Part 27 - I'm Your Dad

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"Well, in normal relationship, the TOP is the man and BOTTOM is the woman. Get it?", Yibo.

"Oh, so you're the TOP then", Fanxing.

"Yes, you finally get it my boy", Yibo ruffles Fanxing's hair.

"What do you meant by that? Stop teaching him weird stuff. Did you just said I'm the women, Fanxing?", Zhan.

"Aww, calm down cutie. He did get the position right though", Yibo pinch Zhan's cheek.

"But I don't want to be called a mom", Zhan.

"What? Yes, yes. You're not", Yibo try to calm him down. But, Fanxing make it worst again.

"Yes, you're. My teacher said, moms usually cooks, preparing clothes and spend more time with their children while fathers usually busy and rarely home, but they'll spoil their children. In my case, both of you are busy and sometime didn't stay at home. But daddy spoiled me more and you're the one who usually cooks and prepare my clothes. So, you're the mom and daddy is the dad. Right, daddy?", Fanxing.

"Your teacher really said that? Looks like you're paying attention to the class then", Yibo.

"Yes, my teacher said that", Fanxing.

"But I'm a man, I can't be a mom. I want to be a dad too", Zhan.

"You're indeed a dad, baby", Yibo.

"So why are you keep saying Fanxing is right? You start this, so end this one as well", Zhan is pouting.

"Yes, I was wrong. I'm sorry, don't be mad okay", Yibo.

"No!", Zhan.

Yibo then hug him and stroke his back. "Don't be like this, baby. He is just kidding. You're a good wife, right? We'll talk about this at home, okay?"

"Erm. But I want to be the dad", Zhan.

"Yes, you're the dad. You're his papa don't you.", Yibo.

"Papa, I -", Fanxing just about to add another words when Yibo deathly glare at him.

"Are you good now?", Yibo. Zhan nodded and Yibo release his hug.

"Yibo is like a whole new person just now, I never knew that he could be this sweet. I'll not doubt that you're the one who make the first move anymore", host.

"Heh, you're still here, mr host? Do you have any other question for us?", Yibo.

"Ge, don't be rude", Zhan.

"What, I'm just asking", Yibo.

"Look like Yibo is back to be his usual self. I do have a question for you but we'll have a break first. Alright, viewers, we'll meet again after this break", host.

"Fanxing, apologize to papa", Yibo.

"Why?", Fanxing.

"Just do it. Said you're sorry to call him mom", Yibo.

"But, I'm not say-", Fanxing.

"Fanxing! Will you do it or not?", Yibo raise his voice a little which make him flinch.

"Okay~ Papa, I'm sorry to call you mom. You're my dad and will always be my papa. I'm sorry for what I said just now", Fanxing.

"Alright, I forgive you", Zhan.

"Good job, Fanxing. Now that you're already forgiven, be good for the rest of the day. I'll give you a reward if you behave well today", Yibo.

"Really? What will I get?", Fanxing.

"What do you want?", Yibo.

"Ice cream! No, no, cake. Wait, ice cream", Fanxing is thinking about it.

"How about ice cream cake?", Zhan.

"Sounds good. I'll buy you ice cream cake then", Yibo.

"Yeay~, thank you daddy", Fanxing hugs Yibo.

"Alright guys, be ready. We'll on air in 3, 2, 1", producer.

"Hello, hello, hello, welcome back everyone. As we already seen just now, their family is very close and Yibo is so sweet as well. It will getting hot in this segment", the host stop for awhile and look at Yibo.

"Yibo, if you don't mind. Can you tell us, are you always like this at home? You're so warm just now, even with Fanxing", host.

"Yes, I'm always like this. I can't be cold at home since my baby dislike that kind of personality. I can't change it because it's me, but I'm not pretending to be warm or what so ever. I need to be warm, cozy and sweet, so that zhanzhan can feel safe around me. It's just naturally like that", Yibo.

"Looks like only your family can see that. Alright, let's move on to Zhan. Fanxing told us that you introduced Yibo to him as your fiance, why?", Host.

"Yes... Why not? He was really my fiancee at that time. Yibo proposed to me a few months before I adopted him. Both of our family also knew about it. They're very supportive", Zhan.

"Yibo said you act like a baby, how is that? We know that you're so cute and innocent, but baby is like on another level", host.

"Oh, I don't know about that. You should ask him. Gege, you answer it", Zhan.

"Isn't obvious? He showed it before too. When he's shy, he will be blushing and hiding. When he's happy, he will smile and laugh freely. But when he is displeased or dislike something, he will always show it and throw a tantrum. He'll never stop arguing and pouting until he get what he want", Yibo.

"So, you will hug him and coax him when he's not in a mood?", Host.

"Of course I did, sometimes it need more to coax him, but I can't show it to you right now", Yibo.

"You're so secretive", Host.

"Do you want your show to be ban? It's not appropriate to show. Right baby?", Yibo look at Zhan.

"Yes", Zhan answer it with a read face.

"I'm sure it's fine to show us a little?", Host.

"No! I don't want to", Zhan.

"Come on just a little", Host.

"No, no, no😤 Lao Gong~ I don't want to", Zhan hug Yibo's arm and whining.

"Then don't baby", Yibo.

"But the host is so persistent. Reject it or something", Zhan.

"You really hate that idea, huh. They can't force us to do something we don't want right? You want me to mad him, baby?", Yibo.

"Nope", Zhan bury his face in one of Yibo's ar.m while hugging it.

"Alright, don't sulking anymore. Come here", Yibo open his arm widely to hug Zhan but he is suprise when Zhan sit on his lap and hug him by the waist and put his head on Yibo's shoulder.

"Oh~ My baby is really not in his right mind eh. Did you hate it that much? It's fine, I'm here with you", Yibo brush his hair and kiss his forehead.

"Baby, did you forgot my promised few minutes ago? I told Fanxing to behave well if he want his reward. You should do the same too", Yibo said while hugging and pat his back.

"But you must said NO, okay?", Zhan look at Yibo with a cute pouting face.

"I promise to said NO if they ask me. Are you calming down now? I'll put you down if you're fine", Yibo.

"Wait... just hug me for a minute, okay?", Zhan hugs Yibo and lends on Yibo's shoulder.

"Sure, anything for you sweetheart", Yibo.

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