Part 28 - You're Bullying Me

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The host was too speechless to say anything. Then he turn to Fanxing to see his reaction but Fanxing is not bothered by that and keep playing with his motorbike toy. Lele hand it to him during the break as he is getting bored.

"Am I the only one who shocked here? Even though I asked for it, I didn't expecting that. But, why is Fanxing seem like he doesn't bothered by that? Is he too focus on playing?", Host.

"I am playing here, but it's also because I've seen it numerous time. I'm adapt to that", Fanxing.

"What? What did you said?", Zhan ask that while going down from Yibo's lap and sitting at his sit.

"Nothing, he said he was sorry to you", Fanxing.

"Yes, he should apologize to me", Zhan.

"Huh? Me? For what?", Host.

"Because you force him to do something that he doesn't want to. Apologize to him, now", Yibo.

"And you, you did great, sweetie. You're a smart boy", Yibo smile and give a thumb up.

"Learn it from the best", Fanxing smile proudly.

"Looks like you guys are team up to bully me", Host.

"You're the one who bullied me", Zhan.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'll not do that anymore", Host.

"Good, you better not", Zhan.

"Yes, I learn my lesson. Can we back to the segment now?", Host.

"What is it now?", Zhan.

"Erm, I think it's better to ask Yibo first. What make you fall for your other half?", Host.

"If I said this, you may think it's cliche but that's the truth. At first, I fell in love with his cute face. Then, his unique personalities attracted me more", Yibo.

"Wow, so true. What about you, Zhan?", Host.

"I fell for his afford, I guess. He try so hard to get my attention. I only realized that when he suddenly ignore me", Zhan.

"You meant, you realize that you love me on the day when we did it for the first time?", Yibo.

Zhan hurm while looking down.

"Okay, moving on. It's getting hot here. Now, for our the last question this episode, how are your life after coming out? Maybe we can start with Yibo first since he was the one who host the live. Is it planned?", Host.

"Not really. I actually only planned to talk about Fanxing and coming out, but the last part was unplanned. I just want him to appear and told everyone that we are together but things getting beyond my control. So, I was just going with the flow", Yibo smile at Zhan while holding his hand.

"My life is not changing much. Getting love and hate after that is normal and expected", Yibo.

"Oh, you're done? How about you, Zhan", Host.

"There's a lot, obviously. After my friends knew about my relationship, many of them are curious about us and keep spamming me. There's a time when me and XNine members talk about it in our chatting group. After they knew when it's start, they just teasing me. They're not really suprise actually because they used to call me mom and questioning my sexuality. But since I always said that I'm straight, they thought I was dating a girl at that time", Zhan.

"So, your friends knew that you're in a relationship at that time?", Host.

"Yes and no, because I always going out and sometimes I'll spend the night at Yibo's house. Also, before we live together, he'll send a bouquet of red roses with a big box of chocolate and few gifts to my dorm every Chinese Valentine's Day and my birthday. He did make it obvious", Zhan.

"Ah, I see. Wait, now that you mention it, when did you guys live together?", Host.

"After 2 years in the company, I can move out from the dorm. But, when I moved out from XNine dorm, it's about 2½ to 3 years because Yibo is the one who set the date. He make me moved out from the dorm after we're in the relationship for 2 years. So, about 3 years ago. He proposed to me at the same day as our anniversary which is two days before I moved in into the house permanently", Zhan.

"Are you live in the same house for years?", Host.

"Yes, I bought that house a year before meeting Zhan. I did feel it's too big for just a person but since it's quiet and far from big city, I still bought it. Now, I feel like it's not too big anymore. Its just nice", Yibo.

"Alright, thanks for the TMI. Fanxing, how's your school? Is everyone nice to you?", Host.

"As usual I guess, but I love it more when they didn't know about daddy. There's a few kids bullying me but the annoying part is when they keep asking about weird things. But I love it when I can follow daddy to works now and not pretending to be his cousin anymore", Fanxing.

"Are you like your life now?", Host.

"Yes! I have a loving parents and big family now. Nainai and waipo also taking care of me very well", Fanxing.

"Before we parting, do you have any words for the viewers?", Host.

"I just wanna say thanks to everyone who have accept me, accept my family, thank you for your understanding. I'll work harder to repay your kindness through my works. Thanks", Zhan.

"Since my lao pho already said it, I just wanna add something. If you know that you're in love with that person and you believe that person is the one, your other half, pursue them. Never give up, give it your best and I said it based on my experience. I did everything I could to pursuing him over two months and look at us now. We even have a son and happy family. Love is blind and mute, it can be with anyone even with same gender. I think that's all from me. Thanks", Yibo.

"WOW, what a powerful words. As expected from a love guru. Alright, that's all for today. Thank you Fanxing, Yibo and Zhanzhan for coming today and share with us. See you again another time", Host. By that, their segments are done and they leave a few minutes later.

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