Part 12 - Engagement

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Yibo take out a small box and stand on his knee. He called out for Zhan softly until he look at him.

"You ask me to pursue my love, right? So, I will do it now. I'm actually not good in this. I just want you to know that I love you so much that I'm willing to do anything for you even if I need to sacrifice myself. I want to marry you, not just date you. You're my world and I hope that you're willing to be together with me. Xiao Zhan, will you marry me?", Yibo.

"OMG, so that guy was me? I felt dumb now, I should know that. You even told me his name. Gosh, am I a fool?", Zhan.

"Don't be like that, sweetheart. I love your pure and innocent soul. Even though I feel hurt but I'm happy at the same time when I see your jealousy. Now, answer my question. YES or NO?", Yibo

"YES, aren't I am yours already?", Zhan.

"Yeah, I just want to confirm it. And I will always be yours, my love", Yibo put the ring on Zhan's finger and said it.

Yibo then sit back on his chair and pull Zhan onto his lap. He smile and hug Zhan. He then asked him, "So, when will you move in baby? You need to move out from the dorm quickly, okay?".

"So when you said, I need to move out soon... You meant the dorm, and not your house? Sigh", Zhan.

"Hahaha, yes. I need to control my expression really hard at that time. I never thought that you're that clueless. Are you really 28? Or are you just 8 years old", Yibo.

"Yibo! Don't tease me", Zhan.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, baby. I only have you in my heart, my most precious little baby", Yibo tighten his hugs and kiss Zhan's cheek.

"Baby, I promise to take care of you. I'll be a good husband", Yibo hold Zhan's neck and look into his eyes. No one know who start the kiss but they already kissing each other and enjoying it.

"Let's go to our room", Yibo.

"Our? Yours?", Zhan.

"Yes, mine. But it's ours now. You'll sleep there from now on", Yibo.

"Don't worry, we're not going to do that everyday. I don't want to work you out. It would be a problem if you can't walk straight in front of others", Yibo said after Zhan make a nervous look.

"Okay", Zhan answers with a red face.

Yibo smile and lifts Zhan up. Zhan who is in shocked, hug him tight and beat his upper chest near the shoulder while saying, "Naughty, naughty, naughty. Say it to me first".

Yibo let out a small laugh and asks, "Is that all you have? You're so weak, that I feels like I want to be with you everytime. So no one will bully".

"You are the only one who is bullying me. Others treat me nicely, like I'm a fragile baby", Zhan.

"Why am I not shocking about that? They must think that you're still a kid. Like how I'd been trick before. With that pretty face and a childish behavior of yours, no one will treat you as if you're a matured man. You're still a pure baby", Yibo.

"No, I'm not", Zhan.

"Yes, you're not. No one knows that their pure boy is a naughty kid at home", Yibo.

"Hey! That's you! Ergh-", Zhan is angry and pouting.

"It's not my fault since my fiancee is too amusing. Argh- how I wish that you'll stop acting", Yibo.

"But why? That's my passion. I love my job", Zhan.

"I know. That's why I said, "how I wish" because I know you'll never stop even if I force you", Yibo.

"Why are you saying so then?", Zhan.

"Because you're so cute. Your pouting face looks really sweet that I don't want others to see it. I don't want anyone besides me touching you, but you even had a kissing scene with a bunch of ladies already", Yibo.

"That just a work. We're not kissing for real", Zhan.

They already arrived at their room, so Yibo hold Zhan with one hand and use the other one to open the door. Yibo then give Zhan a peck after he put him down on their bed and leave.

"Where are you going?", Zhan.

"I've some man matter. You can do whatever you want, it may need some time", Yibo.

Zhan nodded and Yibo left him. Zhan keep looking at the bathroom's door, then his inner thought speak out. "Looks like he keep his promise. I'm safe for now but it's been a long time that we sleep together without doing 'exercise'. I'm so nervous thinking about that, I need to calm down. Why don't I'm laying around, maybe it'll reduce it".

Zhan laying on the bed with a nervous feeling. After a few minutes, he didn't seem to calm down, so need to find other way to keep him calm.

"Ah, my iPad. Maybe I'll calm down by drawing or something. Yes, yes, I'll get it now", Zhan. He then left to get his iPad.

After he come back with his iPad, he don't know what to do. He doesn't feels like drawing. He end up watching cute baby animals compilation. Yibo come out from the bathroom after a few minutes.

"What are watching, sweetheart?", Yibo.

"Just some random video. Wanna watch together?", Zhan.

"Sure, I don't have anything to do", Yibo.

They spend their night by watching a few videos. Zhan then call his parents to tell them about his relationship. His parents are very sportive and kind, they accept it happily. When Zhan decided come out to his parents, he thought they would be angry and can't accept that fact but it was the opposite. Yibo's parents on the other hand is kinda angry and oppose them. But, as the time goes by, they finally accept it because they can see the difference in Yibo towards Zhan.

After he talk to his parents, Zhan secretly text Yibo's mom to tell her about it. Zhan is closer to Yibo's mom than Yibo's dad. His mom even congratulate them.

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