Part 3 - I'm Confident

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After Zhan left the shooting site, the director called it a day since the main star of the next scene is him and he also thinks that everyone there need to take a break from the drama. Not only that, he also postponed the shooting day from tomorrow to the next day.

While everyone is taking a 7rest from the drama, the main couple is still continuing their drama. Yibo try so hard to contact Zhan while Zhan blocked him and turn off his phone. Zhan needs time for himself, so he decided to be alone. Luckily his manager told him that the shooting was postponed.

~ Zhan's POV ~

"What is wrong with him? Is he out of his mind?", Zhan can't get the confession out of his head.

"He knew that I'm a man but still hitting on me. What does he meant by that?", Zhan keep on questioning it.

Zhan lay on his bed and look at the fan. "If what I understand is correct, he like me on first sight. So, all this time, he is trying to win my heart, right?"

"No, no, no, no, no, he is not. He doesn't do anything weird. He doesn't act clingy either", Zhan try to deny it but it do not last long.

"Wait, I think he does. He always talk to me and ignore others. He even bought a lot of snacks for me. It does count, right?", Zhan then realized it.

"Oh My God, does he think I like him too? But I don't even know his intention", Zhan is getting more in conflict.

"Wait, the main problem here is why does he even like me? A man who is older than him?", Zhan.

"Whatever, I just need to come down. He maybe just act his head out, he might now meant it that way. I'm sure he is kidding. Hopefully everything is gonna be fine tomorrow", Zhan has been tired of fighting with himself. He then decided to chilling and have his 'me time' as it's rare to get.

~ Yibo's POV ~

"Why can't I contact him?", Yibo had been trying to contact Zhan since last night. He chatted him on weibo, WeChat, Oasis, WhatsApp, Twitter and messaging app. He tried all kind of application that he had.

"Does anything bad happened to him? No no no, I'm sure he is safe. Yes, he is safe", Yibo try to come himself down.

"Am I too pushy? Does he hate me? He is not answering his phone or reply any of my text. I hope he don't hate me", Yibo is getting more reasonable now.

"I decided to commit, I don't wanna push him but I'll show him my love. Yes, I need to prove it to him tomorrow", Yibo.


Yibo come early while Zhan arrive a few couple of minutes after him. As before, Yibo bought a lot of chips for Zhan and a cute little bear as an apologizing gift.

"Hi, Zhan. Are you still angry with me? I'm sorry about the other day. I bought something for you", Yibo hold his gifts in one hand and hand it to Zhan.

Zhan refuses it at first but after a few pushing and begging scenes, he accept it. This situation repeated every single day they meet. As the time goes by, Zhan's heart had been soften.

On their last week on shooting, Yibo braves himself to ask Zhan again.

"Zhanzhan, we only have two days left. We might not see each other again after this. So, regarding of my feeling, I hope you can think about it", Yibo.

"I... I'll... I'll think about it", Zhan.

"Really? Thank you zhanzhan. I promise that I'll not force you to accept me... but I'll make sure you're willing to be mine", Yibo has so much confidence.

"Why are you so confident about it? Are you sure it's not just a puppy love? You're still young, you deserve someone better than me", Zhan.

"I know you're the one, baby. Can you give me a chance to show you my love. I promise to make you happy and treasure you all my life", Yibo.

"Erm, I'm not too sure about it", Zhan.

"I know you're a good kid, but I'm not sure our relationship will turn out to be good. We're both in entertainment industry and the major thing is we're both guys", Zhan monologues.

"Why? Because of my age? My sex? If it's about my age, I'm sure that I'm more matured than you. If it's about my sex, then you need to know that love is beyond genders", Yibo.

Zhan remain silent for quite a long time as if he is in a deep thought.

"Zhanzhan, can you give me a chance? Please, can you", Yibo said softly.

"What do you meant by that?", Zhan was clueless at that time.

"Try to date me, zhanzhan. Give me two months, if you're feeling bad and doesn't want to continue our relationship, then you can give it a call", Yibo.

After he said that, he sit on his knees, begging him to be a couple. It's quite embarrassing, as if Yibo did a wedding proposal.

"Zhan, will you date me? Gege will take care of you, I promised that myself. Please, give me a chance", Yibo.

Yibo is a super stubborn kid, he still in that position even when Zhan asked him to stand up and sit beside him (on different chair). Well, it leaves Zhan no choice but to accept the 'proposal' just now.

"Okay, okay, fine, I give you chance. Can you stand up now? It's embarrassing", Zhan.

"You're? Thank you, baby", Yibo stand up and wipes his trousers. Then, he give Zhan a peck when he is unaware of it.

"Yibo! Don't do-", Zhan.

"There's no one here, now. The crews are busy preparing for the shooting. While the other actors are not here yet", Yibo said it before Zhan could finish his words.

"But still, you need to behave. What if someone see it?", Zhan try to be reasonable but Yibo just being Yibo and do whatever he want.

Yibo sit beside Zhan and said, "Then let them see". Yibo quiet for a while because he knew, Zhan is mad. Then he says, "sigh- It's already hard to pursue you. Now, I need to keep it as a secret".

"Are you regretting it?", Zhan.

"Of course not, baby. I always want it, dating someone I love", Yibo.

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