blush over the words.

"How is he so smooth?", Zhan monologues.

"How do you find this tea set? I never use it, I even forgot that I have it", Yibo said it after he put the tray down on the table.

"Oh, I was just look for it. Sorry, I don't ask for your permission first", Zhan.

"It's okay, baby. Feel free to do anything you like. Make yourself at home. My house is your house too", Yibo.

"O- okay. I just cook a simple dish, I hope it's fine. How is it taste?", Zhan.

"It's good, very delicious. The fried instant noodle with eggs that my wife make is really tasty. I love it", Yibo.

"Can you stop saying that I'm your wife? I'm not your wife. I am a man", Zhan.

"How about my husband?", Yibo.

"I'm not too", Zhan.

"Then, what am I suppose to say?", Yibo.

"My- boyfriend", Zhan paused his answer for a minute and said 'boyfriend' in whisper.

"Okay, my boyfriend is really good in cooking. I love his cooking", Yibo.

Zhan's face turn to be a rip tomato. He doesn't said a word and just focus on finishing his breakfast.

Yibo offered to help him washing the dishes after finishing his meals. So, Zhan went upstairs to his room. He was playing with his phone until his phone having a low battery. His power bank is also run out of battery.

"Oh no, my power bank is out of battery. I don't bring my charger, what should I do? Haa, Yibo! He must have it. But~ which one is his room? I only know mine", Zhan.

Zhan go and open every rooms upstairs until he found Yibo's bedroom.

"Oh- what are you doing here? Want anything, baby?", Yibo heard his door knob being twist, so he look at the direction.

"Mmm, I- My phone's battery is low", Zhan.

"Wanna use my charger?", Yibo.

Zhan just nod with silent.

"Come here. It's beside my bed", Yibo.

"Okay", Zhan went in and charge his phone. He put his phone on a small rack beside the bed.

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