Part 16 - Adoption

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"Isn't it Yibo?", A girl is half shouting when she said it to her friends.

"Where?", Her friends asked in sync.

"There, he is buying an ice cream", said the girl.

"Eh, really?! Is it him? I don't think it's him", One of the girl's friends said.

"It's really him. I'm his fan, I knew it's him when I see him", the girl still want to win.

"Oh, yeah? Then, who is that boy? I think you mistook him for Yibo", asked the other friend.

"I don't know but he seem familiar", said the girl. He then take a picture of Yibo, Fanxing and Lele.

"I don't know who is that boy but I'm sure he is Yibo. The guy behind him is his bodyguard, Lele", said the girl after she focused on the pictures that she snap for a few minutes.


"Fanxing, which flavor do you want?", Yibo.

"I want... Erm... I want", Fanxing has a hard time to choose the flavor.

"Can you see the ice cream? Let me lift you up", Yibo lifts Fanxing and show him the variety of ice creams.

"Waah~ There's so many flavors. There are a lot of colors, I don't know which one to choose", Fanxing.

"You need to choose faster", Yibo.

"I don't know, I only had vanilla and chocolate flavors before", Fanxing.

"Then, how about we buy all of it? So you can have a taste of new ice cream's flavor", Yibo.

"But, I can't finish all of it", Fanxing.

"It's okay. We can buy it to take away. So, you can eat it later at home", Yibo.

"But I want to eat it now", Fanxing whining.

"Okay, is vanilla and chocolate okay?", Yibo.

"Okay", Fanxing.

"Sis, I want two scoops of each flavor to take away except for vanilla and chocolate. But, I want two scoops of vanilla and chocolate to eat here", Yibo.

"The total is xxxx yuan. I'll bring it to you after it done packing", cashier.

"Okay, take your time but can you make the vanilla chocolate first. Thank you", Yibo.

"Sure, please wait", cashier.

"Fanxing, can you wait for me here? Uncle Lele will look after you, I'll go and buy snacks for papa", Yibo said to Yuan who is enjoying his ice cream.

"Okay", Fanxing said while eating.

Half an hour later, Yibo come back with two big plastic bags full of snacks and chocolates. Lele take Fanxing out of the store as soon as he see Yibo. They when home after that.

"Daddy, can I have one chocolate?", Fanxing.

"Are you not full yet?", Yibo turn towards Fanxing and ask him.

"I can still eat", Fanxing make a puppy face.

"Okay, okay, you can have one chocolate bar. Don't ask for more, okay?", Yibo.

"Okay", Fanxing agree to it happily.

Yibo give Fanxing a small size of chocolate bar. Fanxing take it and eat it quietly.

After two days pass, Xiao Zhan want to send Fanxing back to the orphanage but Yibo told him to hold on it. Zhan was curious of that and then Yibo told him that it might be a problem if they send Fanxing back.

"First, they thought you're adopting him. So, it's gonna be a problem if someone found out that you're sending him back. Second, there are rumors about our relationship. It's kinda complicated", Yibo.

"Our relationship? You or me?", Zhan.

"I said our baby, O.U.R, our. You and me", Yibo.

"You and me? Us? What? I don't get it", Zhan.

"Remember when I take Fanxing from you last 2 days? I bring him to an ice cream store and a fan take a picture of us then share it online", Yibo.

"Are you not wearing a mask?", Zhan.

"I did honey, I wear a mask and cap. Fanxing also wear a mask but that person is my fan, so they recognize me. After they shared it online, your fans recognize Fanxing. And that's how the rumor start", Yibo.

"Haih, what kind of rumor? Is it wrong for a friend to take care of his friend's son?", Zhan.

"Baby, why are you so innocent? Of course it's a rumor about us dating each other. Do you know that someone take a picture of you and Fanxing at a park yesterday? We're always close to each other. So, it's make sense if they thought we're dating", Yibo.

"And we're not?", Zhan.

"No, we're not", Yibo.

"What?!", Zhan.

"What? It's true that we're not dating", Yibo.

"Then, what are we?", Zhan.

"We're fiancee. We're engaged baby. Even though we're not wearing our engagement rings, we're still engaged", Yibo.

"Okay... What are we supposed to do?", Zhan.

"I think we need to settle about Fanxing first. You'll adopt him. My schedule are free for next month, just a few adds shooting. I can help you taking care of him. He will be going to kindergarten next year which is only a few months left", Yibo.

"So, Fanxing will be adopted under my name?", Zhan.

"Yes, don't worry. I'll treat of him as my own son too", Yibo try to convince Zhan.

"Will he be okay with that?", Zhan.

"Sure, he's being calling me daddy this whole time. Aren't he call you papa?", Yibo.

"I think he call me that two or three times. I thought he miscalled me as his dad", Zhan.

"No, honey. He asked me before if we want to adopt him as our son. He is fine by having us as his parents. He want to ask you at first but since you had already rejected him once, so he asked me", Yibo.

"It's not that I don't like him. It just I'll be busy start next week, I'm afraid that I can't take care of him. I also need to discuss it with you first", Zhan talk slowly as he feel guilty towards Fanxing.

Yibo hug Zhan and pat his back, "It's okay, baby. I got it, he understood that too. So, will you adopt him? I promise to take the responsibility too".

"If you're okay with that, I think it's fine", Zhan.

"You're already get ready, right? So, you can go to the orphanage right away. Do you want to bring Fanxing along with you?", Yibo.

"I don't think so. I need to sign up a few documents, so it'll be quite long. Can you look after him?", Zhan.

"Sure, baby. Our son is quite easy to take care of", Yibo.

"If I don't come back before lunch, you can just order food. No need to cook, okay?", Zhan.

"For sure, baby. I'll never do that", Yibo.

"Okay, I'll go now then", Zhan.

"Okay, see you", Yibo.

*COMPLETE* It can't be him [YiZhan Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now