Final - Happy Ending

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After bought an ice cream cake that Zhan and Fanxing want, Yibo bought an ice cream for Fanxing. So, that he will not disturbing them in the car.

They're now at their house and sit together on a sofas in the living room. Yibo is hugging Zhan from the side while Zhan's head is on his shoulder.

"Ge, why are you so talkative today? I never seen you like this before", Zhan.

"Did you forgot that I'm very talkative when it come to my interest? You're my biggest interest, my love", Yibo.

"Really? More than your motorbike?", Zhan.

"More than everything, sweetheart. I love my wife the most", Yibo.

"Gong, I'm very touch with your last word. Now everyone knew about us and how cheesey you're. What if lot more people fall for you?", Zhan.

"No matter how many people fall for me, my love is just for you, baby", Yibo.

"What if someone try to be with me?", Zhan.

"Not in my watch. Over my dead body, bitch. From now on, I'll follow you. So no one can take you away from me. Got it?", Yibo.

"No need, husband. I can take a good care of myself and I will never attract to someone else. My husband is the most kind, caring, sweet, strong and handsome in the world", Zhan.

Yibo kiss his forehead. "You better be, sweetheart. Or you'll regret it all of your life", Yibo.

"Hehehe, I love you, lao", Zhan.

"I love you more, baby", Yibo.

Yibo then pinch Zhan's chin lightly and making Zhan look at him. He then kiss him passionately. He really forgot about Fanxing's existence until Fanxing disturbing their hot moment.

Fanxing feels uneasy and can't take it anymore. He then call for his dad. "Dad, daddy... Papa... Daddy!", Fanxing shout.

Yibo was shocked and stop his kiss. He turn around and look at Fanxing with a blushing face. "Oh, you're here my son? Sorry", Yibo.

"Just that? Huh", Fanxing is sulking and look the other way now.

"Awww, don't sulk. Come here", Yibo open his arm and ask Fanxing to come for a hug. Fanxing come and sit on one of his legs. Xiao Zhan who watch it make a long face.

"Baby, don't make that face. Are you jealous of your own son?", Yibo ask him with a flirty tone but Zhan just stay there quietly.

Yibo then push him from behind and make him hugging him. Zhan was blush but he manage to wake and sit on Yibo's other leg. He then hug him with both of his hands are around Yibo's neck.

"Papa, I'm here too", Fanxing said and Zhan just hurm to it.

Yibo hugs both persons who are on his lap. "Come here, my precious. I love you both", Yibo then kiss them on their cheek.

"You guys are too cute to handle. One person is a matured baby while the other one is a baby-like man. I feel like I have the most amazing family", Yibo.

"I love daddy too. You're the best dad ever. And I love papa too", Fanxing is smiling.

"Alright, Fanxing. Go upstairs and wash up. We'll eat the cake for today's dinner as a dessert. Until then, you can play in your room first", Yibo.

"YES!! Thanks, daddy", Fanxing give him a kiss and run upstairs.

Yibo then take out his phone and order something on it. When he look at Zhan, he smile at Zhan who his eyes were already big and round like a sad puppy and making a sad face. Yibo then give him a peck.

"Don't make that face, baby. You know I'm weak to that. I'll play with you, little puppy. You need to take a responsible for this", Yibo hold Zhan's hand and make him touch his 'ups' brother. Zhan is blushing hard right now but he didn't do anything.

"Not gonna move, baby? It's okay, I'll take the lead as usual. Just be a good wife, okay?", Yibo give him a kiss but Zhan still stood still. It's been a long time since they last did it.

Yibo hugs him in bridal style and take him to their room. Yibo make sure to lock the door before putting Zhan on their bed. Zhan then let Yibo do everything he wants with him. He feels the pleasure too.


I know that it's kinda lame ending but I don't have any good idea to end this story. Hope this will do.

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