Part 19 - How To Dance

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"From now on, you must not talk to strangers and don't tell anyone about me, okay?", Yibo.

"Okay", Fanxing.

"Good boy, go wash up and we'll eat dinner in 1 hour at most", Yibo.

"Yes, daddy", Fanxing.

The next day, Yibo waking up Fanxing earlier than usual. Well, he need to be on dance training set at 9 am, so he need to left 30 mins early and wake Fanxing up at 8 am.

"Fanxing, go take a bath now that you're up. We need to going out today", Yibo.

"Where? I want to sleep", Fanxing.

"You can sleep later. We need to get ready, I have a work today", Yibo.

Fanxing just answer with a hurm and went to the bathroom. Yibo then getting ready to leave and prepare their breakfast. It just a cereal, so it's fine.

Beside his stuffs, he also brings Fanxing's toys and water bottle. At first, he wanna left Fanxing in a car like previously but at that time he only went for an hour to interview. This time, he need to spend four hours as he need to be a dance instructor. So, he decided to bring Fanxing along when the cameras aren't recording.

"Fanxing, do you know how to dance?", Yibo.

"No... Dance is hard", Fanxing.

"Do you want to learn it?", Yibo.

"Learn how to dance? Hmm, I don't know", Fanxing.

"I can teach you if you wanna learn. I am working as a dance instructor today, like a dance teacher. Wanna come with me? But you can't disturbing the sisters, okay?", Yibo.

"Okay, daddy", Fanxing is excited.

"But you can't call me daddy later, you must call me gege. Can you?", Yibo.

"I'll try", Fanxing.

"Try harder then. If you behave well and call me gege, I'll buy you sundaes ice cream", Yibo.

"Waah, I'll call you gege", Fanxing.

"Yes, that's my clever son", Yibo.

"Gege, gege, can I talk with papa?", Fanxing.

"Okay, I'll call him", Yibo take out his phone and calling Zhan. It doesn't take him long to answer the call.

"Hello", Zhan.

"Hi, baby. Are you free right now?", Yibo.

"Yes, I was just about to text you. I'll have a shoot in the afternoon", Zhan.

"Ah, I see. Oh, by the way our son is missing you", Yibo give his phone to Fanxing.

"Papa~ Do you miss me?", Zhan.

"Yes, I miss you so much sweetie. What are you doing?", Zhan.

"I'm going out with gege. I'll learn how to dance", Fanxing.

"Gege? Who is that gege? Do I know him?", Zhan. It's been a long time, but not too long actually since Fanxing last call Yibo as gege. So, he doesn't even think of Yibo at this time.

"You know him. Yibo gege will teach me how to dance", Fanxing.

"Yibo gege? Don't you call him daddy?", Zhan.

"He don't want me to call him daddy. He is mad at me when I call him daddy", Fanxing.

"Hey, when did I mad at you? I only saying that you should call me gege later. Give me that phone", Yibo said and take the phone back.

"Babe, what's going on?", Zhan.

"Oh, I have a schedule with the girls today, you know as a dance mentor. I bring Fanxing along and told him to call me gege later. It would be a choas if he call me daddy in front of everyone", Yibo.

"I got it but why did you bring him along?", Zhan.

"It take hours to finish. I left him with Lele last time and I still need to go front and back to the car to check up on him. He is easily bored and keep looking for me", Yibo.

"Look like he loves you. He is clingy to me as well before", Zhan.

"Isn't he your son. He got all of your traits, cute, clingy, sweet, easily distracted", Yibo.

"Is it bad? Are you complaining?", Zhan.

"Its a good thing, baby. I'm complimenting you. Oh, can we talk later? I already arrived", Yibo.

"Okay, TTYL. Bye, love you", Zhan.

"Love you too, sweetheart", Yibo.

Yibo bring Fanxing along with him and tell everyone that Fanxing is here because no one can look after him and stay focus on their choreography. When someone ask about their relationship, Yibo told them that Fanxing is his family. When the girls are dancing, he forbid Fanxing to be around them and just watching them from aside. While the girls are practicing on their own, he teach Fanxing on dancing. He teach him a basic step of dancing and use a bubbly song that suit him.

But Yibo just being Yibo, he keep making Fanxing dance even though Fanxing ask for rest. Fanxing has being asking him multiple times but the answer is still no.

"Gege, can I rest now? I'm too tired", Fanxing.

"You're dancing for less than half an hour, Fanxing. Those sisters have being dancing for an hour now. How about this, if you can dance this step correctly, I'll give you a rest for 5 minutes", Yibo.

"Okay, deal", Fanxing do it determinedly and get the steps correctly. So, he get to rest for awhile.

Fanxing is drinking a water from his water bottle. But then, he look at Yibo and ask for a juice.

"I'll buy for you later. Drink your water first", Yibo.

"But I want a juice, please", Fanxing look at Yibo with a puppy eyes.

"No, Fanxing. It's not working on me", Yibo.

"This water is tasteless. I'll tell papa that you don't want to buy a juice for me", Fanxing pouting.

"How can you tell, papa if I don't call him?", Yibo.

"I can use uncle Lele's phone. Hngh... Please, daddy, please. I want a juice", Fanxing try again.

"Fine, I'll buy it for you. Wait for me, here", Yibo.

"I want to follow you. Papa told me to always stay with you", Fanxing said.

"Okay, okay, let's go together. Sigh, you're so annoying, taking care of you is hard", Yibo hold Fanxing's hand and walk with him towards the door.

"But you still love me, right?", Fanxing.

"Yes, I love you sweetie", Yibo answer casually without realizing that he is already exposed himself.

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