Part 10 - Miss Me?

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Yibo and Zhan still dating each other in secret. Both of them getting super famous since last year after Unnamed Love The Series being released. They gained more popularity and Zhan has become a top new raising star. He got several offers to be a spoke persons and got more offer in acting. Unfortunately, his group's name and popularity is getting down and they didn't make song, cover and weekly video as they used to do. So, Zhan is more focused on his acting career for now.

Zhan and Yibo make a promise to stay a night at Yibo's house that night since they are both free at that day. Zhan arrived there earlier but not that early. After he landed in Beijing from Sichuan (shooting location), he went there straight away. After he settled down, he texts Yibo.

"Gege, when will you coming home?", Zhan.

"I'll might be there at night. Are you there yet, honey?", Yibo.

"Yes, I just done washing up", Zhan.

"I'm sorry, baby. Something went wrong with today's filming. I need to redo it. I'll be there as soon as I can", Yibo.

"It's okay, I understood. No need to rush", Zhan.

"But I want to spend more time with you. I miss you, we didn't see each other for months now", Yibo.

"I know, but you must focus on doing your best at work. See you later", Zhan.

"Yes, see ya baby", Yibo.

"Wait, ge!!", Zhan.

"Yes, sweetheart?", Yibo.

"Are you craving for anything? I wanna cook today", Zhan.

"No need, just rest for today. If I get back late today, you can sleep first", Yibo.

"But, I want to cook. It's been so long since I last cook for you", Zhan.

"Okay, feel free to cook anything then", Yibo.

"Alright... Muah, love you", Zhan.

"I love you more, baby", Yibo.

Zhan did cook for himself. After he finished washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, he chilled up himself by watching television. When he is enjoying his time, he heard the front door is shutting. He turn his face to the sound and he can see Yibo. He was too happy to see him, and he almost jump toward him.

"Bo ge! You are coming back early than I thought", Zhan said it happily with a big bright smile.

"Aww, is my baby waiting for me?", Yibo hug Zhan's waist and left a peck on his cheek after he said this.

"Hehehe, I'm just watching SpongeBob The Movie. But... Gege, do you miss me?", Zhan look up to Yibo and said it while hugging him back.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I'm missing you, honey. I miss my love so much", Zhan.

Zhan release his hug on the waist and hug one of Yibo's arm instead. "Ge, are you tired? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat", Zhan.

"I'm not that tired. I'm good, I already had my dinner earlier. I need to wash up", Yibo.

"Okay, I'll continue watching the movie then", Zhan.

"Hahaha, you sure are a baby, my love. You still love to watch a cartoon at such age?", Yibo.

"What's wrong with me watching it?", Zhan pouted.

"No, nothing wrong. You're just being too cute", Yibo.

Zhan blushes and feel embarrassed. He run to the sofa quickly and focus on the movie while Yibo just laugh at him.

"Enjoy your time then", Yibo said it and left to his room.

Yibo take a long bath that day. Actually it's just normal or average time for him. Well, he need to remove his make up, cleaning all part of his body, washing his hair and washing his handsome face. After he done washing and wearing clothes, he went down to the living room. He thought he can act lovey dovey with his boyfriend, but Zhan already sleeping on the couch with the television still on.

"We didn't see each other for a long time and we can't even spend the day", Yibo.

Yibo walk to him and shake him slowly to wake him up. "Baby, wake up baby. Baby~", Yibo talk softly.

"Hmm, bo ge? Gege is here? How?", Zhan open his eyes a little and he is still half asleep.

Yibo smirk and brushes Zhan's hair while saying, "Yes, gege is here. I come to you my cute little baby. Wake up, sweetie".

"Mnn, I'm sleepy. Let me sleep", Zhan talk with his eyes closed.

"But it's cold here. You'll catch a cold if you sleep here. My baby is a good boy right?", Yibo.

"Mnn- I like here, stay with me", Zhan.

Yibo sigh and lifts Zhan's head a little and put his head on his lap. He pat Zhan's hair and kiss his forehead. He smile sweetly while watching Zhan's face. Zhan then turn to Yibo's body and hugs him.

After who knows minutes of doesn't move or talk, Yibo wake Zhan up again. "Baby, my sweet baby, wake up sweetheart. You don't want to catch a cold, right?", Yibo said while brushing Zhan's cheek.

Yibo asked another question after he get no respond from the other person. "Baby, do you want me to take you to your room?", Yibo asked softly.

Zhan then shake his head vigorously and says, "No, I want to be with you. You're warm".

"Do you want to sleep with me?", Yibo asked.

"Mnn", Zhan. With that, Yibo lift him up in a princess style. "Ahhh, ge", Zhan who felt the sudden movement feels scared and hug Yibo's neck.

"Baby, it's okay. I'll bring you upstairs", Yibo said and left a kiss on his forehead. He then walked to his room. After he put Zhan on his bed and covered him with the his thick blanket, he is ready to sleep. Yibo fall asleep easily beside Zhan, maybe because of he is exhausted from working.

After two hours sleeping, Yibo's alarm was ringing. Yibo felt weird at first because he never set an alarm at such hour. Yibo take his phone and see "The Day" on it. It turn out that it was an alarm that he set on his calendar. He set it on the day they make the promise together two years ago.

"Huh, can't believe I forget about that. Looks like I can ask for my reward", Yibo smile and turn around. He then see, Zhan hug him tightly.

Yibo give a kiss all over his face. Then he kiss Zhan on his lips. Zhan let him do whatever he want at first but when Yibo start to kiss him passionately, he begin to resist as if he didn't want it. But, Yibo still just ignore him and continue kissing him and even harder.

"No, don't, stop", Zhan said scaredly. He open his eyes but his vision is still blurry that make him scared and don't recognize Yibo.

When Yibo continue kissing him, he said, "Ge, help me". Then he started sobbing.

Yibo stop kissing him and heard Zhan's words. "Bo ge, someone harm me. Help me. Gege, gege", Zhan said it while crying.

Yibo wipes his tears and hug him. "Baby, calm down. It's me, gege is here. Am I scaring you? I'm sorry, baby", Yibo pat his back and try to coax him.

"Bo ge? It's you?", Zhan ask after he calm down a bit.

"Yes, it's me baby", Yibo release his hug and wipes Zhan's remaining tears. "Am I scaring you? I'll not do that again", Yibo.

"I just thought that it's someone else. I don't want to kiss others", Zhan.

Yibo smile and said, "My baby is sure a good boy. I'll treat you better from now".

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