Part 20 - He Is Mine

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After the shooting for that episode is done. The girls surrounding Yibo and Fanxing. Fanxing is just about to packing up his toys. They're curious about something and wanna know the answer.

"Yibo laoshi, who is that boy actually?", Girl 1.

"Yeah, laoshi. He was calling you daddy. Is he your son?", Girl 2.

"What? He is not my son. What nonsense are you girls talking about?", Yibo.

"But he called you daddy", Girl 1.

"No, he's not. He called me gege", Yibo.

"Laoshi, isn't he Xiao Zhan's adopted son?", Girl 3.

"He is, why?", Yibo.

"Are you and Xiao Zhan, a cousins?", Girl 3 asked curiosly and speak slowly.

"What? No, of course not. We're friends", Yibo.

"But you said he is your family. Tell us the truth, laoshi", Girl 1.

"The truth? That's it. No more asking, get going now. You girls are talking too much", Yibo.

"Laoshi, are dating Xiao Zhan?", Girl 2 ask naturally.

"What?!", Yibo.

She make sure no one around and speak the next sentence. "Laoshi, you can tell us the truth. Are you really dating him? We're supporting you", Girl 2.

"Yes, laoshi. We love to see your interaction with him. You guys look so sweet", Girl 1.

"We promise, we'll say nothing to others", Girl 3.

"What's wrong with young girls nowadays? Do you like seeing two guys together?", Yibo.

"Not every man though. We're just being supportive, love has no gender limitation, right?", Girl 1.

"Yes, true", Girl 2.

Fanxing who just finished packing his stuff call out for Yibo. "Gege, can we go home now? No, no, no, you need to buy me a sundae first", Fanxing look at Yibo with a smile.

"Okay, I admit", Yibo carries Fanxing in his arms and look at the girls. "I'll tell you but you must keep it as a secret, okay?", Yibo.

"Sure", all three of them said in sync.

"It's true that Fanxing is Zhan's son. He is my family because he is my son too. The thing is... Me and Zhan... are engaged", Yibo.

The girls are screaming happily and can't believe their ears. Is it a reality or fantasy?

"Fanxing, you're so lucky to have two dads", Girl 1.

"Huh? Two papa? I only has one papa", Fanxing answer innocently. In chinese, dad is baba (爸爸) but the pronounciation is paba. Almost similar to papa.

"Hahahaha, how can you be so innocent like your papa, Fanxing? Papa is dad and daddy is dad too. So, you've two dads", Yibo.

"Oh, daddy is so clever", right after he said this sentence, he gasped and shut his mouth with his hands.

"What's wrong with you?", Yibo.

"I can't get an ice cream now. I called you... Daddy", Fanxing whisper to Yibo.

Yibo smile and sigh. "You still get your ice cream. I forgive you this time", Yibo kiss Fanxing.

"Really?", Fanxing.

"Has daddy ever lie to you?", Yibo.

"No", Fanxing.

"So you call Yibo laoshi as daddy, Fanxing?", Girl 2.

Fanxing look at Yibo and he answered yes when Yibo nodded to him.

"Do you like your daddy?", Girl 3.

Fanxing smile and hugs Yibo, "Yes, daddy is the best. I love daddy so much".

"What about your other dad?", Girl 3.

"I love papa too. He always play with me and cooked me a delicious foods... I miss him", Fanxing is sad.

Yibo pat his back, "Aww, I'll call him on video chat later, okay? Don't be sad". Fanxing just hurm.

"Zhan is away for a month now. So, he became quite sensitive about it. That's also a reason why I need to bring him along today, we don't have a nanny", Yibo.

"I got it. Don't worry", Girl 2.

"Yes, we understand your situation", Girl 1.

"Alright, let's get going", Yibo. They're all leaving the practice room together.

Everything is fine from that day. Fanxing had behaved well and everyone act like they knew nothing about Yibo and Zhan relationship.


"Baby, don't you think it's better for us to hire a nanny?", Yibo.

"Nanny? For Fanxing, why?", Zhan.

"You know that we're getting busier, right? Fanxing also will be going to preschool in two months. Isn't it better to hire a nanny ASAP?", Yibo.

"Oh, yeah, you're right. But is it fine to hire someone that we didn't know? What if we get expose?", Zhan.

"How about our mothers? They knew about us, so I don't think it's a problem. Fanxing can knew about his grandma too", Yibo.

"Okay... Your mom or my mom?", Zhan.

"Both. I'll ask mine and you ask yours. Let see who's willing to take care of our child", Yibo.

"Why does it sounds like a competition?", Zhan.

"It's not a competition, baby. But we doesn't know who is free right now and who can take care of a child for a long term", Yibo.

"Okay, we'll go with your idea. If anything happen, it's gonna be on you", Zhan.

"Err, okay", Yibo.

After a few hours, they make a final decision. Since both of their mothers are willing to take care of Fanxing, they decided to let Zhan's mom taking care of Fanxing for the first half year, and Yibo's mom will taking care of Fanxing after that. It's a fair decision and the best so far, because they only need one nanny. Fanxing is a good boy, he's easy to handle.

After that, they called their moms again to inform about their plan. This time, they make a group call, so that they can explain it together to them at the same time. Both parties are agree with that decision and they're excited to meet their grandson.

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