Part 8 - Not Love Me🔞

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*Tomorrow morning*

"Hello, Zhanzhan. Are you awake?", Lili (XNine's manager)

"Yes, hello", Zhan.

"Zhan, I'm sorry but I can't take you this morning. I need to assist Leilei and Xujia in a variety show because manager 2 is sick. Manager 3 is not free as well. She need to assist Gu Jiacheng to his shooting site", Lili.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I can come back by myself. I'm a grown up man remember", Zhan.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about it, hehehe. I'm sorry, take care of yourself okay", Lili.

"Okay, see you later", Zhan.

Zhan went straight to the kitchen after the put down the phone. He already brush his teeth before his manager called earlier. He make a simple breakfast and set up the table after he done cooking. He wait for Yibo for a few minutes but he can't even see a shadow of him. So, he decided to go to Yibo's room and wake him up, if he is still sleeping. After breakfast, Yibo only wash his own plate, cup and cutleries. Then he went back to his room.

"Why is he behaving like that today? He is not as usual him. He usually very sweet and caring but he rarely talk to me today", Zhan.

After Zhan finish washing the dishes and clean up the table, he went to Yibo's room.

"Bo ge, are you free to talk?", Zhan said while standing at the door.

"Yeah, why?", Yibo.

"Erm- I will going back to the dorm soon", Zhan.

"Okay, take care" Yibo said with a flat tone.

"Bo ge, are you mad at me?", Zhan.

"No, why would I be mad at you? Did you do something wrong to me?", Yibo.

"How should I know, you don't talk to me today. You're not like yourself today, that's why I ask", Zhan.

"Huh? I'm always like this", Yibo.

"No, you're not. Usually you'll greet me with smile but not today. You usually talk sweetly to me but not today. You also don't even bother to make any skinship with me like your usual clingy self", Zhan.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just want to less it a little but it seem to concern you", Yibo.

"Gege, are you... Don't like me anymore?", Zhan.

Yibo look at him with a shock face. "Dislike you?! I love you the most, Zhan".

"Then, why are you act so different today? You don't usually call me by my name but you just call me Zhan since earlier. You don't even look at me today", Zhan.

"It's not like that, you're misunderstanding things here. Hear me out first", Yibo.

"What are you going to explain? It's obvious that you don't like me anymore", Zhan sounds sad.

"What do you meant by obvious, zhanzhan?", Yibo.

"You just did it again. I just come by to tell you that I'm leaving. I'll not bother you any longer", Zhan's eyes are full of not falling tears. He turn back after he said those words.

Yibo runs toward him quickly and hug him from the back. "Don't leave me like this. You make me feels bad. I'm sorry, please forgive me", Yibo.

He move to be in front of Zhan and he can see that xiao zhan is crying quietly. He wipes the tears and says, "Baby, don't cry. It's my fault, I'm sorry. Please stop crying, baby".

Xiao Zhan cry louder this time. "Ge, bo ge", Zhan said it one word by one word in between his crying.

Yibo hugs him and pat his back. "Yes, gege is here. Stop crying okay. You make me feels sad too, baby. Stop crying, my love", Yibo said softly.

Xiao Zhan hugs him back while crying, "ge ge".

"Yes, yes, gege is here. I can't stop myself from kissing you if you don't stop crying", Yibo.

"Ge, kiss me", Zhan.

Yibo push him gently and look at his eyes. He was still shocked, "baby, what did you said just now?".

"Kiss me", Zhan.

Yibo smile, and ask him, "Are you sure? *Zhan nodded* What if it leads me to another thing?". Zhan smile and shake his head.

"You're really sure? Aren't you afraid of it?", Yibo. Zhan shake his head and said, "Don't mind. It's better than you treating me coldly". By that words, they start kissing each other.

After kissing for a few minutes, Yibo's hand already eager to explore Zhan's body. He put his hand under Zhan's T-shirt and searching for his beans. He rub it gently and it make Zhan moans. Yibo pinch and twist it which make Zhan moans louder.

"I love hearing you moaning, it make you look more sexy", Yibo said, then he is back to kiss Zhan. Zhan can't take the pleasure, he admits his lose and call Yibo's name when Yibo stop kissing for awhile.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Want me to stop?", Yibo.

"I- I can't... Stand", Zhan said while panting.

"Can't stand? Are you sure? He (Zhan's didi) is already stand", Yibo.

Zhan pouting and shout a little, it's actually cute because he try to use all of his strength left to scold Yibo but he can't shouting loudly. "Ge! Not it, me! Such a pervert", Zhan.

"Is my baby angry? Awww, so cute. Save your energy for later, baby", Yibo pinch his nose.

Zhan slaps off Yibo's hand and make an angry face. While he was angry, Yibo lift him up which make him scared and hug Yibo tighter.

"Argh, put me, put me down", Zhan.

Yibo ignores Zhan's complain and carry him to his bed. He put Zhan on his bed and pin him down.

"How long do I have until your manager come to pick you up?", Yibo.

"She can't make it", Zhan.

"I can have you the whole day then", Yibo smirk.

"No, I need to comeback today", Zhan.

"But she can't make it", Yibo.

"I can use public transport or calling a taxi", Zhan.

"You can't do that. You're an idol now, you can't use public transport. How about I send you off later?", Yibo.

"But, you-", Zhan. Yibo shut him by put his pointing finger on Zhan's lips.

"There's no but. As a good boyfriend, I need to take care of you. I can't let my baby going back by himself, especially after having an exercise with me", Yibo.

"Exercise? What kind of exercise is that?", Zhan.

"It's a fun one. I'll teach you", Yibo.

Yibo kiss him hard and take of Zhan's T-shirt. He can't left a hickey on his body, so he just kiss them.
[I'll left the rest to you. Whatever their next move is on you. Let see how dirth is your mind hehehe]

After a few hours, Yibo send him back to his dorm. Zhan wear a same clothes that he wear when he's out 2 days ago. All clothes that he brought are left behind at Yibo's house intentionally.

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