Part 22 - Be Braver, Honey

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Fanxing already in second grade. All of his parent's meeting had been attended by either of his waipo or nainai. Yibo and Zhan never attend to any of Fanxing's school events due to their busy schedule and also to avoid getting busted. Fanxing is a good boy, he was not really whining when both of his parents can't go to his school but this time, he can't take it anymore.

"Papa, papa, can you go to my school this Friday?", Fanxing asked Zhan.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I have a works that day. Why don't nainai go to your school instead of me?", Zhan.

"But I want you to come. I don't want nainai", Fanxing.

"Why not? Don't your grandmothers always go to your school", Zhan.

"I got bullied because of that. They said I have a rich parents but they don't love me", Fanxing.

"You were what? Who are those kids? Tell me, let me teach him a lesson", Yibo.

"Babe, calm down. It's just a kids, nothing serious. Right, Fanxing?", Zhan.

Fanxing hang his head down and just hurm.

"Baby, why are you so calm when your son is getting bullied? What if they become violent?", Yibo.

"What could a primary school kids do?", Zhan.

"Fanxing, tell me what had they did to you?", Yibo.

"They... They said I got no parents. They also said my parents hate me. They always talk bad about me. Everything I do seems wrong. They don't really hit me but they take my money once", Fanxing.

"Did you hear that, sweetheart? It will become worse if we don't step in", Yibo.

"I don't think it could be that bad", Zhan.

"Daddy, hish- can you come to my school this Friday? Please daddy", Fanxing already crying.

"Wait... Sure, I'll be there", Yibo give his answer after he checked his schedule twice.

"Really? You'll come? Thanks, daddy", Fanxing hugs Yibo and give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright, go brushing your teeth and sleep. You have a school tomorrow", Yibo.

"Okay", Fanxing left his parents' room.

"Is it okay for you to go to his school, hubby?", Zhan.

"Honey, it's fine. I'm his dad too even though it's not official. But you're his official adopted dad and I'm your legal husband. Doesn't it make me his legal guardian?", Yibo.

"It's not what I meant... We could get caught if you go", Zhan.

"We can't hide forever, sweetheart. We have been together for 5 years and we're legally husband and husband. What are you worrying for?", Yibo.

"You know that our country hate our community, right? What if we lost our jobs?", Zhan.

"Don't we rich enough to go through that? Even if we both jobless, we can still pay the driver for the entire year. We don't even have any maid", Yibo.

"I'm serious, hubby... What if we really lost our jobs after this?", Zhan.

"Me too, baby... I believe that both of us can still success without our agencies. Do you know how much I hate your company?", Yibo.

"I knew that they mistreat me but... If I lost my job, what can I do?", Zhan.

"You can open your own bakery or dessert shop like your dream. I'll help you", Yibo.

"You still remember that? I told you years ago", Zhan.

"I never forget anything about you, baby", Yibo hugs him and pinch his chin.

"Yi, Yibo", Zhan stuttered and blush.

"Still blushing over your husband? You're so cute, baby. My wifey is the cutest", Yibo.

"I'm, I'm not. I'm a handsome man", Zhan.

"Yeah, sure. You maybe win "the most handsome man" worldly, but you're still my pretty wife", Yibo.

"I'm your husband", Zhan.

"Just on paper, wifey", Yibo kiss him lightly. But after a minute, he kiss him passionately and Zhan start to moan.

"Baby, you better not seduce me like that", Yibo said after they break the kiss.

Zhan on the other hand, leaning toward Yibo and smile. He put his head on Yibo's shoulder and panting. He hugs Yibo and ask, "Gege, we can't do it today, right?".

"You know better, honey. Who is the one that has morning schedule tomorrow?", Yibo.

"Hmm, both", Zhan. Both of them have works tomorrow's morning but Zhan's work scheduled earlier than Yibo.

"But mine is not as early as yours. My job was at nine, but you on the other hand start at seven", Yibo.

"Okay. You can sleep first, while I'm going to our kitchen to make some supper", Zhan.

"I'll company you, then", Yibo kiss his cheek and Zhan just smiling shyly.

Both of them went to the kitchen and make a fast dinner. Zhan found his ready made meals in the shelf, so he make two flavors. After they done eating and washing their hands, they wanted to go to their room. But Zhan slip on the second stairs. Yibo was so worried of him while Zhan keep saying he is fine.

"Argh", Zhan is shouting when Yibo lift him up.

"What are you doing? Put me down", Zhan.

"No, you maybe slip again. What if you injured your legs or hands or maybe ruin your pretty face? I wouldn't let it happen", Yibo start to walking upstairs.

"Am I not heavy? I think I gained some weight", Zhan.

"You're indeed heavier than the last time I carry you like this. But I'm not complaining, I like your chubby cheeks", Yibo.

"You should put me down since I'm heavy", Zhan.

"Nope, I said no. I'll carry you to our bed, I'm not that weak and you're not too heavy", Yibo.

"Aww, you're so sweet", Zhan kiss his cheek.

Yibo stop walking and pecks on Zhan's lips, "Baby, you should stop doing that. It's bad for my heart and also your safety".

"My safety?", Zhan.

"Look at our position now. It would be bad if I accidentally drop you. If I'm not, can you guarantee your safety in our room later", Yibo.

Zhan pouting and said, "I just want to compensate you".

"Alright, be a good boy now", Yibo kiss him for the last time before he starts to walk again.

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