Part 18 - Daddy Is Here

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"Fanxing, be a good boy and listen to daddy, okay? I'll be going for 2-3 months", Zhan said to Fanxing.

"Okay, promise", Fanxing.

"You're a good boy, sweetie. Love you", Zhan hug and kiss Fanxing's cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you. Take care okay? Look after Fanxing too. If anything happen, call me yeah?", Zhan hug Yibo and kiss him.

"Sure, honey. Take care too, love you", Yibo kiss him back.

"Goodbye my dears", Zhan waves at them while smiling after he open the door.

"Goodbye", Yibo and Fanxing.


"Daddy, can we go to a playground?", Fanxing.

"Why? You can play at your playhouse", Yibo.

Yibo buy a playhouse for Fanxing a few days after Xiao Zhan left the house. The playhouse come with slide and swing. It also has a playing section, drawing & colouring section and chilling section. Yibo bought a ton of toys and stuffs for the playhouse.

"But I want to play at playground. I want a friend to play with", Fanxing.

"Didn't I always play with you?", Yibo.

"Yes, but I want a real friend. You're too competitive, daddy", Fanxing.

"What? No, I'm not", Yibo.

"Yes, you're. You always want to win", Fanxing.

"Fine... But the answer is NO", Yibo.

"Why not? I just want a friend", Fanxing.

"Because I said so and you need to listen to me", Yibo.

"Waaa~ I want to play. Papa~ papa, daddy is bad. Waa~ I want a friend", Fanxing throw a tantrum and keep screaming and crying.

"Fanxing! Can't you listen to me? Papa told you to be good and listen to me, right?", Yibo.

"But I want a friend too. I never going out for a month now, I'm bored alone", Fanxing.

"You're not alone, you're with me", Yibo.

"But it's different, I want a friend in my age", Fanxing.

"Sigh, okay fine. We'll go there this evening. Stop disturbing me", Yibo.

"Yeay, thank you daddy", Fanxing kiss his dad and left the room immediately.

"Like father, like son. He really is your son, baby", Yibo.

That evening, Yibo bring Fanxing to a playground near his house. He wear a simple clothes, black cap and black mask. Fanxing wear the same theme as him. Fanxing was very excited and playing happily with a bunch of kids at the playground. After he running and playing for awhile, he feels hard to breathe with the mask. So, he drag his mask down and sitting for a minute before he plays again.

Yibo feels exhausted and leave Fanxing there to get a drinks for them. He did shout for Fanxing but Fanxing just ignore him. So, he left just like that. A few minutes later, Fanxing feels tired and look for his dad but he is nowhere to be found.

"Daddy! Daddy! Where are you?!", Fanxing try to call out for his dad but Yibo didn't answer him. So, he is crying on the ground.

There's a girls seeing him crying. They go to him and try to coax him. After Fanxing get a bar of chocolate from one of the girl, he stop crying and smiling.

"Eh, aren't you Xiao Zhan's son?", Peterpan.

"Eh?! The actor?", Her sister.

"Yes... Didi, where's your dad?", That girl answer his sister's question first, then ask Fanxing a question.

"Who?", Fanxing ask her back.

"Your dad, Xiao Zhan. He is your dad right?", Peterpan.

"Oh, papa is working", Fanxing.

"What? Are you coming here alone?", Peterpan was confused. Fanxing is calling for his dad but his dad is working right now.

"I come with daddy. Hisk, daddy~ huhuhu daddy", Fanxing crying again.

A seconds later, someone calling for Fanxing and Fanxing goes to him. They go and sit on a bench a little bit far from the girls.

"Daddy, where did you go? I can't find you", Fanxing.

"Aww, I went to buy us water. Are you done playing? Wanna go home now?", Yibo.

"Daddy, you're not mad at me?", Fanxing.

"No, I'm not mad at you. Why did you ask?", Yibo.

"I thought you want to left me here", Fanxing.

"How can I leave my cute son here? Do you want your papa to hate me?", Yibo.

"Hahaha, but papa love you. I love daddy too", Fanxing acts cute.

"I love you too, sweetie", Yibo kiss Fanxing with his face mask on.

"Daddy, open you mouth", Fanxing holds the chocolate bar that he get earlier in his hand, he want to give it to Yibo.

"Why? I don't want to", Yibo.

"Please daddy please. Don't you love me, just do it. You will like this one too", Fanxing.

Yibo open his mouth but he didn't put his mask down. "Daddy, are you open your mouth?", Yibo nodded to Fanxing's question.

Fanxing drag his mask down and put a small piece of chocolates into Yibo's mouth.

"It's sweet, right? Do you like it?", Fanxing. Yibo just nodded to him.

The girl from earlier are screaming watching them. They're not that far from them, so they can see Yibo's face clearly.

Yibo put on his mask back and has an icy cold stare. Fanxing look at him scarily. Yibo put Fanxing down from his lap and walk towards girls.

"Stop screaming, stupid girls. Do you want to let everyone know that I'm here?", Yibo said to the girls with an angry tone.

"Sor- sorry. I don't meant to", Peterpan's sister.

"Whatever, just keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone about this?", Yibo keep his stern face on.

"About what? You're here with Xiao Zhan's son?", The girl.

"Yes! He is to small to understand anything. Got it?", Yibo.

"Erm, what is your relationship with xiao zhan?", Peterpan.

"Whatever it is, it's none of your business", Yibo.

"Why is he call you, daddy?", Peterpan.

"Is it your first time listen someone calls their dad as daddy? Ceh, such a stupid girl", Yibo said as he leave. He lift Fanxing and carry him to his motorcycle. He put the safety pads and helmet on Fanxing and left the playground.

Those two girls are watching them like a dumb persons. "Does it meant, he is that boy's dad?", Her sister ask her but she can't give the answer, "I don't know. I'm confused as well".

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